Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 87: You are not qualified enough for me to take action!

 Chapter 87 You are not qualified enough for me to take action!

The two of them are about the same build, both about 1.8 meters tall, and they seem to be about the same age.

After bowing to each other, the two of them stretched out their posture, flexing their muscles while staring at each other closely.


 Finally, the students in the first platoon launched an offensive against the students in the second platoon.

He approached with a lunge, and then a right hook went straight to the faces of the second row of students.

 The second row of students quickly took a step back, dodged the punch on the side of their head, and turned around to perform a sweeping kick.

A row of students crossed their arms in front of their chests, their legs collided, and each of them took two steps back.

 In the first round, both sides were neck and neck.

Instructor Lin saw a satisfied smile on his face when he saw the speed and strength displayed by the two men.

Although it cannot be compared with real special forces, in field troops, such speed and strength can be regarded as impressive.

Moreover, after all, they have only been practicing for a short time.

 Soon, the two fought again.

Zhang Chuan could see that they were just using basic military boxing techniques, but they obviously didn't master them well enough, and the power of military boxing was not used at all.

 The two fought for half a minute and stumbled to the ground several times. In the end, the students in the first row gained the upper hand.

 The students in the row immediately cheered.

 “What are you making a fuss about? You’re playing so rough and you still have the nerve to applaud?”

Instructor Lin shouted sharply.

 The students in the row immediately seemed to be frozen, and they no longer dared to make a sound.

Coach Lin stepped forward and asked the row of students seriously: "In the third round just now, he punched you in the stomach. Why did you block it?"

"You clearly know that he is not as strong as you. If you give him an uppercut on the chin at this time, his head will definitely be dizzy for a while."

“As for you, it’s just a punch in the stomach and it will only hurt for a while. But at this time, as long as you endure the pain and go up and give it another punch, he will stop eating completely!”

"In the end, you chose to hide instead of confronting me head-on! Why? Is it because you were afraid of pain? Or are you on good terms with him and you are reluctant to attack him like this?"

 The students in the first row looked at the students in the second row, and then lowered their heads slightly.

Coach Lin said coldly: "It seems to be the latter reason."

 After saying that, Coach Lin turned around and left.

But in an instant, he turned around suddenly, kicked the row of students in the stomach with a sweeping kick, and kicked them out!

How many times have I told you that even if you are practicing, you must treat it as a real battle!

 In case this guy is a bad guy, your hesitation may cost you or your teammates their lives!

 You show mercy to the enemy, but the enemy will not show mercy to you! Have you all turned a deaf ear to my words?

 The fighting skills of soldiers are all about defeating the enemy quickly and completely!

Look at your performance just now, don’t tell me that this is the disciple I taught, I can’t afford to lose that person!

 Hurry and get back here!

The two students gritted their teeth and endured the pain, and hurriedly ran back, fearing that they would be scolded by Coach Lin if they were slower.

 The students looked at Coach Lin's fierce look, and several students in the row did not dare to gasp loudly.


Coach Lin gave the order coldly, and the students in the third row and Wu Cheng stepped forward.

 The students in the third row glanced at Wu Cheng coldly, with disdain in their eyes.

 They knew Wu Cheng's fighting skills well, and he was no match for them.

Wu Cheng smiled bitterly in his heart, knowing that he would not be able to escape today's beating.

Sure enough, after Coach Lin gave the order, the students in the third row immediately launched an attack on Wucheng.

 The speed and power are faster and stronger than the students in the first and second rows!

 Wucheng was passively defensive from the beginning, and the speed of defense could not keep up with the opponent's attack rhythm.

 In less than five seconds, he was knocked to the ground with a punch!

At this time, the students in the third row rushed up like hungry tigers, and a set of combo punches went straight to Wu Cheng's face.

After Wu Cheng blocked it for a few times, he lost the ability to fight back. He received several punches in a row, and his nose and eyes were swollen.      Okay, stop!

Coach Lin sighed softly and ordered to stop.

 The students in the third row quickly got up. From beginning to end, Wu Cheng didn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

As for Wu Cheng, his stomach and chest were punched several times by students from the third row, and his face was swollen. He kept gasping and looked miserable.

Zhang Chuan hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: You, you really need to practice hard when you go back.

Not only Coach Lin, but others can also see that Wu Cheng is not on the same level as the students in the third row.

 Coach Lin also saw this and did not blame him. Instead, he stepped forward to guide the two people in their offensive and defensive actions and asked them to improve.

 This is a guide for both of them and for everyone present.

Listening to Coach Lin’s explanation, Zhang Chuan couldn’t help but nod secretly.

This coach Lin is really talented and has a sharp vision. He can accurately identify students' problems and give useful suggestions.

Wu Cheng received such a beating, everyone in the four rows felt aggrieved and dissatisfied, and wanted to go up and vent his anger for Wu Cheng.

 But it’s not the challenge yet, so they can only hold it in.

On the other hand, when the people in the other three rows saw Wu Cheng being beaten, they were a little angry about the punishment they received at noon.

 In the next hour or so, Coach Lin began to teach.

 The teaching method is not complicated. Let people go up and practice one-on-one with him, and he will explain the purpose of each move while playing.

 Attack, defend, crack and more!

This is of little use to masters like Zhang Chuan, but for other students, they can still learn a lot.

 Finally, after an hour and a half.

 Coach Lin said to everyone in the company: Okay, now comes the last step, the challenge!

 I know you have been holding this in for a long time. Today, there is no limit to the number of places to challenge. If you want to challenge, just stand up! However, the person being challenged can also choose not to accept it. let's start.




As soon as Coach Lin finished speaking, seven or eight people stood up immediately.

There were two people standing on the Fourth Platoon side, obviously wanting to vent their anger on Wu Cheng and save face for the Fourth Platoon.

 Zhang Chuan didn't make any movement and just sat quietly.

 Haha, it seems that there is a lot of grievances between you.

 Coach Lin smiled meaningfully: However, the first one to stand up was Zhao Li in the first row. You go first. Who do you want to challenge?

 The others sat down, except for the sturdy student in one row who was about 1.8 meters tall and stood upright.

His cold eyes pointed at Zhang Chuan, who was sitting at the front of the fourth row: I want to challenge him! Zhang Chuan, do you dare to accept the move?

 Zhang Chuan smiled inwardly.

 As expected, it was directed at myself.

It was then that Coach Lin noticed Zhang Chuan: Hey, I really didn’t notice it just now, there are new faces!

Your name is Zhang Chuan?

 Zhang Chuan stood up and replied loudly: Yes, tell the instructor, my name is Zhang Chuan, and I just reported to the Seventh Company today!

 Were you targeted when you first arrived? It seems that something happened in the past half day that I don't know about.

 Coach Lin said: But I'm not interested in these. I'm asking you now, if Zhao Li wants to challenge you, will you accept it? If not, sit down.

At this time, Zhao Li also looked at Zhang Chuan provocatively: What? Aren't you quite arrogant at noon? Now you want to be a coward?

Zhang Chuan smiled and said: It's not that I don't want to fight you, it's that you are not qualified enough for me to take action.

What did you say?

 (End of this chapter)

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