Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 91: Monthly exams for cultural subjects

 Chapter 91 Monthly Examination of Cultural Subjects

 He can see the solution to a math problem at a glance, and there is more than one method.

 The same is true for chemistry and physics.

  Not to mention English, he is proficient in eight languages!

In terms of army tactical command, the One-Eyed Man's tactical command skills are thirty years ahead of the current era!

  None of the standard answers on the test paper can match the comprehensiveness and advancedness of Zhang Chuan’s mind!

As he watched, Zhang Chuan felt a little bored.

It's like a super academic looking at the multiplication table.

 A top student does get bored occasionally.

Seeing Zhang Chuan's appearance, Wu Cheng patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't be discouraged. For those of us with average college entrance examination scores, these are indeed difficult. But as long as we work hard, we can master it. Definitely no worse than those military students!”

 Zhang Chuan: “…”

“If you don’t understand something in the cultural class in the future, just ask me. Although I am not good at physical fitness and fighting skills, I am one of the best in the cultural class! Hehe..."

Facing Wu Cheng’s proud look, Zhang Chuan was speechless for a moment.

 Ask me...are you sure you can answer it?

 The next day, they had no training and were all preparing for the monthly exams in cultural subjects.

The company commander also helped Zhang Chuan get the opportunity to take the exam.

 The company commander naturally doted on such a precious baby.

 This small request will naturally be granted.

 Soon, the monthly exams began.

 There are eight subjects in total, which are divided into three days.

 There are also two exams in the evening.

 Zhang Chuan's examination subjects were the same as those of students coming from the army.

Not only officers from the army must take the exam, but also freshmen who have passed the college entrance examination.

 The content is almost the same, but the types of questions are different in military subjects such as tactical command and communications.

Zhang Chuan took the mathematics test paper and with a simple scan, all the answers were already clear to him.

 He sighed softly.

 Is the study in this military academy too simple?

 Lifting up his pen, he quickly began to calculate.

 Advanced mathematics is very different from the mathematics studied in high school. It has a completely new method of solving problems. If you have not learned it before, it will be difficult to solve it.

 Therefore, company commander Wang Fei and platoon commander Liu Jinbao were not very optimistic about Zhang Chuan.

 However, half an hour later…

“Teacher, I’m done. Can I hand in the paper?”

 Zhang Chuan raised his hand.

 “So fast?” The two invigilators were a little surprised.

 In fact, Zhang Chuan solved all the questions in a few minutes, but the examination room stipulated that papers could not be submitted in advance until at least half an hour later.

There were several people from the Seventh Company in the examination room, from rows one to three. When they saw Zhang Chuan raising his hand, they were stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

 In their opinion, how educated can Zhang Chuan, who came from the army, be?

Besides, he has only been here a few days and has learned nothing, so he dares to take the exam. Isn’t this asking for trouble?

 Submitting the paper so early, is it a blank paper?

 “Bring it over.”

The invigilator said.

Zhang Chuan organized the test papers and handed them over. The invigilator sealed the test papers on the spot.

 According to school regulations, these examination papers can only be opened and marked by professional marking teachers of the college.

 Zhang Chuan returned directly to the company.

"Zhang Chuan? Didn't you go to take the exam? Why are you back now?"

Liu Jinbao, the platoon leader, couldn't help but be startled when he saw Zhang Chuan.

 The exam is over. .

 Zhang Chuan said.

 That’s it? Liu Jinbao glanced at the clock. It has only been half an hour. Are you sure you have finished writing?

 Zhang Chuan replied: I have solved all the questions.

 Liu Jinbao: Speechless and choked.

 This is considered done?

I’m afraid I didn’t answer any of them.

 Liu Jinbao sighed secretly in his heart, but didn't say much.

 After all, this exam is just a test for Zhang Chuan and does not count as an official score.

Platoon leader, shall I go exercise now?

 Zhang Chuan asked.


Liu Jinbao knows Zhang Chuan's temperament. This guy never lets himself be idle.

 As long as there is a little bit of free time, we must train!

If all the students in the platoon could risk their lives like Zhang Chuan, how could their physical fitness not be improved?

 Immediately, Zhang Chuan headed towards the big playground carrying heavy-duty equipment.

 In the next two days, Zhang Chuan handed in each subject in half an hour, and then devoted himself to training non-stop.

 Liu Jinbao has long been accustomed to this and will not say anything more.

 After the examination, there is a test of military skills.

 The test is about individual strength, not the overall performance of the company.

 Content covers regular five-kilometer running, horizontal and parallel bars exercises from one to eight, rifle and pistol shooting, grenade throwing, sand table drills, communication operations and many other subjects.

Zhang Chuan set records for these projects when he was in the Langya Special Forces, and it is easy for him.

Facts have proved that he broke the school record in 14 and a half minutes for five kilometers.

 The exercises from one to eight on the horizontal and parallel bars are smoother than those of Olympic gymnasts.

 The grenade with a wooden handle was thrown a hundred meters away, almost shocking the examiner's jaw.

 Sand table drills and communication operations, once completed, full marks!

It can be said that Zhang Chuan passed these subjects with the best results in school history!

Originally, company commander Wang Fei just gave him a chance to take the exam.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Chuan’s results immediately shocked the whole school!

You know, Zhang Chuan has been in school for less than a week!

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that he was already a leader in the original army.

 But these results are really shocking.

 Therefore, in the final pistol and rifle assessment, almost all school leaders rushed to the shooting range to pay attention to the test situation of the third battalion.

 Actually, what they want to see most is Zhang Chuan’s shooting performance!

 The pistol and rifle shooting assessment is quite straightforward.

 Mainly challenging dynamic shooting.

 The whole course is 100 meters, with thirty target positions, ten of which will have simulated hostage targets next to them.

 While traveling the first seventy meters, targets will suddenly appear from under the low walls on both sides.

 The rules are: Hold a rifle and hit the target within 1.5 seconds after it appears. If it times out or misses, you will miss the target! Twenty targets in total.

  Rules continued: When advancing to 70 meters, switch to a pistol and complete the remaining ten targets. The time requirement is the same as that of a rifle.

 The rules continue: You must reach the end point within 40 seconds, if it exceeds the limit, it will be deemed as disqualification!

Judgment criteria: If the rifle hits at least ten targets and the pistol hits at least three targets within the specified time, it is considered qualified!

 The rifle hit 13 targets and the pistol hit four targets. The evaluation was good!

  If the rifle hits fifteen targets and the pistol hits five targets, it is considered excellent!

 All hits, full score!

 Accidentally hitting any hostage target, no matter how many other targets are hit, will be disqualified!

 The Seventh Company was the first to start the assessment, starting from the first platoon.

 The students went into battle one by one. Some performed well, while others failed to meet the standards.

It was the turn of the fourth platoon, and their results were slightly better than those of the students in the first to third platoons. After all, they were cadres selected from the field troops, and their training intensity and time were more intense than that of student officers.

 Finally, it was Zhang Chuan’s turn to appear.

 (End of this chapter)

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