Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 36: Prepare your suicide note for the first mission!

Chapter 36: Prepare your suicide note for the first mission!

This Li Yingying, I just asked her to give this kid some color and kill his arrogance. How could she kick him out of the classroom?

"I was not kicked out because of the report. It was Instructor Lin who asked me to go back and rest."

 Zhang Chuan replied.

 “Go back and rest? Why rest?” Everyone looked surprised.

After being away from the scene for just ten minutes, what happened inside?

“Li Yingying said that I have passed the exam with full marks in this course. I don’t need to come to class again in the future. I will be recognized as a graduate directly.”

 Zhang Chuan explained with a smile.

“Full marks? You can actually get full marks from Li Yingying?”

When Gray Wolf heard this, he was shocked.

 They all know how high Li Yingying’s requirements are for this course, and it is difficult for her to reach the passing mark.

Even these veterans who have experienced many battles find it difficult to learn, let alone these new recruits!

 “No way, why did she give you full marks?”

 Hyogen asked confused.

“It’s nothing, I played a challenge game with her and I won, so she gave me a perfect score.”

Zhang Chuan briefly talked about the system defense battle. Although he spoke lightly, the high school team and others were stunned after listening to it.

Although Zhang Chuan spoke very briefly, they could feel the weight of it.

They are also often exposed to the software system defense game in training and learning.

Even the special forces of their generation are familiar with this game under the guidance of Li Yingying, so they naturally know that Li Yingying is a top expert in this aspect.

There is no comparison between the two.

 Therefore, it is no accident that Li Yingying can become the chief instructor of the special forces course.

They are also very aware of Li Yingying's character. As a chief instructor, it is absolutely impossible for her to admit defeat to a novice recruit in front of so many students.

 This means that Li Yingying did lose to Zhang Chuan.

Does this mean that Zhang Chuan’s achievements in the field of electronic computers have surpassed Li Yingying’s?

This made them feel helpless in their hearts - how can this compare!

 The students have performed well, and the instructors should feel sincerely happy and gratified.

But facing Zhang Chuan’s triumphant face, why were they so depressed?

 The corners of the high school team's mouth twitched slightly, sighing silently in their hearts.

 Why do excellent people have to be so excellent in all aspects?

“In that case, you can go back and rest.” The high school team said helplessly.

"Report! It's still early, I don't need to rest. In the special forces, I feel that it is a waste of time to rest without training. I'm sorry for this military uniform! I asked the instructor to allow me to go to the training ground for independent training!"

Zhang Chuan made a request loudly.

 At this time, the expressions on the faces of several members of the high school team looked very strange.

 Before, they had planned to take the opportunity to have a good rest. As long as the students had Li Yingying watching them, it was rare for them to relax for a while.

Now that Zhang Chuan is saying this, is he implicitly blaming veterans like them for wasting their time and showing off their military uniforms?

Two months later... The high school team stared directly at the remaining twenty or so members, with expressions on their faces as cold as ice and eyes as sharp as knives.

“Prick up your ears and listen carefully, the nearly four-month basic training phase is over!”

“Just the twenty or so of you have made it all the way and successfully passed all the assessments!”

Zheng Sanpao and others felt happy and thought about it secretly.

Doesn't this mean that we have successfully passed the customs and officially become a member of the special forces team?

But the next words of the high school team instantly shattered their dreams: "Don't be too happy yet, I haven't said that you have passed the final assessment and are qualified to become a member of the Wolf Fang Special Forces!"

These words were like a basin of cold water being poured down, making the recruits feel slightly chilled.

 Having not passed the final assessment, what do you mean by that? What a waste of joy!

The high school team continued: "Although you have not passed the final assessment, we feel that you have already achieved preliminary practical combat capabilities. It just so happens that Langya needs manpower for border missions, and you will be sent to the front line to accept the actual combat test! After all, actual combat is the highest standard to measure your strength, and it is also the key way to judge whether you can become a truly qualified special forces soldier!"

“The specific mission details will be told to you in detail before the action. Now, everyone, bring your multifunctional folding chairs and go to the assembly point!”

With an order from the high school team, the recruits quickly ran back to the dormitory, brought their own chairs, and arranged them neatly. This multifunctional folding chair can be used to sit alone or open the small table in front for writing notes.

At this time, Gray Wolf led a group of instructors and gave each person a piece of letter paper and a pen.

 “Everyone, start writing a suicide note!”

The high school team said seriously: "The risk of this actual combat mission is very high. I cannot guarantee that each of you can come back safely. It is even possible that none of you will survive. According to regulations, you must leave a suicide note home in advance before performing the mission. , this is your basic responsibility to your loved ones!”

“Tell the instructor, we don’t want to write a suicide note! We promise to complete the mission successfully and come back safely!”

Geng Jihui stood up with his chest raised and his tone firm.

 “No one can guarantee that he will remain unscathed on the battlefield!”

The high school team strode up to Geng Jihui, their eyes as wide as light bulbs and their voices kept low.

"You recruits who have never experienced war, how do you know how cruel the real battlefield is? How do you have the confidence to make a promise in front of me? What capital do you have to make such a promise?"

“Even if you are lucky enough to survive this time, there will still be countless tasks waiting for you in the future. As long as you stay in Langya for one day, the actual combat tasks will never end, and the life and death tests you will face will continue to come!”

“You can choose not to write, then pack your things and get out immediately! This is not a consultation with you, this is an order!”


Geng Jihui could only compromise bitterly and answer loudly.

 When other recruits picked up their pens and started writing, the atmosphere became more and more depressing and heavy.

  This is the first suicide note in their lives, and maybe... it's also the last one.

At this time, a non-commissioned officer suddenly stood up, his face pale, full of fear, despair, and a hint of loss.

 “Report to the instructor, I choose to quit!”

 The sergeant's voice was filled with endless frustration.

"What are you doing? We have persisted to this point, and now you want to quit?" The teammates next to him were extremely anxious and quickly persuaded him.

The sergeant said apologetically: “Originally, I thought I was brave enough and would not be afraid when facing a mission even if my life or death was uncertain.

 However, when I picked up the pen to write a suicide note, I realized how strong the fear in my heart was! "

 (End of this chapter)

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