Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 44: Beheading is outrageous enough, but you still want to capture him alive?

Chapter 44: Beheading is outrageous enough, but you still want to capture him alive?

  If you want to sneak into the Blue Army headquarters to assassinate or capture the enemy boss alive, you not only need super intelligence collection and analysis capabilities, but also strong strength and some luck. The success rate is estimated to be only one in 10,000!

 Besides, even if the decapitation operation was completed in the past, no one from our side could come out alive. They were all discovered and killed by the enemy as soon as they started. Basically, they all ended up dying together!

  Not to mention that you have to capture people alive from the Blue Army headquarters!

Even if you are lucky enough to catch the boss of the Blue Army, how are you going to bring him out?

Leaving aside those special forces and the thousands of Guard Corps soldiers, as long as the Blue Army discovers that the boss has been captured alive, their emergency response forces at the rear will definitely mobilize a large number of troops to pursue and intercept you.

 From the rear of the Blue Army to the territory of our Red Army, it is at least fifty kilometers away!

 When tens of thousands of blue troops use various high-tech detective equipment and large-scale containment tactics to deal with you, do you still want to run back with prisoners?

Of course, if the enemy boss can be captured alive, it will definitely be a fatal blow to the morale of the Blue Army, but since the founding of New China, such a thing has never happened in history!

 Zhang Chuan kept smiling bitterly in his heart.

 Gray Wolf doesn’t need to say much, he himself knows that there is basically no chance of capturing the boss of the Blue Army alive.

"System, did you hear me? You are not assigning me a task, you are clearly asking me to die! Is there really anyone in this world who can complete such a task?"

Zhang Chuan yelled angrily at the system.

System response: "The tasks given to you by the system are set based on your current abilities. Since the system has given them to you, it means you can complete them!

 “How likely is this?”

 Zhang Chuan asked curiously.

 “Five percent.”

“System, are you too cruel?”

“This... system, are you deliberately trying to mess with me?

“In addition to this main task, there are two additional tasks. Do you want to know now?”

 Zhang Chuan almost wanted to explode again,

“Have you made a mistake? You’re bullying people like this!

“Can I ignore these additional tasks?” Zhang Chuan asked with a bitter look on his face.

“Yes, but you have to complete it even if you don’t listen, otherwise you will still be punished.”

The system replied coldly.

 Zhang Chuan almost exploded again, "Since it has to be completed no matter what, then why are you asking me if I listen? Just tell me!

 “The system thinks you are in a very low mood now and don’t want to hear...

“I’m very happy, I’m in a very good mood now! Mr. System, please tell me!

 Zhang Chuan said helplessly.

System: "Additional task one: kill the leader of the Blue Army special forces; additional task two: eliminate at least three complete mechanized regiments of the Blue Army. If you complete these two additional tasks, you will be awarded an additional skill point."


“System, do you believe me...#%@*^you? Such a difficult task, but you told me it was an additional task? Can you be more cruel?

The system did not respond again.

 Zhang Chuan could only choose to accept it.

 After all, the task has been given, and he must try his best to complete it no matter what.

 Otherwise, wouldn’t all the physical attribute points that I have worked so hard to save over half a year be in vain?

Then wouldn’t all his previous efforts be in vain?

 Zhang Chuan looked at Gray Wolf and the high school team, forced a smile and said, "I'm just asking casually. Since it's so difficult, let's forget it. Let's try the decapitation first."

He was afraid that if he insisted on capturing the boss of the Blue Army alive with the high school team again, the stern boss might directly disqualify him from the drill, saving him from giving away his head in vain.

The high school team encouraged: “We believe in you, there is still one month until the drill starts, so get ready!

  “Yes!”     One month later…

When the Langya Level 1 alarm suddenly sounds, it means that the annual military region training exercise has begun.

Zhang Chuan followed the main force of Langya and landed directly at the Langya temporary command post.

In an instant, the high school team immediately summoned the Lone Wolf AB team and Zhang Chuan to gather urgently and hold a meeting.

“Lone Wolf Group B, this is your mission order. This is the blue army’s general defense map we got from the director’s department. The accuracy is yet to be verified. You have to rely on your own reconnaissance to figure it out and complete the mission!”

 The high school team handed a stack of documents to Geng Jihui.

After Geng Jihui took it, the six members of Lone Wolf Group B saluted in unison and replied loudly: "Understood! The mission must be completed!"

"Take action!"

 The high school team nodded in agreement.

 Zhang Chuan gave them a thumbs up and encouraged them: "Come on!"

Zhuang Yan and others smiled back at him, then put on their full equipment and jumped into the dense forest.

Waiting for Zhang Chuan's figure to disappear in the woods, Gray Wolf asked the high school team uneasily: "High school team, Zhang Chuan is still a recruit after all and has never participated in combat exercises. Can he do it alone?"

Coyote also showed concern: "Yes, this exercise mountainous area covers an area of ​​more than two hundred square kilometers. The terrain is complex and changeable, and there are various dangers hidden! If he encounters an emergency, no one around him can help in time. !”

The high school team said seriously: "This is not what we have to consider. Special forces should be the masters of the jungle battlefield. Since they are a member of the Wolf Fang, they must have such abilities!"

“If he can’t even cope with a more complex environment, it only means that he can’t be considered one of us!”

After hearing this, Gray Wolf said no more.

Zhang Chuan carefully looked at the map in his hand and found that there were only a few red dots marked on it, and most of them represented ordinary field troops.

 The Black Tiger Special Forces Headquarters and the Blue Army Headquarters commanded by Lei Keming were not marked.

 These points are given first to allow both sides to quickly enter the battle.

Of course, these public information are often the locations of the cannon fodder troops used as bait.

Therefore, neither Zhang Chuan nor Lone Wolf AB will take the initiative to intervene, lest they fall into the enemy's encirclement.

Zhang Chuan followed the map route, rushed directly into the Blue Army area, and launched a meticulous reconnaissance operation.

 Main mission—Capture the senior generals of the Blue Army alive;

Side missions one and two—respectively assassinate Lei Keming and eliminate three regiment-level mechanized troops with tanks, armored vehicles, and heavy weapons as the main force!

 What is a mechanized force? They are elite troops equipped with heavy firepower such as tanks and armored vehicles.

Rather than an ordinary army field force consisting only of cars or infantry.

This undoubtedly greatly increased the difficulty for Zhang Chuan to complete the task.

Zhang Chuan’s equipment includes an assault rifle, a sniper rifle, a pistol, a communication radio, a portable military satellite computer and other auxiliary equipment.

 These are the standard weapon configurations of all-round individual elites.

If it were a team fight like Zhuang Yan and others, with a clear division of roles, they wouldn't have to carry so much equipment at the same time.

 That will only increase the overall burden.

After Zhang Chuan sneaked into the Blue Army-controlled area, he hid behind a relatively secluded hillside and took out a portable satellite computer to try to detect the location of the nearby Blue Army troops.

 There are only a handful of computer masters who can use simple satellite computers to locate enemy positions on the military satellite network.

Lin Yingying and Zhang Chuan are the best among them.

 (End of this chapter)

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