Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 55: Imitate Lei Keming's voice and kill the Flying Tigers!

Chapter 55: Imitate Lei Keming’s voice and kill the Flying Tigers!

 This shocked crowd actually included Lei Keming himself!

Everyone opened their eyes in unison and looked at Zhang Chuan.

The reason is very simple. What Zhang Chuan just imitated on the radio was Lei Keming’s voice!

 That’s right!

 Exactly the same, no difference at all!

 It’s like Lei Keming’s voice has been copied and pasted!

In this way, the commanders under the Black Tiger Brigade will be convinced that the person calling them is Lei Keming himself!

Imitating other people's voices is a trick of the Skrulls' cross-dressing skills: they can accurately copy any sound they hear, with a similarity of up to 99%!

As for the twenty captains of the Black Tiger Special Forces who were chasing the high school team, Zhang Chuan didn’t know his name.

 So I had to use this method to contact them.

 When they heard this call, they would definitely think it was Lei Kemin, their captain calling them.

 They will definitely respond as soon as possible!

 “But what about your voice...”

Lei Keming was extremely surprised and asked Zhang Chuan.

But Zhang Chuan didn't have time to answer, because the answer had already come from over there: "Reporting to the captain, I am Feihu, we are still hunting down the Langya Lone Wolf Special Forces. At present, we have killed five enemies here, and there are two left." We’ve lost four people here!”

 Have you lost five more people?

 Zhang Chuan sighed softly.

 But this cannot be blamed on the high school team.

Having only a gun in hand, lack of other equipment.

 Besides, the number of enemies is three times as many as ours.

In this situation, it is not easy to successfully kill four enemies and gain yourself the precious breathing space now.

 Zhang Chuan immediately issued an order: "Don't worry about the remaining two! You should withdraw quickly! We are also attacked by the Wolf Fang Team here!"

“We are now five miles northwest of the camp, come and support us!”

 “Instruction received!”

Feihu replied: "We will come right away! Captain, you must hold on! It's over!"

 After that, Zhang Chuan put down his headphones, looked at Lei Keming and others and said, "Seniors, I may trouble you to hide for a while!"

Leke Ming and the others looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

They all knew in their hearts that Zhang Chuan was setting up a plan to tempt their people to jump into the pit themselves!

Thinking of this, everyone laughed bitterly and shook their heads helplessly.

Even their team of more than twenty people seemed so weak in front of Zhang Chuan.

Not to mention that after Zhang Chuan laid the trap, it would be even more powerless for Feihu and his gang to resist.

 “I did underestimate you.” Lei Keming said with a wry smile.

After that, under the leadership of Zhang Chuan, only two or three members who played supporting roles were left among the eliminated Black Tiger special forces members. The others were quietly taken to a hidden place by Zhang Chuan and hidden. .

  After all, if this group of them is exposed, it is likely to affect the entire action plan.

After arranging Lei Keming and others, Zhang Chuan pulled a Black Tiger special forces member to lie down in a relatively open area, then pulled out the safety pins of the two grenades and asked him to press them tightly with his body.

“Brother, follow the drill rules, don’t make a sound, don’t move!” Zhang Chuan patted the shoulder of the Black Tiger special forces member, then turned around and continued to set up traps at the next ambush point.

The Black Tiger special forces member could only respond with a wry smile.

Of course he knew not to violate the drill regulations,

Even if he really had this idea, Lei Keming would never agree!

Lei Keming is a very principled person. To admit defeat is to admit defeat.

If they blatantly break the drill rules, they will definitely not be able to escape severe punishment from Lei Keming after they return, and they may even have to suffer physically and mentally!

 After Zhang Chuan dealt with two traps one after another, he deployed a small mine array.

After the arrangements were well made, he chose an ambush point with a wide view. From here, he could monitor all directions and be ready to catch the enemy by surprise at any time! Now, he was waiting for Feihu from the Black Tiger Brigade to arrive with the remaining dozen members.

About an hour later, Feihu and his team quickly entered the 500-meter warning circle monitored by Zhangchuan radar.

“Feihu, please answer if you hear me! I am Lei Keming! Over!”

Zhang Chuan grabbed the communicator and called again.

Feihu, who was quietly approaching, received the message and immediately ordered the team to hide. At the same time, he quickly replied: "Feihu received it! We are 500 meters northeast of the location you mentioned, waiting for the captain's order!"

“Okay, you are now divided into three groups: rescue group, demining group, and assault group!

Zhang Chuan quickly issued an order: "Directly ahead at one o'clock, behind a hill 350 meters away, two comrades are injured and unconscious. We cannot lose more teammates. The first priority is to take them out safely to avoid wolves. Team Tooth takes the opportunity to hit the target!"


Upon hearing this, Feihu immediately sent two people to take a detour to the place designated by Zhang Chuan.

"Attention, at two o'clock, between 250 and 350 meters away, our observers discovered a miniature minefield, obviously to hinder our direct attack. They are currently trapped there, and they have to clear the obstacles before they can Be careful when dealing with them!"


Feihu immediately dispatched a bomb disposal team.

“Assault team, you are advancing slowly from the front. There is a sniper and observer in front of you. You must kill these two informants first.”

 Zhang Chuan's tone was unwavering: "I only have three people left here, so I can't launch an offensive. I can only provide you with long-range fire support."

 “Just three people?”

Feihu's expression tightened, "Captain, is this Langya man so powerful in combat?"

 “Really strong!”

Zhang Chuan replied: "They may be divided into two groups. We have killed one group in other places before, and two more were killed here. The remaining five are still elsewhere, and their specific locations are unknown. It is up to you to solve it." "


Feihu seriously promised: "We will definitely find and eliminate them!"

 As special forces of the same level, they dare not ignore the strength of the enemy in the slightest.

In the distance, Lei Keming and others listened to the conversation between Zhang Chuan and Feihu.

 Everyone was shocked in their hearts.

 Everyone knows that the Black Tiger Brigade may be doomed this time!

 Zhang Chuan’s strategy is not complicated.

Those two traps contain explosive devices that will explode once triggered. The Black Tiger special forces approaching at such a close distance will inevitably be affected and eliminated directly!

 As for the minefields mentioned by Zhang Chuan, they are also real.

But they also noticed that there was a remote-controlled bomb controlled by Zhang Chuan mixed inside. Once the enemy stepped on it, Zhang Chuan could detonate it from a long distance, causing a chain reaction, and no one in the minefield would survive!

 Following Zhang Chuan’s guidance, the others continued to move forward.

 Once they enter the minefield, Zhang Chuan can launch a surprise attack from behind.

With Zhang Chuan's excellent marksmanship, the remaining Feihu and the others are no match for them!

“The strength of this Wolf Fang recruit is so terrifying! All special operations skills have reached the top level!”

“Camouflage, reconnaissance, mine laying, marksmanship, and mobility are all beyond our reach!”

“It’s incredible! A recruit who has been in the army for less than a year actually has such amazing strength! Lang Ya has really found a treasure!”

Black Eagle sighed repeatedly.

 (End of this chapter)

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