Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 72: Human trafficking ring discovered!

Chapter 72 Human trafficking gang discovered!

 But he looked calm on the surface and turned to look at them naturally.

 The long-haired man in the middle also suddenly looked at Zhang Chuan.

The two people's eyes met, and the man showed a simple and honest smile, which seemed quite simple.

 Zhang Chuan also returned a smile.

“Young man, we are farmers who go to work in the city. We are dirty, so don’t mind.”

 The long-haired man smiled sheepishly.

 “It’s okay.” Zhang Chuan smiled gently.

 He actually felt that there was something wrong with the two of them.

With his observation skills, he could easily see that the mess on their bodies was intentional.

 One obvious clue is that the cotton cloth they used to hold their children was clean and of good quality.

 If they were really migrant workers, how could they be willing to buy such good cotton cloth for their children?

How can cotton cloth be kept so clean?

 The most important thing is that migrant workers account for almost one-third of the entire station.

At that time, people in the city or well-dressed people did not look down on them as before, because there were still many poor people in that era.

The other farmers sat in other seats and said nothing, but this man took the initiative to mention this matter. He obviously wanted to win sympathy first so that he would not doubt them at all.

 If you were someone else, you might not notice this detail.

But Zhang Chuan is different. It’s not that he has become particularly sensitive after gaining a certain ability, but that the special forces have a course to train investigation skills. This course places special emphasis on observing details, especially the subtle expressions on people’s faces. Variety.

 By observing the subtle changes in a person's expression, you can roughly guess what they are thinking or what information they need to know.

 “Thank you for your understanding!”

The long-haired man said with a naive smile, "Young man, where are you going?"

 Zhang Chuan replied: "I am a student and I go to school. I have something to do at home, so I took a few days off and now I have to go back to school."

 Hearing that Zhang Chuan was a student, both of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s great to be a student! We all envy you college students. If we had studied for a few more years, we wouldn’t have to do such tiring work.”

The long-haired man sighed and said: "When my child grows up, I must let him study hard and not follow my old path again!"

 “Don’t worry! Your child will definitely be successful in the future!”

Zhang Chuan said with a smile.

"thank you!"


 At this time, the child suddenly woke up from his dream and started crying.

 Children are only about five or six months old and cannot recognize babies yet, but they usually cry when they wake up.

The long-haired man and the short-haired man next to him looked a little panicked when they heard the child crying.

"Don't cry, don't cry, baby, don't cry..."

The long-haired man gently rocked the child and coaxed him in a low voice, while scanning the surroundings with the corner of his eyes to see if anyone was paying special attention to them.

 Obviously, he felt guilty.

 But the child did not stop crying. It was not until the short-haired man behind him handed over a bottle of milk that the child slowly stopped crying and became quiet.

 The two of them relaxed a little.

Zhang Chuan didn't say anything, just closed his eyes slightly and turned his head towards the window.

 Now he is basically sure that these two people are human traffickers.

 But he was in no hurry to take action and planned to observe for a while before talking.

A few minutes later, the long-haired man's phone suddenly vibrated and received a message.

He looked around carefully, especially staring at Zhang Chuan. When he saw Zhang Chuan leaning against the window with his eyes closed, he took out his mobile phone to check the information.

At this time, Zhang Chuan's half-closed eyes quietly opened a crack. His "Dead Shot" skill was activated immediately, and the message on the screen appeared vaguely: Are you almost there? All we have left is you and that little guy!

 It turned out to be a large human trafficking gang!

The long-haired man quickly typed a few words to reply: "We'll be there in two stops."

After the matter was settled, it seemed like nothing happened to the two of them and they continued to hold the baby and rest.

 The baby drinks enough milk and falls asleep.

Along the way, Zhang Chuan pretended to be napping and was in no hurry to take action.

 He hated these human traffickers from the bottom of his heart, but knew that now was not the best time.

When a gang commits a crime like this, there must be other innocent children falling into their hands.

 To save people, we must save them completely at once!

 An hour and a half later, the train arrived at the destination, which was a remote border town.

 At that time, the development of remote towns was backward, and transportation was scarce. Most of them were motorcycles and dilapidated vans. Taxis were even rarer and were only common in big cities.

 But around the train station, there are quite a few taxis and minibuses soliciting passengers.

The two of them packed up, hugged their children, and quickly got off the train and headed for the exit.

As soon as the two got out of the car, Zhang Chuan followed them quietly, keeping a distance of about fifty meters from them, and used his special induction to lock the position to avoid being discovered.

People were coming and going at the train station, some walking in groups, some carrying large and small bags, and it was so crowded.

Zhang Chuan noticed that the two of them got into a very dilapidated van after leaving the station.

He immediately stopped a taxi. Before the driver could turn on the meter, he handed over two hundred-dollar bills and said directly: "Don't ask me where I'm going, just do as I say. No need to change the money. I won't pay if you don't have enough money." Add. Go straight ahead."

The driver’s eyes lit up and he was filled with surprise.

You know, two hundred yuan at that time is equivalent to thousands of yuan now!

This generous fare is enough for the taxi to drive around the county town several times!

The driver naturally agreed.

 “Thanks, boss!”

 After saying that, the driver stepped on the accelerator and the car roared out.

Zhang Chuan did not follow the van closely, but kept a distance of about two hundred meters.

Although there were not many cars on the road, the distance ensured that the van in front would not spot him.

While using sensors to observe the situation of the van and the traffic lights in front, he said: "Master, accelerate to 70."

Without further explanation, Zhang Chuan directly gave the order.

The driver, considering the two hundred yuan, raised the speed from 50 to 70 without asking any questions.

Although this section of the road has a speed limit, the driver has been driving here for many years and knows clearly where there are illegal cameras, so he is not afraid.

 Drive more than 100 meters and encounter a traffic light. When the car is approaching the zebra crossing, there are 3 seconds left on the green light.

 Just enough to pass!

 At first the driver didn’t think anything was wrong.

But later, Zhang Chuan asked him to lower it to 50 sometimes, and sometimes mention 60, 65 or 70. He passed three or four traffic lights in succession, and each time he passed just before the light changed without waiting.

The driver was extremely confused.

 Could this guy know in advance the changes in the traffic light a few hundred meters away, calculate the speed and time, and ensure that he can cross the intersection at the red light every time?

How can it be!

Zhang Chuan did not explain, and stared at the van in front of him with all his attention.

He saw that after driving a few kilometers, another van followed. There were about five or six children in it, one of whom was also a baby. The other children looked to be between four and five to seven and eight years old. There were four adults guarding them in total. .

During this period, he also saw an adult kicking a crying child.

 The children were so frightened that they huddled together and did not dare to cry anymore.

The sky gradually darkened and night fell.

 (End of this chapter)

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