Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 54: Captain Lei, Wolf Head, let me give you some 'surprises'!

Chapter 54 Captain Lei, Wolf Head, let me give you some ‘surprises’!

Black Hawk and the others quickly shot in the direction of Zhang Chuan while moving their positions flexibly.

 Bang bang…

 Zhang Chuan quickly fired two more shots.

 But his hiding place has been discovered, and the remaining Black Tiger special forces are alert, so naturally they will not let him hit easily.

Of the two special forces to the east he was aiming at, one fell down, but the other dodged.

 At this time, Zhang Chuan had no time to take aim carefully.

 The sound of the steel suit's radar warning suddenly sounded in his mind.

This does not mean that bullets have already flown, but it is a warning that the Black Tiger special forces in other directions have pointed their guns at him and are ready to pull the trigger.

 At this time, the radar can predict whether the trajectory of the bullet will hit him directly at the moment they pull the trigger.

His brain showed all the possible ballistic trajectories surrounding him.

The warning image also specifically marked the best safe hiding spot so that Zhang Chuan could avoid enemy gunfire.

Zhang Chuan followed the system's instructions and made a quick roll without saying a word, moving to another defensive point.

As he moved, gunshots rang out from all directions.

 He could even feel the hot air from the bullet whizzing past his face.

 Fortunately, none of the bullets actually hit him.

 When Zhang Chuan lay down, the two smoke bombs on his body were also fired and released quickly.

 In an instant, the surrounding area was enveloped in smoke within ten meters!

 “Throw a grenade!”

Black Hawk, who charged forward, shouted orders, and everyone took out the grenades they carried and threw them hard into the smoke area.

However, the moment they took out the grenades, Zhang Chuan had already seen everything, his body quickly integrated with the surrounding grass, and he crawled away quietly.

 When the grenade exploded in the smoke, he was already more than 20 meters away from his original position, and the grenade posed no threat to him.

 “It’s my turn to fight back!”

Zhang Chuan smiled coldly, climbed up the treetop vigorously, and pointed his gun directly at the smoke.

Although the eagle eye cannot see the enemy behind the smoke,

 But radar warning scanning can!

Relying on radar scanning, Black Hawk and the others have nowhere to hide in this smoke!

 Bang bang bang…

Just as Black Eagle and the other eight people quickly walked through the smoke to confirm whether Zhang Chuan had been eliminated, gunshots rang out again.

After three gunshots, Black Eagle suddenly discovered that three of the team members who were about to join up were already emitting thick white smoke!

 The gunshots obviously came from behind the smoke!

 “Hidden! Hidden now!”

The black hawk shouted loudly.

 The remaining five people quickly got down and hid behind hills, tree trunks or rocks.

 Their faces were full of frightened expressions.

 The gunfire came from behind the smoke,

This means that this Wolf Fang sniper can actually identify their specific location through the smoke and carry out precise strikes!

 But, how is this possible?

 According to the current level of technology, there is no individual equipment that allows special forces to see through the smoke of smoke grenades!

So, how did this Wolf Fang special soldier do it?

Before they could react, gunshots broke through the tranquility of the night sky again.

Even if Black Eagle and his party lie down and hide without a trace,

They failed to calculate that Zhang Chuan was hiding in the treetops.

Although there was smoke in front of him and dense branches blocked his sight, he could not directly see Black Eagle and the others.

 But with the radar skill, he can see through all obstacles.

Even if it is a blank bullet used for practice, when it is close to the target, the impact is enough to make the leaves fall.

 So Zhang Chuan did not hesitate and continued to fire.

After a few gunshots, Black Eagle was left alone at the scene.

At this time, Black Eagle leaned against a big stone to hide himself.

 Although Zhang Chuan had discovered his location long ago,

 But the stone was too big and protected him so well that Zhang Chuan was unable to do anything to him for a while.

Zhang Chuan raised the corner of his mouth, jumped down from the tree decisively, and moved forward quickly in a roundabout way.

 At this time, the smoke gradually dispersed.

Black Eagle's breathing was a little rapid.

 He realized that they had encountered an unprecedentedly powerful enemy!

Even though they had the numerical advantage, the twenty elite soldiers were defeated one by one by the opponent.

 Leaving him alone and helpless.

Even if the smoke cleared, he did not dare to show his head to check easily.

 Afraid of being killed as soon as you show up!

what to do?

 Cold sweat broke out on Black Eagle's forehead.

The Black Tiger special forces who had been eliminated looked at each other with mixed feelings in their hearts. The feeling of suffocation is indescribable—

Until now, they have only vaguely seen each other’s shadow, and they haven’t even seen each other’s face clearly.

 On his side, almost all the troops were wiped out, leaving only Black Eagle.

 This is simply an unprecedented fiasco!

The black hawk was cautious and did not dare to move.

They also looked around, eager to find out where the "Spike" special forces soldier was hiding and how he managed to eliminate them silently!

 “Are you looking for me?”

 Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the Black Hawk special forces soldiers changed.

Turning around, they saw a figure standing on a small **** more than ten meters behind them.

The man held a gun in his hand and pointed it at Black Eagle with a smile.

 Everyone was stunned.

How did this guy get around to the back silently?

 “Are you a human or a ghost?”

Black Hawk blurted out.


 His answer was the sound of gunshots.

 White smoke came out of the black hawk.

 Zhang Chuan neatly put away his gun and walked slowly.

Under the moonlight, everyone finally saw Zhang Chuan’s face clearly.

So young?



 A private who has only been in the army for one year?

 Did you put on makeup on purpose?

 But he looks really young!

 You can’t lie about your age, right?

 “Are you...really a private?”

Black Eagle frowned and asked.

 Zhang Chuan walked down the **** and smiled faintly: "Why, doesn't it look like it?"

 Everyone was speechless.

 “Wolf Fang Special Forces?”


"only you?"


“Were you the one who destroyed the command post of our Black Tiger Brigade?”

 “That’s right.”


“Okay, are you done asking the questions? When you’re done, hand over the grenades and smoke grenades. I’m leaving.

“We Langya people are still surrounded by your Black Tiger special forces!”

 Zhang Chuan seemed a little impatient.

 “Give it all to him!”

 At this time, a voice sounded.

Leikeming came over and gave orders to Black Eagle and the others.

Lei Keming looked at Zhang Chuan: "Young man, what's your name?"

 “Zhang Chuan.”

Zhang Chuan saluted Lei Keming as he spoke: "Hello Captain Lei, our wolf leader asked me to say hello to you on his behalf!"

“Oh? Captain He also mentioned me to you?”

Lei Keming was a little surprised.


 Zhang Chuan responded: "Langtou asked us to give you some 'surprises', haha..."

Instead of being angry, Lei Keming laughed and praised: "You guys are really good! It's true that a hero comes from a young age! Much better than our generation! I am convinced that I lost at your hands!"

A smile broke out on Zhang Chuan's face and he said: "Thank you so much for taking care of me! However, the battle is not over yet. Let me talk in detail after I finish off the remaining special forces of your Black Tiger Brigade one by one!"

 Then, Zhang Chuan picked up their communication tool and began to send a message: "I am Lei Keming, I am Lei Keming, everyone, please answer when you hear it! Report your current situation! Over!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone present was shocked and dumbfounded!

 (End of this chapter)

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