Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 43: Perform a beheading operation!

Chapter 43 Execution of beheading!

 An excellent warrior must have experienced hundreds of battles and has rich experience.

 If I am too powerful, it will restrict the display of your strength, and the actual combat training you can get will be greatly reduced.

 If one day, due to special reasons, I am unable to carry out the mission with you, will you be able to adapt without me? Can you complete the task independently and satisfactorily?

"I think this is what high school teams are worried about! In a team, no one person should stand out too much. This will cause the entire team to lose its original balance and collaboration. Once that person leaves the team, the team will probably collapse. This This is the result that the Wolf Fang Army will never allow! We have spent a lot of effort and manpower and material resources to train you, and could this be the reason why this army will disintegrate?”

 After Zhang Chuan said these views, Zhuang Yan and the others fell into deep thought.

 They already understood what Zhang Chuan meant.

 What he said is not unreasonable. If a team relies too much on one person, it will undoubtedly significantly restrict the development of the team.

 The high school team, the Gray Wolves, and others all silently agreed with him.

Although they never mentioned this to Zhang Chuan, they were surprised that Zhang Chuan could see through it so clearly.

"So, even if the high school team doesn't say anything, I will take the initiative to quit the lone wolf commando team. It will be beneficial to you and myself."

Zhang Chuan looked at the high school team and said: "I think the high school team also knows very well that I prefer individual combat rather than teamwork, right?"

 The high school team smiled slightly and responded: "Yes, you have a clear understanding of yourself."

“So high school team, if Zhang Chuan leaves the Lone Wolf Commando Team, where will he go?”

Zhuang Yan asked.

“He’s not going anywhere, he will become an invincible personal sword in the Wolf Fang Army, a real sharp knife!”

The high school team said solemnly: "We must admit that Zhang Chuan's current strength is unmatched by anyone in our Langya team."

“An excellent special forces must not only have an elite commando team, but also a top all-round individual king!”

“Before, Langya didn’t have such a character, but now, we have one!”

“Of course, he will still participate in difficult tasks in the future, but he will only play a supporting role.”

“Langya performs many missions every year, some of which require teamwork and some of which are suitable for individual attacks. Do you understand what I mean?”

Everyone nodded.

"Then it's decided! From now on, the Timberwolves will become your new captain. You must seize the time and establish a new tacit cooperation as soon as possible."

 The high school team announced: “Because in one month, we will usher in the most important military exercise of the year!”

 After hearing this, everyone was surprised at first, and then their blood boiled with excitement.

 Zhang Chuan was also shocked.

 He remembered that this scene did exist in the TV series.

Lei Keming, the captain of the Black Tigers, is extremely capable in commanding and fighting. Even He Zhijun admired him!

 In the TV series, even though Lang Ya finally won, Zhuang Yan also successfully completed the "decapitation" operation of the Blue Army Commander.

 But he was almost killed by the counterattack of the Blue Army Commander's Guard.

"Yes, this is our military exercise in the southeast theater! At that time, the tradition of red and blue confrontation will still continue. We, Langya, are the Red Army. In order to ensure the fairness of the exercise, the blue army will dispatch a strong team from the northwest theater to fight against us. !”

The high school team emphasized: "The troops in the northwest are extremely powerful. When the time comes, we must face them head-on! This is related to the honor of our Langya and even the dignity of the army. We must not lose!"

“For specific information about them, the captain will personally introduce it to you before the exercise begins!”

“From now on, you will undergo a month of intensive training to accumulate strength for the drill one month later!”


 After everyone had left, the high school team called Zhang Chuan.     “What do you think about this exercise?”

 The high school team asked with a smile.

 “When encountering enemies, fight and build bridges when encountering water.”

 Zhang Chuan responded calmly.


 “Can you please stop fighting me haha?”

The high school team laughed and scolded: "You should know that in the exercise between the red and blue armies, the main goal of the troops is to 'decapitate' the enemy commander and send him back to the Red Army's position! If you are sent to perform this task, are you sure?"

 Zhang Chuan was stunned for a moment.

 In the TV series, this "beheading" task was indeed completed by Zhuang Yan.

 Do you want to take the credit from Zhuang Yan?

At this time, the system's voice suddenly sounded: "The system has issued an exercise mission: Capture the Blue Army Commander alive and safely send him back to the Red Army area! Reward new skills +1!"

This sudden news stunned Zhang Chuan for a moment.

“System, what did you just say? Are you sure you want to capture the Blue Army Commander alive instead of ‘beheading’ him?”

Zhang Chuan asked in disbelief.

 “That’s right, we must capture him alive!”

Zhang Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then burst out emotionally.

 “Sir, this is too difficult!”

 Due to his excessive emotion, Zhang Chuan did not communicate with the system through his thoughts, but directly said it loudly!

 When the high school team, Gray Wolf and others on the opposite side heard Zhang Chuan's words, their faces suddenly turned livid!

 If you can’t finish it, just say you can’t finish it. Why do you still curse?

Have we offended you in any way?

As soon as this sentence came out, Zhang Chuan immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing. .

Seeing the gloomy faces of the high school team members, Zhang Chuan quickly explained with a smile: "Brothers, please don't misunderstand me!

‘What I mean is...performing beheading operations is what our special forces are supposed to do. Even if you don’t mention it, I will definitely do my best to do it!

But I have a question, that is, if... I mean if, we want to capture the Blue Army officers alive instead of beheading them, then... would that work? ’

 Zhang Chuan raised this question cautiously.

As soon as he said this, the faces of the high school team immediately became extremely ugly!

"What did you just say? You said...capture alive?"

Everyone stared at Zhang Chuan with wide eyes.

 Zhang Chuan nodded firmly, "Yes, we want to capture the Blue Army officers alive and bring them to the territory of our Red Army...Doing this shouldn't be considered a violation of the exercise rules, right?"

The high school team stared into Zhang Chuan’s eyes and asked seriously: “Do you know what you are talking about?”

The gray wolf next to him also interjected: "Zhang Chuan, you have only been a recruit for one year. It is your first time to participate in this kind of exercise. You may not know how serious the exercise is.

It is extremely difficult to behead an enemy officer, let alone capture him alive!

Looking at so many exercises in the past, I can count on my fingers the number of times I have successfully killed a decapitation target.

You know, the Blue Army headquarters is usually at the core of the enemy's rear. It is surrounded by not only a cordon of at least fifty special forces, but also a guard regiment of more than a thousand people guarding the Blue Army headquarters all day long. Protect the enemy's high-ranking officers and commanders at all levels without leaving your side!

 (End of this chapter)

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