Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 90: You can't even compete with the instructor!

Chapter 90: Try to compete with the instructor, but you can’t do it either!

 He quickly approached and punched directly at Instructor Lin.

Instructor Lin looked at the fast fist and felt a huge pressure rushing towards him!

Zhang Chuan's punch was so fast that he couldn't dodge it, so he had to cross his hands to block it in front of him!


 Zhang Chuan's fist hit instructor Lin firmly on the arm.

Instructor Lin suddenly felt a numbness in his arms, as if he had lost consciousness. Then his body was shaken and he took several steps back. He almost lost his balance and fell backwards!

 “What a strong punch!”

Instructor Lin’s eyes were full of shock, but also a little bit excited!

 That’s the excitement of meeting a real opponent!

His fighting ability is recognized as the top in the military academy!

Even among the special forces of their Northwest Military Region, they are considered one of the best.

 He has not encountered an opponent who can put him under such great pressure for a long time!

marvelous! Keep coming!

Instructor Lin cheered loudly and rushed towards Zhang Chuan.

Of course Zhang Chuan will not be easily knocked down by Instructor Lin’s punch.

With his fighting skills, it was a piece of cake for him to subdue Instructor Lin within three seconds.

 Even though Instructor Lin’s fighting skills are considered top among everyone,

 But in front of Zhang Chuan, it seemed insignificant.

Every move he made was clearly seen by Zhang Chuan before he even made it.

Zhang Chuan responded with ease, defended and counterattacked, and his movements were smooth and fluid.

 The bystanders couldn't help but swallowed when they saw that Zhang Chuan and Instructor Lin were equally matched.

It's not like they haven't competed with Instructor Lin. No one in the company can withstand his five moves.

 Zhang Chuan has already surpassed this number, and can even be said to have the upper hand.

Finally, Zhang Chuan saw the opportunity and suddenly grabbed Instructor Lin's Adam's apple, swept his right foot and kicked him in the calf.

Instructor Lin’s upper body was restrained and his lower body was attacked. He lost his balance and fell straight down. Zhang Chuan’s arm was tightly stuck in his throat, making him unable to move!

 The whole audience was shocked!

Instructor Lin lost!

 And he lost so cleanly!

Zhang Chuan looked down at Instructor Lin and asked with concern: "Instructor, are you okay?"

Instructor Lin replied with a wry smile: "You win."

 He understood that Zhang Chuan had been merciful just now and saved him face.

 From the very first competition, he noticed it.

 With Zhang Chuan's ability, he could have been defeated easily and quickly.

Zhang Chuan loosened his grip on Instructor Lin's neck, stood up, and stretched out a hand.

Instructor Lin was not polite and held Zhang Chuan's hand. The two of them stood up together with a little effort.

"Which military region are you from?" Instructor Lin asked.

“Report to the instructor, Southeast Military Region.” Zhang Chuan replied.

"Then I know where you are coming from, and my defeat is not unjust."

Instructor Lin had no complaints and asked again: "Who taught you in the army?"

It’s not unusual for Instructor Lin to guess his background. In the fight just now, he also used several special fighting skills.

Instructor Lin was born in the special forces, and he can recognize the unique fighting skills of the special forces at a glance.

 In the Southeast Military Region, there is only one special brigade: Langya!

 “Tall and strong, tall captain.”

 Zhang Chuan answered frankly.

“It turned out to be Lao Gao’s apprentice, just as I expected.”

Instructor Lin smiled and said: "I have competed with Lao Gao, and we both have our own merits. So, you have surpassed the master. Lao Gao must think highly of you, right?"

 “Not bad.”

 Zhang Chuan said modestly. “You go back.”


 Zhang Chuan saluted and returned to his seat in the fourth row.

 The students in the fourth row admired Zhang Chuan so much!

Not only does this guy have extraordinary physical strength, he is also so good at fighting!

 Even the instructor can do it!

Wang Fei on the side was even more happy.

Instructor Lin was originally the best fighter in the military academy.

Now that Zhang Chuan has defeated him, Zhang Chuan has undoubtedly become the number one fighter in the military academy!

 In this way, their fourth company is basically guaranteed to win the championship in the combat events of the military academy competition!

 “Old Zhang, you’ll have to teach me more later!”

Wu Cheng excitedly grabbed Zhang Chuan's arm and whispered: "I also want to become as powerful as you!"

Zhang Chuan smiled and said, "Okay, as long as you are willing to endure hardship."

"Damn, I must take revenge after being beaten like that by them today! What's the point of enduring hardship? As long as you can't train to death, train me to death!" Wu Cheng said through gritted teeth.

 After that, instructor Lin taught some tricks and asked them to start playing sandbags or practice with each other.

 Zhang Chuan was also pestered by his friends from the fourth platoon to learn how to fight.

Zhang Chuan naturally did not hide them, and taught them some skills, becoming like a second fighting coach.

 At night, there were no formal classes, only free time, but no one in the company went out to play.

 Instead, everyone stayed in the dormitory and read books.

 I said, is your study attitude really good? You've been practicing for so long during the day, don't you want to take a break and relax?

Zhang Chuan asked with a smile.

"Why are you relaxing?" Wu Cheng smiled bitterly, "The day after tomorrow is the cultural class monthly exam! After the cultural class exam, there is still a military class waiting, and we are all reviewing our homework!"

“Monthly exam?” Zhang Chuan was a little confused when he heard this.

At this time, the platoon leader Liu Jinbao on the side came in with a kettle and said with a smile: "Our military academy has to take a test on cultural and military subjects every month, and the results will be included in the year-end general evaluation. You are new here. This test You don’t have to participate, they all registered half a year ago.”

“As for you... who joined halfway, the school’s Student Affairs Office will naturally make arrangements by then, and you probably won’t study and take assessments with them.”

Zhang Chuan knew in his heart that advanced students generally enroll in two semesters a year.

But the special forces are different. Because of their heavy training tasks, they cannot report on time like ordinary field forces.

 Most of the time, students are inserted into the class halfway, and the school also has special arrangements for this situation.

Zhang Chuan thought for a while and suggested: "Platoon leader, can I apply to take this exam? I don't care about my grades. I mainly want to see how my cultural level is."

Liu Jinbao smiled and replied: "Think about it, although the results will not affect the year-end evaluation, if it is too bad, it will be a big blow to yourself."

"I've decided, let me try." Zhang Chuan said resolutely.

In this way, Dr. Banner’s academic knowledge and One-Eyed Man’s tactical knowledge can also be tested.

 He has also heard about the cultural courses of military schools.

 Such as advanced mathematics, basic English, physics, chemistry, basic army tactical command, basic communications and other subjects.

"Okay, I'll tell the company commander, and you can take the exam with them the day after tomorrow. This way I can understand your cultural level in advance and plan a suitable review training plan for you." Liu Jinbao said.

 “Thank you, platoon leader!”

 Zhang Chuan sat down and flipped through other students' textbooks, and found that the content... was too simple for him.

 Having just read the beginning, he could almost predict what was going to be said next.

This knowledge has long been familiar to him in his knowledge base.

 (End of this chapter)

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