Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 56: The entire Black Tiger special forces team was wiped out!

Chapter 56 The Black Tiger special forces team members were completely wiped out!

Lei Keming was also filled with emotions: "Today's Langya is no longer the Langya I knew in the past. This time, our Black Tiger has indeed been defeated!"

“What I’m more worried about is that this new Wolf Fang recruit named Zhang Chuan, after taking care of us, will probably go straight to the Blue Army headquarters to carry out a beheading operation!”

Black Hawk frowned and said: "In addition to the special operations company and a full guard regiment stationed in our Blue Army headquarters, there are also multiple reconnaissance companies patrolling around it. It shouldn't be that simple for them to infiltrate, right?"

Lei Keming sneered: "Even if the surroundings of our Black Tiger headquarters are so tightly guarded, he can still rescue the hostages and defeat all our team members one by one as if he were in an uninhabited land?"

“And, judging from the situation just now, it’s obvious that he hasn’t tried his best!”

  At this point, Lei Keming sighed softly, "Now, it all depends on God's will! I hope our 'Cobra' commando can get ahead of him and kill the opponent's Red Army commander first!"

 On the other side, the three teams also arrived at their predetermined locations.

 At this place at noon, two members of the Black Tiger Special Forces were lying on the ground with strange landmines buried under them.

They keenly felt someone approaching around them, and their nerves were suddenly tense to the limit.

 “Hey! Don’t come close! There are booby traps below us! This is a trap, get out quickly!”

 No matter how anxious you are, your teammates will not hear you.

 “Flying eagle, flying eagle!”

At this time, a running team member quickly lowered his body, recognized the familiar face, and shouted anxiously.

 But the team member known as Flying Eagle was speechless and could only close his eyes tightly.

Just a few steps away, another team member also fell to the ground, calling for help in the same urgency.

"Report! Feiying and the young eagle seem to have lost consciousness and have no reaction!" The team member quickly reported to Feihu.

 “Take them to a safe place in the rear first!”

 Feihu made a prompt decision.


 After receiving the order, the two looked at each other and immediately moved the two dummies.

 “It’s over, it’s over!”

 The dummy felt dumbfounded in his heart.

 Just the moment their bodies left the ground, the originally suppressed booby trap exploded instantly.

One of the Black Tiger special operations team members saw the booby trap with his sharp eyes, and his expression suddenly changed.

 “No! It’s a booby trap! It’s a trap! Get down!”

 He yelled, his body already rolling backwards.

 Unfortunately, it is still a step too late.

  Bang! Bang!

With two loud noises, the two Black Tiger special forces members were blown away, with clouds of white smoke rising from their bodies!

They looked at the white smoke around them and were so surprised that they were speechless for a moment!

 “Oh my God! You two idiots! Can’t you see such an obvious trap?”

The fake Black Eagle got up and scolded the two real people loudly.

“How did we know? The captain asked us to rescue you! There were booby traps on you, why didn’t you tell us in advance?”

 A Black Tiger special forces member retorted unconvinced.

“We have been eliminated a long time ago, how can we inform you? It’s really embarrassing!”

 The four of them were all aggrieved.

Here, Feihu's face turned green when he heard the explosion, and he immediately called his team members.

 But no one answered!

At this time, Zhang Chuan, who was hiding behind them, saw that the five Black Tiger special forces members who had crossed the minefield fell into the trap he had set. He took out the remote control and pressed the detonation button of the directional bomb without hesitation. button!

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

 In an instant, deafening explosions sounded continuously within an area of ​​more than ten square meters.

 The directional bomb triggered a chain explosion of other landmines, covering an area of ​​more than ten square meters.

Before they had time to figure out the specific location of the mine, the five Black Tiger special forces members were blown out of the game, and the match ended just like that.

 “This is. Who stepped on the landmine?”

 The leading Black Tiger special forces member asked in silence.

 Others looked at each other and shook their heads, not knowing what was going on.

"what happened?"

Feihu was also confused.

 In just a few seconds, they lost seven people in the blink of an eye! There were only seven people left in the original team of ten!

How to fight this?

Isn’t the trap set by the Wolf Fang troops too harsh?

“Captain! Captain! Seven of our team members went to those two places according to your order, but they were all eliminated! Not even a single Wolf Fang special forces member was seen!”

Feihu hurriedly called Lei Keming.

 Unfortunately, there was no response this time.

Lei Keming in the distance slapped his forehead hard.

“What a bunch of idiots! I haven’t realized it yet. I was sent the wrong order by someone pretending to be my identity, and I went astray!”

Although Lei Keming felt angry and annoyed, he also knew that Feihu and the others could not be blamed for this matter.

 The voice that Zhang Chuan imitated was exactly the same as his own.

Humiliers will of course obey such verbal orders.

Who can you blame?

 Feihu called repeatedly but got no response, and he also had doubts in his heart.

 “What’s going on? Why doesn’t Hutou reply?”

"Captain! Could we have been plotted from the beginning? Those two places were full of booby traps and mines, and they were detonated as soon as we arrived! With Hutou's ability, it is absolutely impossible to make such a low-level command mistake ! The only explanation is..."

 Speaking of this, the team member's face became very ugly.

“You are saying that the person who gave us the order was not Tiger Head himself, but probably someone from Wolf Fang, who imitated Tiger Head’s voice and deceived us?”

Feihu’s expression also changed drastically!

“Impossible! I can hear that voice clearly, it’s definitely a tiger’s head!”

 The other team member insisted on his own opinion.

“You finally discovered it?” At this time, the voice came from the earphones again, it was Lei Keming.

 But as soon as he finished speaking, another voice followed: "It's just that I understand now that it's too late!"

 “Oops! It’s really a trap!”

 The faces of the remaining Feihu and others suddenly turned pale.

 “Quick! Concealed! Concealed!”

Feihu shouted loudly.

 Happily, as Zhang Chuan said, it was already too late.

 At this time, there was no cover in the place where they were, and there were mines laid by Zhang Chuan in advance.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared dozens of meters behind them and fired at them wildly.

 Zhang Chuan's shooting speed is astonishingly fast, almost three shots per second.

 With his marksmanship, at this distance, three shots per second, the shot hit!

More importantly, he was right behind Feihu and the others. They had no way to hide from Zhang Chuan's radar and were all exposed to Zhang Chuan's shooting range.

 As soon as the gunshot rang out, three people in the Feihu team were instantly eliminated!

 “At the back! Run!”

The remaining people reacted quickly, firing back randomly while running forward.

 But don’t forget it’s night.

Even with night vision goggles, the line of sight was extremely limited, and it was impossible to immediately locate Zhang Chuan's position.

 So, their bullets could hardly hit Zhang Chuan.

Zhang Chuan didn’t even have to hide, he just kept shooting.

 They stood up and ran, they were like moving targets!

 Bang bang bang.

There was another burst of gunfire, and four more Black Tiger special forces members fell down.

 Among them, including captain Fei Hu.

  Unfortunately, the remaining two people triggered Zhang Chuanbu's mines and were directly eliminated!

At this point, the dozen or so Black Tiger special forces who came for reinforcements were completely wiped out!

The scene was eerily silent, a dead silence.


 Completely lost!

 (End of this chapter)

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