Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 85: Does he have masochistic tendencies?

Chapter 85 Does he have masochistic tendencies?

One row of people ran towards the playground, and the other three rows also guessed who the person on the playground was.

 Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, I can’t believe it.

"Huh? Why did the people from the seventh company go to Hercules? Could it be that they were from the seventh company?"

“No way? When did the Seventh Company produce such a powerful person? Why didn’t I know?”

“I heard that a new recruit came today. He’s from the Southeast Military Region. He’s in great physical condition! I guess it’s him!”

“Southeast Military Region? Real or fake? Is the training there so intense?”

 “Look! That guy is getting up again!”

 “Start running!”

 “I’ll go! What does he want? Why do you torture yourself like this?”

 “Is he masochistic?”

On the playground, after Zhang Chuan fell twice, his legs finally got used to the rhythm.

 Then he began to run steadily.

 At this time, just like he did when he was in the 702nd Regiment and Langya, he was thinking about pushing the limits.

 Everything in the outside world seems to have disappeared!

 He was secretly encouraging in his heart.

persist in!

 Hold on for one more minute!

 Hold on for another hundred meters!

 It is not easy to maintain this state of affairs.

 It’s not something he can practice if he wants to.

 It also depends on the state during training.

At Wolf Fang, although he practiced hard, there were very few opportunities to approach the limit like now!

 Now that such an opportunity is rare, how could he let it go?

By the time Zhao Long and the others ran down, Zhang Chuan was already running wildly on the playground.

 Looking at Zhang Chuan's pale face, they were all worried.

“Is he going to be okay if he runs away like this? Don’t run away all at once!”

“Now I finally understand why his physical fitness is so good! How can he not be good if he practices like this every day?”

Just when the people in the fourth row were hesitant to step forward and hold Zhang Chuan, for fear that he would make a mistake,

 A roar suddenly exploded across the entire venue.

Zhang Chuan was seen like a wild tiger, roaring low and hoarse,

  Immediately afterwards, his running speed suddenly accelerated,

 In an instant, he reached the astonishing speed of sprinting 100 meters before.

 “Oh my god! How is this possible! How can he still run at such a terrifying top speed!”

 Everyone was stunned again.

 They thought that Zhang Chuan's physical strength had been exhausted to the extreme at this moment.

 As a result, he suddenly increased his speed again!

 “He has exceeded his own limits!”

Zhao Long took a deep breath and said: "When a person exceeds his own limits, his body will burst out with an amazing force."

“Now I finally understand why he is working so hard. It turns out that it is to break through this limit! This guy is really a madman!”

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

 Breaking through physical limits is not an experience they have never experienced before.

 Before the breakthrough, the pain almost made people want to die;

 But once a breakthrough occurs, although the body will fall into extreme weakness, the brain will be extremely excited,

 Because this means that your physical fitness has been substantially enhanced! However, such opportunities are few and far between, and it does not mean that you can achieve a breakthrough if you want to.

 At this time, Zhang Chuan also stopped,

 He lay on the grass, gasping for breath, and laughed.

“Congratulations to the host for once again breaking through the physical limit through self-strengthening training. The accumulated physical fitness has increased to 10 points. The system will award an additional 10 points. Please continue to work hard!”

As Zhang Chuan lay down, the system's voice sounded in his mind.

“Add the 10 points of the reward, that’s 20 points, then my physical fitness is now 3.2 times that of ordinary people!”

 Zhang Chuan quickly checked the system properties interface:

Name: Zhang Chuan Military rank: Captain Physical fitness: 320 Skills: Deadshot shooting skills (fusion degree 30%), US team fighting skills (fusion degree 40%), Skrull camouflage skills, Spider-Man climbing skills, Dr. Banner Knowledge field skills, Iron Man radar warning skills (range 500 meters), S.H.I.E.L.D. director’s one-eyed tactical knowledge encyclopedia skills”

 Among them, "The Director of SHIELD's one-eyed tactical knowledge and skills" comes from the Director of SHIELD who was blinded in one eye by a cat. This officer has extremely rich and cutting-edge combat experience and tactical knowledge, and has extraordinary commanding abilities.

“Xiao Zhang, are you okay?” Zhao Long and the others caught up and asked with concern.

Zhang Chuan took a deep breath and stood up slowly, "It's okay, just take a rest."

 With the 10 points awarded by the system, he can return to his previous best condition in half an hour at most.

 But this also made him a little helpless.

 In the missions of the series, he has completed so many challenges, and the system always rewards skills.

 As for physical enhancement, there is no reward, which seems to mean that the system hopes that he can improve his physical fitness through this self-challenge.

 In the future, his training intensity may have to increase.

 Although 3.2 times that of ordinary people sounds quite high,

  But this is mainly relative to ordinary soldiers or special forces.

He does not believe that there are so many strong people in the world that there will always be someone stronger than him.

 Although skills can greatly enhance strength, for a special soldier, physical fitness is the foundation.

 Otherwise, your physical fitness will not be able to keep up, and it will be difficult to use your skills no matter how many you have.

Just like fighting, you have the skills, but what should you do if you lose your physical strength?

What should I do if my ability to resist blows is weak and I can’t hold on after being punched?

These factors are all interrelated.

 The students in the fourth row gave Zhang Chuan a thumbs up. "Lao Zhang, you are so awesome! How did you develop such leg and arm strength?" a student asked curiously.

Zhang Chuan smiled and said: "Just like today, just seize every training opportunity and practice hard."

 “It takes time and effort.”

When everyone heard this, they were stunned. "If you practice like this, you won't be able to make people fall down.

 Forget it, we can’t compare to a freak like you. "Everyone shook their heads.

“Come on, go back and rest. It’s less than half an hour before you get up. Do you want to be scolded by the fighting coach this afternoon? Come on, go on!”

 Zhao Long urged quickly.

Everyone turned around and walked back.

 Zhang Chuan followed Zhao Long. "You have become famous all of a sudden." Zhao Long said with a wry smile to Zhang Chuan.

 “What?” Zhang Chuan was stunned.

 “Look at those dormitory windows.”

 Zhao Long pointed in the direction. Zhang Chuan raised his head and looked, not knowing, but shocked when he saw it.

The windowsills on several floors of the dormitory buildings were crowded with students, all looking in their direction.

 Isn’t it right? These people don’t sleep at night?

 After returning to the dormitory, Zhang Chuan briefly washed himself, then lay on the bed to regain his energy.

The reveille signal soon rang.

When he went downstairs, Zhang Chuan clearly felt that the students in the other three platoons looked at him differently.

 After the assembly, at three o'clock in the afternoon, all the trainees of the company gathered at the playground for training.

 “In the afternoon boxing class, we must get back our face!”

“My opponent! The fourth platoon asked us to do physical training throughout the afternoon. This is what we must say!”

 The students in rows one to three are still worried about the people in row four.

Four platoons of people sat around on the grass, waiting for their fighting instructor to show up.

 (End of this chapter)

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