Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 84: Let’s compete to see who can become a general in the future!

Chapter 84 Let’s see who can become a general in the future!

After dinner, I returned to the dormitory. Other classes downstairs were still shouting about counting, and the sound sounded particularly harsh.

 “Haha...it’s so refreshing to finally see those boys suffer.”

“Our fourth class has come out on top this time. Hey, I’ve been holding back my illness for the past half year! What does it matter if they score more points in the college entrance examination? If they have the ability, let’s compete to see who can become a general in the future! Right, Lao Zhang?”

 An old student quarreled with Zhang Chuan.

Zhang Chuan smiled slightly but did not answer. He turned to monitor Zhao Long and asked: "Monitor, did the school say that exercise is not allowed during breaks?"

Zhao Long was stunned for a moment, wondering what trick this guy was holding back?

 Is it possible that you still want to stay up at noon and practice more?

Zhao Long replied: "There is no restriction at noon, as long as it does not affect other people's rest. The training area of ​​the large playground downstairs is open, but not at night."

“Old Zhang, why are you asking about this? Do you still want to go for a three-kilometer run?”

 Another classmate in the class asked Zhang Chuan.

 Zhang Chuan said with a smile: "In our army, we are usually not idle at noon, but training all the time. I am used to it."

  “Anyway, I am idle, so I might as well go down and move around.”

 The students were all dumbfounded when they heard this.

“That’s not right, Lao Zhang, which army are you in? So strict? You’re not even allowed to take a nap? Isn’t this too cruel?”

“Yes, Lao Zhang, we don’t know which army you are in.”

“From the 702nd Regiment of the Southeast Military Region Group Army.” Zhang Chuan responded.

“So you’re a pure infantryman! No wonder you have such good physical strength.”

 It suddenly dawned on everyone.

Zhao Long advised him: "Xiao Zhang, I know you are self-disciplined and highly motivated. But our company has fighting training in the afternoon. If you go to exercise now, what will you do if you don't have enough energy in the afternoon? Let me tell you, that fighting instructor is not easy to deal with!"

The students nodded one after another, obviously in awe of the fighting instructor.

Zhang Chuan responded with a smile: "It's okay, I have it in mind. Squad leader, I won't take a break at noon, can I go practice now?"

Seeing that Zhang Chuan was so active, Zhao Long couldn't find any reason to refuse, so he had no choice but to nod: "Then go ahead, be careful and don't work too hard. The sun is too hot outside, so don't get a heat stroke."

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it. Just carry a hundred kilograms on your back and run twenty kilometers to warm up.”

Zhang Chuan chuckled, turned around, left the dormitory, and hurried downstairs.

Zhao Long and the others all opened their mouths with surprise on their faces.

 “He...what did he say?”

“A hundred and fifty kilograms of weight? Thirty kilometers? Is this a warm-up?”

"Seems to be…"

 “Is this guy...made of iron?”

 “Do you believe it? Anyway, I don’t believe it!”

“I don’t believe it either! How can there be such a powerful person?”

Just when they were shocked and doubtful, Zhang Chuan had already rushed to the playground.

Looking from the fifth floor, you can clearly see a figure going downstairs quickly.

 Zhang Chuan went straight to a large truck tire lying on the lawn of the big playground.

This tire is used to practice somersaults and enhance arm strength.

 More than two hundred kilograms!

“Is this guy going to run with this tire on his shoulder?”

 “Impossible! This is not possible with human power!”

“How can he carry the tire with a diameter of 1.5 meters? And it’s more than 200 kilograms! Even those strong men from foreign countries can’t do it!”

 But just when everyone thought Zhang Chuan couldn't do it,

On the playground, Zhang Chuan opened his hands, shouted loudly, and picked up the tire weighing more than 200 kilograms!

 Then, he raised the tire above his head and put it on the back of his neck!

“Really lifted it up? Is he really going to run twenty kilometers with this big tire on his back?”

 The students in Class 10 all opened their eyes wide and swallowed their saliva.

 “Oh, let me go! Who is that kid? So awesome?”

At this time, the classes downstairs were doing squats facing the beds. Suddenly they saw a shocking scene on the playground and couldn't help but exclaimed.

 Everyone turned their heads to look, and they were all shocked!

