Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 75: You discounted their legs and waists?

Chapter 75 Did you break their legs and waists?



 His knees were shattered instantly with two sticks.

 After dealing with these people, Zhang Chuan ignored them and made a call directly.

 “You brat, have you arrived at the military academy?”

A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone. Who else besides the high school captain?

“Not yet, I got out of the car halfway and ran into something.”

 Zhang Chuan replied.

"What happened? Did you get me into trouble again?"

 The high school captain felt nervous and asked quickly.

 Zhang Chuan:…

 He didn’t beat around the bush anymore and directly told the high school captain about the situation.

After hearing this, the high school captain's tone suddenly became serious, "Okay, don't move there for now, protect those children, and I will contact the police."


Just as he was about to hang up the phone, the high school captain suddenly remembered something and shouted nervously: "Wait! Did you just say that you broke their legs and waists?"


 Zhang Chuan replied.

 “You silly boy! Who asked you to do this?”

“Do you know this is an act of violence? Although you have made a meritorious service this time, if we really want to pursue it, you will also be responsible!”

The high school captain scolded.

 “But I didn’t mean it.”

Zhang Chuan explained: "There were so many people surrounding me and beating me. I was just defending myself. How could I think so much in the chaos? Right?"

"Chaos? You mean dealing with chaos, rather than defeating the enemy with one move?"

 The high school captain frowned slightly.

Based on his understanding of Zhang Chuan’s fighting skills, even if the number of opponents doubled, it shouldn’t cause him to lose his position!

 “That’s right, it’s about winning in chaos.”

Zhang Chuan said: "Look, although I am a special forces soldier, this is really my first actual combat. They have knives and sticks in their hands. Isn't it right for me to be afraid?"

The high school team breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Now that we've said it, there's no problem. Okay, let's wait until the police arrive to elaborate. I'll report the situation to the wolf head first! Don't act rashly again."


Hang up the phone, Zhang Chuan picked up the iron rod again and walked towards the group of traffickers.

The eleven people on the ground were still moaning in pain.

When he saw Zhang Chuan coming over again, he was so frightened that he kept kowtowing and begging for mercy.

Zhang Chuan was not soft-hearted and gave them a hard knock.

  After all, they say they win in chaos. They shouldn't have more wounds on their bodies, otherwise wouldn't it be an instant kill?

 As for how these traffickers defend themselves later, it is no longer important. Anyway, they insist that it is legitimate defense, so they should be fine.

To be honest, he wished he could kill these **** with thousands of knives. Although the dozen corpses outside were enough for them to be sentenced to death many times, he didn't want them to die so happily.

But no.

This world, like the previous life, has very strict rules.

 He has no right to decide the life or death of these people by himself.

 Otherwise, he himself would not be able to escape the law.

There is no need to involve yourself for these people.

Zhang Chuan quickly opened the door of the child's room.

 Looking at the situation inside, the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed! At this time, inside the house,

Each child's feet were chained, and he or she lay or sat on a "bed" made of hay, just like prisoners were locked in cells in the old days.

The "bed" was a pile of hay, and there were two buckets of feces and urine next to it. The stench filled the whole house!

 There was also a big vicious dog tied by the door, obviously to keep an eye on the children.

As soon as the door opened, the children stood up in horror and stared at Zhang Chuan nervously.

They huddled in the corner and shivered. The eyes of the children who had not yet had their eyes gouged out were full of deep fear.

The vicious dog saw Zhang Chuan, a stranger, and immediately roared ferociously and pounced on him, trying to bite him.


 The iron rod in Zhang Chuan's hand hit the vicious dog unceremoniously on the head.

Blood splattered everywhere…

Screaming to the sky...

The vicious dog fell to the ground instantly, twitching and lying in a pool of blood

This scene was so frightening that the children screamed.

Zhang Chuan stepped forward, and one of the children shouted in fear: "Uncle, don't hit us! We will be good and we will definitely get the money tomorrow! Please, don't hit me!"

Other children also cried and begged for mercy.

When Zhang Chuan heard this, his heart felt like a knife. He threw the iron bar aside and said softly: "Children, don't be afraid. My uncle is a policeman and is here to rescue you. My uncle will send you home to find your parents." , no one will dare to bully you or hit you anymore.”

 Police uncle?

 The children looked at Zhang Chuan doubtfully.

 Although they already know what the police do,

 But they did not dare to believe Zhang Chuan easily.

Zhang Chuan glanced at the iron chain locks on their feet, turned around and went out, searched the keys from the traffickers, and came back to unlock the children's iron chains one by one.

“Come, go out with your uncle. All the bad guys outside have been caught by the police. You are safe.” Zhang Chuan held the two children and comforted them softly.

 The two children were still a little scared, but they still followed Zhang Chuan out of the house.

 When they saw with their own eyes that the traffickers who often abused them were knocked to the ground groaning, they began to believe Zhang Chuan's words, and they all jumped for joy.

“Great! The policeman is here to save us! We can go home safely!”

Suddenly, a clever little girl saw a muddy steamed bun on the ground in the distance. She immediately ran over to pick it up and ate it.

Zhang Chuan saw it and hurried over to grab the steamed bun, "This steamed bun is moldy. You can't eat it. If you eat it, you will get a stomachache!"

 The little girl opened her innocent and pleading eyes and said weakly: "But uncle, I'm really hungry..."

Hearing this and looking at the little girl's innocent face and thin body, Zhang Chuan felt so sad that he hugged the little girl into his arms and choked with sobs:

 "Uncle, I'm sorry for you, uncle is late! From now on, you will all have a full meal!"

Zhang Chuan suddenly remembered that there was a meal prepared by a trafficker in another room.

“Come on, let’s all follow uncle. Uncle will take you to dinner!”

As soon as they heard there was food, the children immediately ran over with Zhang Chuan.

Even the disabled or blind children went together with the help of their partners.

 When I saw the fragrant food on the table, my eyes were bright and my mouth was watering.

 But no one dared to eat first, they all looked at Zhang Chuan.

Zhang Chuan said: "Eat, these are the meals prepared for you."

Upon hearing this, the children no longer hesitated, swarmed over, grabbed big bites with their hands and started eating.

 Zhang Chuan did not stop him.

Looking at them gobbling down food, Zhang Chuan understood that they were starving.

This group of inhumane human traffickers treat these children so cruelly, have their hearts been eaten by the devil?

 (End of this chapter)

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