Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 89: Who else wants to challenge? stand out!

Chapter 89 Who else wants to challenge? stand out!

There is nothing special about these movements. Anyone who has practiced for half a year can do them.

But Zhang Chuan’s speed is so extraordinary that it’s so fast that it’s dizzying!

  It was so fast that they couldn't catch it at all. It was so fast that the students in the third row couldn't even react in time, let alone defend!

Instructor Lin’s eyes tightened suddenly.

This guy is hiding deep enough!

  Even if I faced his speed and strength, I would probably end up with the same fate!

I never expected that there would be such a powerful fighting master hidden in this school!

Zhang Chuan stood firm. The students in the third row over there were holding their stomachs and lying there in pain, retching. Their faces were red and their veins were popping out.

 What are you still doing? bring it on!

Zhang Chuan shouted to the remaining five people: You have also seen the results of the one-on-one. If the five of you join together, you may be able to survive a little longer.

 The five people exchanged glances and shouted almost in unison: Come on!

As soon as he finished speaking, five people swarmed up and surrounded Zhang Chuan.

 Let the fight begin!

 Five people launched an attack at the same time.

 Two people are in front and one person is on the left.

 The two in front of Zhang Chuan, one kicked him on the left side of the stomach, and the other kicked on the right side.

 The two people behind him punched Zhang Chuan directly on his back.

The man on the left jumped forward, crossed his legs, and tightly clamped Zhang Chuan's calf, making him unable to move.

 Attacked from both front and back, and the bottom plate was locked. This kind of offensive was difficult for even Instructor Lin to deal with!

  But for Zhang Chuan, this is just a trivial matter.

Zhang Chuan's body flashed, and the two punches behind him missed.

At the same time, he stretched out his hands and grabbed the two flying legs. The impact was easily resolved by his strong arms. The faces of the two changed greatly. They struggled desperately but found that their legs seemed to be clamped by iron pincers. , can't move at all!

Immediately afterwards, they felt a strong force coming from their legs. Zhang Chuan grabbed their legs and swung them hard. The two of them were like thrown sandbags, flying out from both sides of Zhang Chuan and directly hitting the two behind them. people!

Oh My God!

The two men were about to fight back when they saw black shadows flying towards them from both sides.

The speed was so fast that they couldn't even hide.

 Bang bang bang!

Three dull crashes sounded one after another.

The two people in the front bumped into the two people in the back, and the impact caused the two people in the back to hit each other.

 In the moment of collision, the four people were dizzy and fell to the ground one after another. Their muscles ached so much, their heads were buzzing, and they couldn't even get up.

 This series of actions are all completed within one second.

Even before the student holding Zhang Chuan's legs could react, Zhang Chuan had already bent down suddenly.

Seeing Zhang Chuan's face suddenly enlarged, the student was so frightened that he almost lost his soul and instinctively raised his fist to block it.

 But his speed cannot compare with Zhang Chuan.

Before he could swing his fist, Zhang Chuan's fist hit him hard in the face, knocking him unconscious.

 Everyone was dumbfounded!

 Everyone in the audience stared with wide eyes, looking at what was happening in front of them in disbelief!

These five students have the most powerful fighting skills in their company.

 But in less than two seconds, Zhang Chuan knocked them down one by one.

Zhang Chuan's actions were so straightforward that people doubted the world: he turned around, grabbed a handful, and waved, and the four big men fell down in response.

 But his amazing physical strength also surprised everyone.

He just stood there and easily threw two strong guys over 1.8 meters away like rag dolls!

His flexible and swift figure once again proved how terrifying his physical fitness is!

No one expected that the six strong men in the first, second and third rows would be defeated by Zhang Chuan like this.

  So handsome!

 Zhang Chuan is so awesome!

The scene was silent for a few seconds. Someone in the fourth row finally came to their senses, jumped up suddenly, and cheered loudly!

Others quickly woke up and stood up to applaud and cheer for Zhang Chuan.

 The students in the first, second and third rows were still dumbfounded, unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

Company Commander Wang Fei was also extremely excited!

 They are indeed special forces! This skill is better than our instructors!

 With this guy, our Seventh Company will have nothing to worry about if we get first place in various competitions and assessments this year!

Instructor Lin also looked at Zhang Chuan deeply.

Even if he himself was a special forces soldier, he still couldn't figure out Zhang Chuan's background.

 The critical situation just now, he thought about it, definitely couldn't be solved so easily.

Even if you win in the end, you still have to take a few beatings.

 But Zhang Chuan was not injured at all.

 Zhang Chuan raised his head slightly and looked at everyone in the first, second and third rows. Who else wants to challenge me? If there are any, just stand up. No matter how many people there are, I will take over. Or, you can go together. Anyway, if I defeat one of you, I will defeat you all. For me, it’s just a matter of putting in more effort. After Zhang Chuan finished speaking, the students in the first to third rows were still sitting still.

 On the one hand, they were shocked by Zhang Chuan’s terrifying fighting skills.

On the other hand, face issues prevent them from opening their mouths.

With so many people going together, even if we win, it will be a joke.

 At first they didn’t expect Zhang Chuan to be so powerful.

Now that I know it, of course I don’t dare to look down on it anymore.

Instructor Lin took a deep look at Zhang Chuan, and then asked someone to take the classmates who were knocked unconscious by Zhang Chuan to the infirmary.

Several other dizzy classmates also slowly woke up, but they no longer dared to provoke Zhang Chuan and dispersed one by one in despair.

 “Who else wants to challenge? If so, then stand up!”

Instructor Lin scanned the whole place and asked loudly.

 No one answered.

 Zhang Chuan's performance just now made everyone intimidated.

Even if I challenge others, I feel like I am asking for trouble.

 “Okay, since there’s no one, I’ll do it.”

Instructor Lin said, turning his eyes to Zhang Chuan, "Comrade Zhang Chuan, how about a competition?"

 Everyone was surprised.

 The instructor wants to challenge Zhang Chuan? !

 Where did this song come from?

However, everyone present had sparks in their eyes.

 They want to see who can win between an officer and Zhang Chuan.

 Zhang Chuan’s strength is obvious to all.

 As for the instructors, they usually only show off their skills when teaching.

 His true fighting level is unknown to the students.

Zhang Chuan glanced at Instructor Lin and knew that when he saw him fighting just now, he was also inspired to fight.

 For experts, when they encounter an opponent who can compete with themselves, they always want to compete.

 It’s not necessary to win, it’s just the competitiveness of martial arts enthusiasts.


 Zhang Chuan stood up again and saluted to instructor Lin, "Please give me some advice."

 “You don’t have to show mercy.”

Instructor Lin said: "We soldiers don't do anything vain. We will go all out to fight with me."

 Zhang Chuan frowned slightly, "Go all out? Are you sure?"

Originally, he thought that as the fighting coach of the whole company, Instructor Lin would leave some room. He didn't have to beat him, just make it a draw and save some face for both sides.

 In the end, Instructor Lin saw through his little thoughts.


Instructor Lin’s expression was determined.

 He has no intention of looking down on Zhang Chuan.

 “Okay! Come on then.”

Since the other party had no reservations, Zhang Chuan naturally did not hesitate.

 “Take the move!”

 Zhang Chuan wasted no time and took the initiative to attack Instructor Lin.

 (End of this chapter)

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