Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 73: These **** are not just human traffickers, they actually kill people

Chapter 73: These **** are not just human traffickers, but they also kill people and silence them?

“Boss, we have already driven more than 20 kilometers, do we still want to go further? There are mountainous areas ahead.”

After driving for more than an hour, the curious driver finally asked: "Boss, where are you going?"

“Master, is this place next to the border?” Zhang Chuan asked.


The driver looked at Zhang Chuan, hesitated and said, "Boss, are you trying to sneak across the border?"

Zhang Chuan didn’t want to explain more, so he took out another hundred yuan and gave it to the driver.

 In his opinion, if it can be solved with money, why bother talking nonsense.

The driver was stunned for a moment, then immediately burst into laughter—it doesn’t matter whether he is smuggling or not, if he has money, he is a man.

 If something happens, it won’t be your fault.


The driver continued: "But this mountain forest is quite large, and it is still about ten miles away from the border."

 “Thank you, master, let’s stop here.”

 Zhang Chuan said.

 “Okay.” The driver was secretly happy, hoping that Zhang Chuan would get out of the car immediately. This saves fuel and is risk-free. I thought Zhang Chuan wanted him to be sent to the border.

Zhang Chuan got out of the car and the driver quickly drove away, fearing that Zhang Chuan would change his mind.

Zhang Chuan didn't care about this and plunged into the forest in front of him.

 He chose to get off the car here because it was already dark and it would be easy to expose him if he chased by car. They walked slowly along the road, and he walked on the path by himself. In the mountains and forests, with his speed, it was difficult for them to get rid of him.

Although there is still a way to walk through this forest, the road is full of potholes and is very difficult to navigate. .

The two vans were not speeding. It was easy for Zhang Chuan to overtake them through the woods.

 At this time, in one of the vans,

Several men were chatting in their native dialect:

“Brother Scar, I have brought back five little ones this time. I’m afraid it’s hard to sell them. The buyer only wants the ones under one year old. The ones that are too big are not easy to feed.”

A skinny man said this to the bald man sitting in the passenger seat with his eyes closed, Brother Scar.

"If they can't be sold, their hands and feet will be mutilated first, and they will be thrown into the county to beg for food as before."

Brother Dao Scar’s tone was calm, as if he was talking about commonplace matters.

“But we have a backlog of more than a dozen now. Coupled with the economic downturn in the past six months, there are fewer and fewer people willing to give money. It feels like we are feeding these wastes in vain!”

“Yeah, I don’t understand why Big Brother still asked us to capture these older ones. Didn’t we agree to only capture those under one year old?”

Several other men followed suit, full of complaints.

"Stop talking nonsense. Brother has his own reasons for doing this. If you are not convinced, why don't you go and reason with him yourself?"

 Brother Scar slowly opened his eyes, his sharp eyes scanning the crowd. When several people saw this, they immediately smiled and said: "We will just complain and listen to the arrangements of Big Brother and Brother Scar."

After hearing this, Brother Scar's originally stern expression softened slightly:

"Don't worry, we never do business at a loss. If these little guys don't get money in the future, just don't give them food."

 “Enemies! Starve to death these little things who don’t have a father to care for, but have a mother to care for them!”

Several people kicked the children hard while talking, which made them burst into tears and frightened them, but they did not dare to cry loudly.

 Woo woo woo.

 The baby was also frightened and started crying.

“Damn it, if you cry again, I’ll crush you to death, little brat!” The thin man cursed and wanted to slap him.

"Hey! Someone has reserved this! It can be sold for a lot of money! If something goes wrong, I will chop off one of your legs!"

 Brother Scar shouted to stop.

The thin man quickly laughed: "I'll scare him, how dare he touch our cash cow, hehe..."

 “Feed him quickly and calm him down. Drive faster.”

 Brother Scar gave the order impatiently.

 The car finally stopped after driving in the woods for about forty minutes. At the same time, Zhang Chuan quietly stopped on the other side.

He was about three hundred meters away from the van, and radar showed that the van was parked in front of a row of wooden houses.

 When he got closer to about fifty meters, he could clearly see with his sharp eyesight that it seemed to be a hidden large manor.

There are five or six houses here, surrounded by sharp fences, which are two meters high. There are two big wolf dogs lying at the door. Dog barking can be heard from two of the rooms.

Zhang Chuan detected through radar that all the abducted children were locked up in these two rooms.

 The two babies were placed in another larger wooden house and were being carefully inspected by a fat man.

There are five adult men in this room. In another room, there is a man drinking and eating. In the last room, there is a man staring at the computer.

There are surveillance cameras around the fence, apparently to prevent outsiders from sneaking in and exposing their activities.

 Zhang Chuan thought for a while and began to approach quietly.

He carefully used radar to detect the surrounding situation, fearing that these human traffickers would place guards around.

 Suddenly, his eyes tightened!

 A rage rises from the bottom of my heart!

“These **** are not just human traffickers, but they also kill people and silence them?”

 Zhang Chuan’s eyes were as red as fire.

  Whether it was his previous life or this life, what he hated most was this kind of human trafficker!

In order to make money, these beasts have kidnapped so many innocent children from all over the country, torn apart so many families, leaving people immersed in endless longing and pain for their children for the rest of their lives!

 It can be said that people with a little conscience hope that these human traffickers will be severely punished!

 Now, these human traffickers not only abduct children here, but also kill them inhumanely!

 Extremely cruel!


 Zhang Chuan carefully observed the children in the room again.

Zhang Chuan immediately understood that these people were not only human traffickers, but more likely demons who forced children to beg on the streets in order to make money!

 They use these children as tools to make money!

 In this era, such evil deeds still exist in many places, especially in border counties with poor security.

 They let children cut off their arms and legs or gouge out their eyes, just to gain more sympathy and more money!

 These beasts!

What a heinous crime!

 Zhang Chuan's eyes were filled with murderous intent!

Zhang Chuan cautiously explored the path step by step. Relying on his ability to sense and detect and his good skills at climbing walls, he easily bypassed all the surveillance eyes and sneaked inside.

He quietly approached the small wooden house where five big men lived.

 The voices in the room could be heard clearly.

“Tonight, send the two babies out in the middle of the night. Boss Li has already arranged for someone to join them at the handover place. All we need to do is hand the children over to him.”

 (End of this chapter)

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