Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 35: Beautiful instructor, you can’t do it either!

Chapter 35 Beautiful instructor, you can’t do it either!

Facing Zhang Chuan’s reconnaissance system, one group of people chose to confront it head-on, while another group planned to use malware to paralyze it, and still others used various tools to attack from all directions.

A total of forty-five challengers used more than ten tricks to find weaknesses in Zhang Chuan's system, just to bring down the system, take away core control, and kick Zhang Chuan out of the game.

As soon as these experienced experts started fighting, the alarm message on Zhang Chuan's screen rushed towards him like a tidal wave. The system was about to collapse. It was estimated that the entire system would completely collapse in less than a minute.

At this time, Li Yingying beside her was ready to announce the result of the game, but Zhang Chuan remained calm with a smile on his face.

He first moved his finger joints leisurely, and then started typing quickly on the keyboard.

Li Yingying couldn't help but laugh when she saw it. Could it be that Zhang Chuan is already planning to give up resistance?

While everyone was wondering, Zhang Chuan opened the firewall code interface of the reconnaissance system. Then, his hands beat on the keyboard like a violent storm, and lines of code spewed out like a waterfall.

After Zhang Chuan’s operation, the dense red warning signs on the screen disappeared one by one.

The forty-five battle-hardened veterans were all stunned.

  They had found dozens of system vulnerabilities before, and launched hundreds of attacks together, thinking that they could completely defeat the system in the blink of an eye.

Unexpectedly, the attack orders they issued suddenly disappeared and had no effect at all.

This kind of thing is really unbelievable.

  Although their heads were full of questions, the veterans continued to attack.

Zhang Chuan's fingers were still flying rapidly on the keyboard. His left hand steadily blocked and neutralized all incoming attacks, while his right hand quickly repaired system loopholes.

The input speed of these veterans is already fast enough, and they can type dozens of lines of code in one minute, but Zhang Chuan is even faster, and can type a hundred lines of code in one minute!

This scene also made Li Yingying dumbfounded.

 She herself can only type about eighty lines in one minute!

 What is even more surprising is that Zhang Chuan not only inputs quickly, but also writes very strong defense codes.

 He easily blocked all attacks from forty-five veterans, and while fixing the vulnerabilities, he also added a layer of encryption protection to these vulnerabilities.

This makes it increasingly difficult for veterans to figure out the loopholes in the system, and the system that was originally full of loopholes gradually becomes indestructible.

The defense line built by Zhang Chuan is like a hard wall. No matter how hard the veterans slam into it, they can't break through it.

Li Yingying watched all this from behind, feeling extremely shocked. Zhang Chuan's computer skills are simply incredible.

No wonder the high school team said he was a super talented seed player. Such awesome computer skills put even Li Yingying to shame.

"If this continues, Zhang Chuan will soon be able to fix all the loopholes in the system. By then, the attacks of the veterans may be useless." Li Yingying thought silently.

Although Li Yingying's hands were extremely itchy and she wanted to get involved in this duel, she was still an instructor after all. After thinking about it for a while, she finally gave up the idea.

 This is a competition between students, and she chooses to wait and see.

 Not long after, all the problems in the system had been solved, and Zhang Chuan was able to get out and prepare for a counterattack.

His fingers jumped quickly on the keyboard, following the attack path of the 45 experienced special forces, and gradually finding out and determining their identity.

 Then, Zhang Chuan launched a counterattack against the 45 special forces veterans.

 In fact, Zhang Chuan could have counterattacked while defending and crashed the computer systems of these 45 special forces soldiers. But in order to save the opponent's face, he did not use this method. Instead, he chose to completely repair the loopholes first, and then launch an effective counterattack.

As Zhang Chuan's operations hit like a storm, one of the veterans' computer defenses collapsed first, and in an instant, his operating system permissions were taken away by Zhang Chuan.

"What's going on? Why can't my computer work?" The special forces who were trying their best to crack Zhang Chuan's defense system just now were surprised to find that they had lost control of the computer the next second.

"me too."

"Me too."

 Soon, more and more veterans found that their computers encountered similar problems.

 The situation is not good!

 Their computers were controlled remotely!

 When they realized this, they all looked at Zhang Chuan.

Those veterans who lost control also tried to regain the initiative, but after all their efforts, there was no effect. In the end, they had no choice but to give up and walked behind Zhang Chuan to watch his amazing operation.

 It is indeed him!

Is this really something humans can do?

How could you have such incredible abilities!

 Seeing Zhang Chuan easily respond to the joint attack of forty-five people, and even launch a precise counterattack, the veterans watching behind him were stunned.

In just one minute, forty-five veterans’ computers were defeated by Zhang Chuan.

"We...we lost..." When the last veteran's computer was declared scrapped, the forty-five people stared at Zhang Chuan with wide eyes, as if they were looking at a non-human monster.

Li Yingying did not expect such a result. She was shocked and secretly sighed in her heart. It seemed that her position as the chief computer technician was about to be replaced.

“Don’t just stand here stupidly. Go back to your seats and carefully reflect on the confrontation process just now, learn from it and gain a deep understanding. Zhang Chuan, help them unlock the computer.”

Li Yingying ordered.

"Okay." Zhang Chuan nodded in agreement, and then unlocked the computers of the forty-five special forces veterans one by one.

“Zhang Chuan, your skills are indeed much better. I will give you full marks for passing the information technology subject. You don’t need to take this class again in the future.”

Li Yingying looked at Zhang Chuan with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

Just because she is an expert in this field, she knows better how hard it takes to master electronic computer technology!

 Zhang Chuan's level has exceeded the level of proficiency, and his technical level may be ranked first even in the country.

Such a master certainly deserves her respect. Although Zhang Chuan is only a newly graduated high school student, he has already shown extraordinary strength in this field.

 Li Yingying felt ashamed when she thought about her level when she was Zhang Chuan's age!

 The two people are not on the same level at all!

Zhang Chuan saluted the instructor gratefully, then smiled at Zhuang Yan and the others, turned and left.

He didn't want to spend any more time here reviewing the skills he had mastered so well.

Rather, he would rather go to the training ground and do a few more sets of sit-ups.

 Among the many skills, Zhang Chuan pays more attention to his physical fitness.

When Zhang Chuan walked out of the teaching building, the high school team and a group of people were preparing to leave. When Zhang Chuan suddenly appeared, everyone was stunned.

“Why did you come out?” The high school team member frowned slightly, puzzled.

  Could it be that he was kicked out by Teacher Li Yingying because he was not talented enough and could not learn?

 (End of this chapter)

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