Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 74: Desperately want justice to be served!

Chapter 74 I desperately want justice to be done!

A well-dressed middle-aged man wearing a jacket sat on a chair and said leisurely: "Also, pick three boys with good eyes and give them to the old ghost so that he can take out the corneas. There are already buyers who have made reservations. "


 The bald man responded.

The thin man asked: "Brother, do you want to break the legs of the remaining ones?"

"Of course we have to discount, otherwise how can we squeeze out more money?" The man in the jacket said solemnly, "It's the same with everything else, it's all discounted, but remember, don't hurt your eyes, the corneas can still be sold at a good price Woolen cloth."

“Okay, that’s it, let’s eat first, and then we’ll get started.”

The man in the jacket waved his hand, and several people turned around and walked out of the door and went to another room.

At this time, in the room on the other side, several men were sitting around the table, drinking and enjoying the food in a lively manner.

But as soon as they stepped out of the door, a figure walked out of the darkness and stared at them coldly.

The sudden appearance of this person made their hearts skip a beat.

 “Who are you?!” the thin man asked loudly.

Several people immediately became alert, ran back to the house, picked up sticks and fruit knives, and rushed out again.

At the same time, several people in the other room, as well as the guards in the control room, quickly picked up their things and hurried out.

“You don’t need to know who I am, as long as you know that from today on, you will live in the shadow of disability for the rest of your life, just like those children whose limbs you have broken!”

Although Zhang Chuan's words were calm, they contained a strong murderous intent.

 He has never wanted justice so urgently!

Although he has been in the army for almost a year, he has not actually been on the battlefield yet.

Now, for the first time, he confronts these villains face to face.

Just now, he has used his detection ability to confirm that these people only have iron rods or fruit knives, but no guns.

 In this case, what is there to be afraid of?

Possessing superb fighting skills, even if the number of people is doubled, they cannot threaten him.

 “Are you the only one?” The eleven people were all a little surprised when they heard this.

They thought the matter was exposed and the police came to their door, but they didn't expect this to happen!

This guy is so courageous, he actually dares to challenge them alone!

 Do you really think you are a superhero?

 “I am enough to deal with you.”

 Zhang Chuan said, slowly walking towards them.

 “You little bastard, you are nosy and are looking for death!”

 The man in the jacket said coldly.

 “That depends on whether you have the ability.”

 Zhang Chuan replied, already approaching to within three meters of them.

Those ten people held the iron thing in their hands tightly, with fierce looks on their faces, waiting for the man in the jacket to give the order, and they were about to swarm up and tear Zhang Chuan into pieces!

They have long been accustomed to trafficking.

 What else is there to be worried about?

 In their eyes, except for their own people, the lives of others are just like pigs and sheep!

 “Boy, you asked for it, don’t blame me for being rude!”

 After saying that, the man in the jacket took a few steps back, and the ten people next to him approached him with ferocious faces.

 “Hit him!”

Following the order from the scarred bald man, the three or four people in front immediately waved iron rods and fruit knives and rushed towards Zhang Chuan like crazy!


Zhang Chuan punched the first person who came forward hard in the stomach.

The man immediately bent down, and the iron rod in his hand was easily taken away by Zhang Chuan. With Zhang Chuan's speed, he didn't give the opponent any chance to react. He swung his stick directly on the man's waist, breaking his lumbar spine in one fell swoop!

 He said before that these bad guys should be like those innocent children and suffer the pain of disability for the rest of their lives!


 The first human trafficker’s waist was violently broken and he fell to the ground, screaming in pain.




Zhang Chuan swung the iron rod so fast that the other traffickers who rushed up couldn't see clearly how Zhang Chuan made the move, and all the sticks and knives in his hands were knocked away.

 Then, their knees and waists were smashed by Zhang Chuan with a stick.

Except for the man in the jacket, the remaining ten people fell to the ground and howled within a few seconds!




When the surrounding wolf dogs heard the screams, they started barking and pulled **** the chains, trying to break free.

  After all, it is a dog raised by traffickers, so it is naturally loyal to its owner.

Seeing their master being attacked, they are also furious.

But Zhang Chuan ignored all this and just locked eyes with the last person - the man in the jacket - with cold eyes.

 He is their leader!

 At this time, the man in the jacket was frightened.

 The strength shown by Zhang Chuan is really terrifying!

Having been fighting in the world for so many years, it’s not like they haven’t seen anyone who can fight, but it’s rare to see someone like the one in front of them.

 But it was the first time that they had seen someone like Zhang Chuan who was so powerful that it went against common sense!

  It is simply beyond the limit of imagination!

 Just like those shocking martial arts blockbuster scenes in movies.

 There are at least some dazzling and gorgeous moves in martial arts movies, but Zhang Chuan's moves are clean and sharp, and he is very cruel. With one blow of the stick, his opponent completely loses his ability to fight.

That ferocity makes people tremble with fear!

“Who are you? Where did we mess with you?”

The man in the jacket quickly took a few steps back, desperately suppressing the fear in his heart, and asked Zhang Chuan.

Zhang Chuan slowly raised his hand and pointed to the room where the child was detained. His voice was low and without any emotion.

“Where did these children offend you? Why do you treat them like this?”

“Breaking hands and feet, gouging out eyes...Have you ever thought about how much pain they will endure? Have you lost all your conscience just to make money?”

The man in the jacket immediately retorted: "They are just a group of abandoned wild children! I just make the best use of everything! What's wrong?"


 Zhang Chuan's eyes became even more angry, "But in my opinion, you beasts are the real trash!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Chuan was already approaching step by step with an iron rod. The man in the jacket was so frightened that he stepped back and finally fell to the ground.

Before he could get up, the man in the jacket hurriedly begged Zhang Chuan for mercy:

"Brother! We were wrong! Please spare me! I will give you whatever you want. I have more than one million in my bank account! I can give you all of it!"

“More than one million is enough to do a lot of things, enough to make you rich and worry-free for the rest of your life.”

 Indeed, at that time, more than one million was equivalent to tens of millions in the 2020s now, and one became a rich man overnight.

 But, can money make life comfortable and give people a clear conscience?

 “Okay, I’ll take the money.”

 Zhang Chuan replied.

When the man in the jacket heard this, he thought he had a lucky escape, but unexpectedly Zhang Chuan said next: "I will spare your life for the time being, but you will have to cut off your hands and feet like them."

Jacket man:…

 (End of this chapter)

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