Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 86: The one who has always been challenged?

Chapter 86: Have you always been the one being challenged?

“Lao Zhang, how is your fighting level?” a student in the class asked Zhang Chuan.

This student is Zhang Chuan's lower bunk, named Wu Cheng. He is also one of the people who helped him at noon. He has special admiration for Zhang Chuan.

 “It’s okay, what’s wrong?” Zhang Chuan responded.

 “If you’re not particularly good, then you should be careful.”

Wu Cheng whispered: "In the afternoon's fighting training, the instructor teaches skills in the first hour. In the middle hour, each platoon competes with each other. It is a small competition. In short, it is a good opportunity to get revenge!"

“Our fourth platoon has never had a harmonious relationship with the three platoons, and there have been constant conflicts. However, the school regulations prohibit fighting in private.”

“Because of this, they will vent their anger or grievances in fighting training. This has almost become an unwritten rule in every company.”

“In this way, we can not only resolve minor conflicts and let everyone vent to each other, but also encourage students to train harder in the future, killing two birds with one stone.”

“So, after the instructor has finished teaching, he will arrange a few people from each group to make gestures with each other.”

“Before the end, each platoon will be given a chance to go on stage and challenge anyone.”

Zhang Chuan suddenly realized: "So that's it. Then we, the fourth platoon, are the ones being challenged all the time?"

Wu Cheng smiled bitterly and nodded: "Who says it's not the case. Those in the third platoon love to challenge us in the fourth platoon. Although our platoon also has fighting masters, our overall strength is still not as good as that of the third platoon."

"A few of them have learned fighting before joining the army, and some are even provincial martial arts champions. Our platoon's weekly fighting training is very frustrating. But there is nothing we can do, who makes us weak. Alas."

"Today at noon, because of you, the people in the third platoon did not eat, and were punished for another noon physical training. They are more resentful towards us, the fourth platoon and you. They may want to target you during the afternoon combat training."

 Aimed at me?

 Zhang Chuan laughed secretly in his heart.

Just them?

 They might not be my match if they go together.

“Okay, I understand.” Zhang Chuan nodded calmly.

"Aren't you scared?" Wu Cheng couldn't help but froze when he saw Zhang Chuan's calm face.

"What are you afraid of? If I'm not strong enough, I'll let them beat me up. Do they still dare to beat me to death?" Zhang Chuan said with a smile.

  Wucheng: "...You have such an open-minded attitude."

“Anyway, I hope God will bless me and don’t pick on me. With my physical fitness and fighting ability, I will definitely get beaten if I go up there.”

 Zhang Chuan: “…”

not far away.

Liu Jinbao looked at the company commander Wang Fei with an uneasy expression: "Company commander, you deliberately didn't let the other three platoons eat and practice physical fitness at noon. It was intentional. Just to let the three platoons deal with the four of us in the afternoon. Row!"

 “What, are you scared?”

Wang Fei glanced at him and grinned.

 “Nonsense! How can I not be afraid?”

Liu Jinbao shouted: "Who doesn't know that our fourth platoon's overall fighting strength is not as good as the other three platoons. Every time we fight, we are beaten. If you want them to know their shame and become brave, we should change our approach. Our fourth platoon Don’t you have any shame?”

Wang Fei snorted: "You have earned your face. If you are not strong enough, who can you blame? I am the company commander, and my goal is to let them increase their strength faster and better. No matter what method is used, I think this It’s a good way to compete.”

 Liu Jinbao: “…”

Wang Fei continued: "Besides, didn't your platoon have a special soldier? With him here, what are you worried about?"

Liu Jinbao couldn't laugh or cry: "Zhang Chuan is indeed a good special soldier, but we can't figure out his true fighting ability. Besides, the fighting masters in the other three platoons are not necessarily inferior to the special forces.

Plus Zhang Chuan didn't take a good rest at noon and even went to move tires to practice frog jumping. I'm afraid his physical strength hasn't recovered yet! "

Wang Fei squinted slightly and looked at Zhang Chuan on the field:

"This shows that you still don't understand special forces. Do you think they are really that simple if they can become special forces? Their indomitable and tenacious will is difficult for you to understand! Let's see, I believe this guy will give us a big surprise!”

 Stand at attention!

At this moment, the dormitory echoed with the order from the duty officer.

More than a hundred young men suddenly stood up straight.

A lieutenant colonel with a serious expression approached with steady steps.

The duty officer rushed forward, gave a military salute, and reported loudly:

"Instructor Lin, all the students of the Seventh Company have gathered! Please indicate, I am Wu Guozheng, the duty officer of the Seventh Company!" The lieutenant colonel officer returned the salute with a deep and powerful voice: "Everyone, sit down."


The watchman responded, turned to the whole company and shouted: "Everyone, sit down!"


 The whole company moved in unison and sat down in one fell swoop.

The instructor walked to the middle and scanned the faces of everyone in the seventh company one by one.

 The students of the Seventh Company all looked at him with expressions of respect and fear.

They know in their hearts how powerful this instructor who teaches fighting skills is.

“Let me tell you, our instructor is actually a retired special forces soldier from the Northwest Theater Command!” Wu Cheng whispered to Zhang Chuan.

 “Special Forces?”

When Zhang Chuan heard this, he raised his head suddenly and vaguely felt that the instructor was surrounded by a faint evil aura.

 Only those who have truly experienced themselves on the battlefield will have this kind of aura.

 These days, apart from border guards, only special forces have actually been on the battlefield.

 Apparently, Wu Cheng was right. Instructor Lin was most likely a member of the special forces.

"alright, do not piffle any more."

Instructor Lin spoke directly: "I taught you a lot of tricks in the last class, and I'll give you a week to practice."

“Now, I want to see the results. As per the old rules, randomly select two people from each row and compete one-on-one!”

“Now, the seven students in the front row of each row, stand up!”

 “Oh my God! Why did you hit me?”

Wucheng's face was livid, and he felt even more bitter than eating Coptis chinensis.

 He and Zhang Chuan are both in Class 10, and they are still sitting in the first row.

 Zhang Chuan is the eighth, he is the seventh!

  It hit him right on the head.

 “Come on.”

 Zhang Chuan gave him a cheering gesture.

Wu Cheng’s eyes were almost red.

 What kind of oil should I add? It’s not like I don’t know.

 My fighting skills and physical fitness are at the bottom of the platoon, okay?

  Why do bad things always happen to me?

But there is nothing I can do. Since I have been named, I have to bite the bullet even if I am scared to death!

"Wucheng! Cheer up! Even if you lose, you must lose with dignity! Don't smear our fourth row!"

 Liu Jinbao lowered his voice and scolded Wu Cheng.


Wu Cheng apparently listened to the platoon leader's words and pretended to be calm.

 But Zhang Chuan could sense that this guy must be panicking.

"Forget it, since you told me so much, I will give you a small training session later."

 Zhang Chuan was thinking silently in his mind.

 Four people stepped forward quickly.

Instructor Lin said: "Last time it was odd numbers versus odd numbers, even numbers versus even numbers. This time we'll change the pattern, 1 versus 2, 3 versus 4!"

 “First row and second row come first!”

Following Instructor Lin’s instructions, the sixth student in the first and second rows walked towards the center.

 (End of this chapter)

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