Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 45: Laxatives for the whole group? You are so cruel!

Chapter 45: The whole group is given laxatives? You are so cruel!

 So, the high school team did not hesitate to equip Zhang Chuan with such high-end equipment.

Zhang Chuan kept operating the computer, trying to catch a trace of the blue army's satellite communication signal.

Although he can locate the Blue Army troops within a certain range, it is generally no more than ten kilometers.

 Beyond this range, the signal is seriously attenuated, and even if he is highly skilled, it will be difficult to capture it!

"found one!"

Soon, Zhang Chuan successfully intercepted a Blue Army signal and quietly stole its communication information.

“Tank and armored regiment?!”

 A bright light flashed in Zhang Chuan's eyes.

This is exactly one of the side mission goals he wants to complete!

 Eight kilometers northeast of his current location!

Zhang Chuan immediately put away his computer and ran toward the northeast quickly.

About 500 meters away from the Blue Army Tank Armor Regiment, he stopped and lay on the ground, using camouflage skills to perfectly blend his body with the woods.

 Because his dead-shooting skill had already reached him, there were two secret sentries lurking more than 200 meters ahead.

Generally speaking, wherever troops are stationed, there will be several open or hidden sentries patrolling and guarding the area to prevent enemy infiltration.

 Zhang Chuan glanced at the time, it was already past four in the afternoon.

 It is not suitable to move during the day!

 He chose to wait until nightfall!

 Finally, as night fell and the light faded, Zhang Chuan decided to take action. .

 He used his sharp eyes to quickly find an independent secret sentry who had just completed the handover.

 Usually those who can assume the responsibility of independent secret sentry are either battle-hardened veterans, experienced non-commissioned officers, or lieutenants with certain qualifications.

Novices can only act as sentinels under the leadership of veterans.

At this moment, Zhang Chuan was targeting first-class noncommissioned officers who had served for five years.

 Judging from his age, he should be in his fifth year of service.

This non-commissioned officer lay vigilantly in the shelter of the grass, paying close attention to all the movements around him.

Although as armored combatants, there are indeed some gaps in reconnaissance capabilities compared with professional reconnaissance troops or special forces,

 After repeatedly checking his surroundings to ensure that there was nothing abnormal, he gradually relaxed his vigilance.

However, at this moment, Zhang Chuan had quietly approached behind him with the help of his camouflage skills and extraordinary climbing ability.


Zhang Chuan decisively used a volley to slash, accurately hitting the back of the sergeant's neck, causing him to lose consciousness instantly.

Zhang Chuan knows that the fighting will of ordinary soldiers in TV dramas is often not as strong and tenacious as that of special forces.

Sometimes, even if they have been subdued quietly, they will even break the rules, shout and launch a counterattack in order to maintain the honor of the unit.

 If this happens, the consequences will be extremely dangerous.

Even if you get away with it, you will be in trouble if the other party refuses to admit it.

  After all, the directing team cannot check everything clearly.

 So, the safest way is to knock it out first.

Zhang Chuan immediately put on the uniform of a non-commissioned officer, and after a little tidying up, he quietly blended into the tank and armored force.

Because it gets dark early in the mountainous areas, and it doesn’t get dark until six o’clock outside the city. However, in the mountainous areas, the sun can no longer be seen as early as around 5:30.    In addition, the meal time in summer is around six o'clock,

 At this time, the cooking team was still busy preparing dinner.

 Zhang Chuan, wearing the camouflage uniform of a tank and armored soldier, walked leisurely into a row of cooking team tents.

The number of tanks and armored regiments is smaller than that of semi-mechanized infantry regiments or pure infantry regiments. Generally speaking, a company does not exceed dozens of people, which is far smaller than the scale of a pure infantry regiment with a hundred people.

 Overall, the regiment has a total strength of more than a thousand troops.

 During the exercise, in order to facilitate management, the cooking classes of each battalion will cook together.

Zhang Chuan walked directly into a cooking class, gave a brief salute to the cooking class leader, and then said with a smile:

“Squad leader, I am the communications soldier of Staff Officer Li at the regiment headquarters. My surname is Zhang. Staff Officer Li has had stomach discomfort in the past two days, so he specially sent me to the cooking classes of each battalion to see if there are any meals suitable for him.”

When the cooking squad leader heard this, he immediately understood: "Oh, it turns out you are Staff Li's communications squad leader. Hello, hello!"

The cooking squad leader did not know who Staff Officer Li was. There were as many as seven or eight staff officers in a regiment, with various surnames.

He didn't even know who these staff officers were, let alone the signal corpsmen under them.

Of course he has no way of knowing Zhang Chuan’s true identity. In their eyes, who dares to pretend to be a member of the agency?

However, in society or in the military, agencies and units always represent some kind of authority. Even non-commissioned officer-level cadres who come to the company will be warmly received by the company commander and instructors. For them, members of the cooking squad, it is natural that this is not the case. Dare to be disrespectful.

The cooking squad leader said enthusiastically: "Squad leader Zhang, all the meals for our camp today are here. We are just missing the last one or two dishes before we can start the meal. Please see if there is anything suitable and just let me know. If you are not satisfied with it, You can ask Staff Officer Li what he likes to eat, and I can cook it specially for him!"

"Well, let me take a look first. Monitor, you are busy first, so don't worry about me."

Zhang Chuan replied with a smile on his face.

“Okay, okay, monitor Zhang, take your time.”

After the cooking squad leader responded, he concentrated on stir-frying the vegetables.

Zhang Chuan, on the other hand, walked around and looked there. When no one was paying attention, he quietly sprinkled the powder in his hand into the soup of the dishes, then picked up a spoon and stirred it gently.

 The cooks all thought Zhang Chuan was just checking the quality of the dishes and didn't pay much attention.

After finishing the work, Zhang Chuan told the cooking squad leader that he was not satisfied, so he walked to the cooking squad of the next battalion.

 The powder he sprinkled was the powerful laxative they specially prepared before the exercise.

 After receiving the mission from the system, Zhang Chuan specifically asked the military doctor for more in case of urgent need.

 Now, these things come in handy.

Zhang Chuan adopted the same method and put laxatives in the food of the other two camp cooking classes, and then quickly found a place to hide it.

 Now, just wait for them to have dinner!

Sure enough, twenty minutes later, the whistles of each battalion and company sounded, and the soldiers began to eat in an orderly manner.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Chuan smiled slightly and did not stay any longer.

The fate of this tank and armor regiment is already a foregone conclusion!

Although there is no guarantee that everyone will eat food laced with laxatives, there is at least an 80% chance!

 According to the exercise rules, once more than three-quarters of the combat effectiveness is lost, it will be judged as a failure and the exercise must be withdrawn!


Half an hour after Zhang Chuan left, a system prompt sounded in his head: "Congratulations to the host for successfully arriving at the fully-equipped mechanized armored infantry regiment. Please continue to work hard and achieve greater success!"

 (End of this chapter)

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