“Oh my god! I remember that tire must have weighed more than a hundred kilograms. How could he lift it up so easily? Where did the strongman come from?”

 Because the distance is a bit far, I can’t see the other person’s face clearly.

“What is he doing carrying such a big tire? Is he doing squats?”

“Who knows, won’t you know after reading it?”

At this time, people from all classes suspended their physical training and gathered around curiously.

 Even the platoon commander did not give an order.

 After all, Zhang Chuan’s move was too shocking.

 The students living in other dormitories adjacent to the playground also saw this scene and all looked out of the windows.

“Who is this powerful character? Is he from our company?”

 “Are you kidding! How can there be such a strong person in our company?”

Everyone is wondering who Zhang Chuan is, why he wants to carry a big tire, and what he wants to do.

Zhang Chuan was seen grabbing the big tire with both hands and squatting down.

 Want to do squats?

 Everyone was stunned.

 But what Zhang Chuan did next almost made everyone’s eyes pop out of shock!

 I saw him kicking his legs, and he jumped up like a frog, jumping more than one meter away!

 He was actually doing leapfrog exercise while carrying a large tire weighing more than 100 kilograms!

Oh my God!

 Say yes, this is not true!

 I must be dreaming! !

While everyone's jaws were about to drop in shock, Zhang Chuan was already running and jumping wildly on the track with the big tire in his hands.

 The speed does not decrease but increases.

 He kept jumping all the way, jumping dozens of meters in one breath, without any intention of stopping.

 Everyone was dumbfounded.

I have seen powerful people, but I have never seen such powerful people!

Is this guy still human?

 Frog jumping is particularly strenuous in physical training, but it is very effective in building leg strength.

Most people's legs will be so sore that they can't stand even after doing a few hops with bare hands.

Not to mention that Zhang Chuan was carrying hundreds of kilograms of tires in both hands!

 With such a heavy weight, it is difficult to even walk, let alone jump.

“Wait a minute! Look carefully! The tire doesn’t seem to be pressing on his shoulders. He is lifting the heavy tire with his hands!”

"Crazy! Absolutely crazy! Either he is crazy, or the world is crazy! Anyway, they are all crazy!"

“What did this guy eat to grow up? His arm strength and leg strength are as strong as those of an orangutan!”

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked speechless by Zhang Chuan's physical fitness.

 It is obviously lunch break time.

But in the dormitory building near the playground, none of the hundreds of students slept. They all lay by the window and stared at Zhang Chuan, who was jumping on the playground.

Five minutes passed and Zhang Chuan didn’t stop.

Ten minutes have passed and Zhang Chuan is still dancing.

 More than half an hour.

 Hour. He actually jumped a full three kilometers!

 A whole three kilometers!

 Carrying a tire weighing 100 kilograms, I jumped for three kilometers without taking a break.

 If you tell me, no one will believe you!

 But this actually happened right in front of their eyes!

 Finally, when everyone was about to be shocked by Zhang Chuan's "superpower", Zhang Chuan stopped.

 He put down the tire and lay on the grass, gasping for air.

 He was soaked to the skin and could not find a dry place.

 The muscles all over my body are so sore that I don’t even want to move.

 But he knew that he couldn't just lie down like this.

 Because the body reaches its limit, it is the best time to make a breakthrough!

He forced himself to dance for so long just to push himself to the limit through this kind of high-intensity physical training!

 When everyone thought Zhang Chuan was completely dead.

 Zhang Chuan gritted his teeth and got up from the grass.

 Then, he ran quickly on the track.

 As soon as I started running, I felt severe pain in my legs.

Before he ran ten meters, his legs gave out and he fell forward, rolling several times.

 “Not good! Go and have a look!”

Zhao Long's face changed drastically when he saw this. He shouted and quickly led the class towards Zhang Chuan.

 “Huh? How did the people from Class 10 get over?”

 The students in the other two classes were confused.

Suddenly, someone seemed to have thought of something and stammered: "Then that strong man, can't he be Lao Zhang?"

 “Lao Zhang?”

 Everyone was stunned.

“It looks a bit similar! Let me go! It must be him! Apart from him, I really can’t think of anyone else in our school who is so awesome!”

 “This guy is so cruel!”

 “Let’s go and have a look too!”

 People from both classes ran that way.

 (End of this chapter)

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