Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 34: I want to make 50 of them!

Chapter 34 I want to fight 50! Come on!

Does this guy really think he can handle forty-five tough guys?

The forty-five old special forces soldiers were instantly shocked. This kid Zhang Chuan was clearly looking down on them!

"How brave!" Li Yingying snorted coldly, turned to the forty-five old special forces soldiers and ordered: "Everyone, show your hands and let these new recruits see how powerful you are."


 Forty-five veteran special forces soldiers responded in unison.

“Zhang Chuan, please connect your electronic protection system to the main control computer now.” Li Yingying asked.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Chuan shook his head, "I didn't do that thing myself, but it doesn't matter. I plan to borrow Brother Lin Dong's simple reconnaissance system for use."

As soon as these words came out, it added fuel to the fire and made those old special forces soldiers very angry.

Although Lin Dong’s system is the result of his many years of hard work, in the systems of these old guys, it is just an ordinary existence.

 Zhang Chuan actually wants to use this protection system to fight against forty-five of them?

 What does this mean? To laugh at them?

Even Li Yingying couldn’t help but stare at Zhang Chuan.

Is this guy too arrogant, or does he underestimate the strength of these old special forces soldiers?

Aren't you looking for a beating when you say this?

 The strength of forty-five people going up together is no joke.

Even if it were Li Yingying, using the same system, facing the siege of these forty-five old special forces soldiers, it would probably not last more than a minute before the defense line would be completely torn apart.

 Where does Zhang Chuan get his confidence?

 Do you think you can defend yourself?

 “Are you sure you want to do it?” Li Yingying frowned and asked again.

“Of course, Brother Lin Dong’s system is enough.” Zhang Chuan shrugged easily, his tone flat.

This is enough?!

 What does “enough” mean?

 These old special forces soldiers are about to burst out of their lungs.

 Zhang Chuan’s arrogance is simply intolerable!

 “You are indeed quite talented.”

Li Yingying patted Zhang Chuan on the shoulder with some pity, and then said: "Since you are so determined, then do whatever you want. Lin Dong, give him your system." "Understood." Lin Dong looked bitter, He handed the original investigation system to Zhang Chuan.

Zhang Chuan quickly changed the highest authority of the reconnaissance system to himself, and created a dual-screen dual operation mode, adding a keyboard next to it, so that the two keyboards and two screens can control the same system at the same time!

Seeing this scene, even Li Yingying couldn't help but nodded slightly and greatly appreciated Zhang Chuan's handiwork.

 If it were her, she would do the same thing.

 In this way, it is equivalent to two people defending together!

 Greatly improves the system’s defense.

  However, this move requires extremely high mental concentration and simultaneous operation of both hands.

In the computer technology circle, there are very few people who can truly do two tasks and type on the keyboard with their left and right hands respectively.

 She is looking forward to Zhang Chuan’s next performance!

Soon after everything was ready, Zhang Chuan nodded to Li Yingying: "Instructor, I'm ready."


Li Yingying glanced at the time and turned her eyes to the forty-five old special forces soldiers.

At this time, these forty-five veteran special forces soldiers were full of confidence. They firmly believed that Zhang Chuan's attempt to use this protection system to block their attacks was pure fantasy.

 “The action begins!”

With the order given, forty-five veteran special forces soldiers immediately took action, passing through the entrance to the Zhang Chuan system and drilling into the underlying code interface to search for any possible flaws in the system.

 (End of this chapter)

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