Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 135: One minute on stage, ten years of hard work off stage!

Chapter 135: One minute on stage, ten years off stage!

One minute on stage, ten years off stage!

 It takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it can be spent in just one moment!

 They all talk about the same truth!

 The senior leader of the headquarters turned to Zhang Jun and asked: Lao Zhang, Zhang Chuan must be working hard in training!

 Not only are you trying your best, you simply don’t regard yourself as a human being!

 Zhang Jun sighed: Zhang Chuan has a strong sense of crisis and always wants to be the best!

 The strongest is of course the best! The leader of the headquarters university said with emotion: Only by becoming the strongest can we truly realize the rejuvenation of China!

The world appears to be calm on the surface, but in fact it is full of crises.

  China has risen from devastation and has become a world-recognized power, occupying the position of one of the five major countries.


 Because the truth is often in the hands of those with cannons!

 It was the countless Chinese soldiers who single-handedly defeated the challengers of the other four major countries with their blood donations and iron will.

 What the soldiers cannot get on the battlefield, politicians cannot get through negotiation at the negotiation table!

 Every step of China’s rise is backed by the protection of Chinese soldiers.

Countless **** lessons have been taught to every Chinese soldier:

 There are only three things that dominate the world—strength! strength! Still strength!

Just as the leaders of the control room were filled with emotion, the people on the directing team discovered that something was wrong.

 One technician couldn't help but said: Then...he rushed out again!



 All the leaders were shocked!

 When I heard it, I was talking about Zhang Chuan.

 Zhang Chuan has just solved the sharp blade, what does he want to do now?

 Soon, all the leaders saw Zhang Chuan’s goal.

 Less than 400 meters ahead, a team of seven people was running towards Zhang Chuan.

Isn’t this the seven-member team of the Highland Guard Commando of the Western Military Region?

 It would be fine if there were only seven people!

 The problem is, wait until the leader sees clearly the equipment of these seven people!

 All the leaders and staff in the control room were silent!

Fang Qingshui and Yu Wen murmured in their hearts at the same time, is this retribution in this world?

 Zhang Jun and He Zhijun gasped.


This unscientific!

 It’s really unscientific!

 The leaders in the control room were dumbfounded. This was so unexpected!

As for the strength of the guard assault team on the western highlands, it was actually just mediocre.

This group of brothers who have been crawling and rolling on the plateau all year round, and are as tanned as charcoal, in this army's special forces competition, it is best to be ranked 25th to 30th, which is considered to be above average.

 But their equipment is so luxurious that they have no friends!

 7 people, 4 Type 95 automatic rifles, two pistols, a snow camouflage uniform, each person equipped with two grenades, external daggers and night vision goggles. But it's not over yet, they actually have a Type 88 sniper rifle, paired with a scope and night vision equipment, it's a luxury set!

Director Tang Quan quickly confirmed with the senior college at the headquarters that the arrangement of supply points for the competition was absolutely random and fair.

He explained that since it is an actual combat game, you may encounter various enemies, so some supply points are particularly rich in equipment to take into account the possibility of actual combat.

 After listening, the leaders all nodded to express their understanding.

 Special forces go on missions, and many of them have to go deep behind enemy lines. The situation Zhang Chuan encountered is not unusual.

 Zhang Jun and He Zhijun sighed, Zhang Chuan is too unlucky!

First, the supply point ran out of ammunition, and the "Blade Commando" was finally eliminated. Then, it ran into the Highland Guard Commando, which was armed to the teeth. Bad luck continued.

Zhang Chuan hated the system in his heart at this time. If it weren't for the so-called "crushing mode", he would have had enough guys to make it to the finals.

 What made him even more speechless was that as soon as Iron Man's radar warning system discovered the enemy, he had no choice but to bite the bullet. When the two teams were about 400 meters apart, the Highland Guard Commando also saw Zhang Chuan.

Captain Gu Yan asked everyone to stop for a moment and said to the person who called Camel:

 “You find a good place to stay.”

 The others dispersed, preparing to fight.

"Okay!" Luo Tuo is a sniper, wearing a white snow camouflage uniform, holding an 88 sniper and a quadruple scope. This configuration is simply god-level equipment. If you add some supplies and food, you can last until the game. Later.

But the Highland Guard Commandos are not here to be shy. Although they are not the most powerful, they are so well-equipped that they decide to take the initiative to find trouble and kill as many enemies as they can.

Gone Yan reminds his teammates that when they hear the sound of gunfire, the enemy must have a gun and they must act with caution.

They dispersed. Captain Gu Yan used the terrain to mobilize before the battle, saying that there was only one person on the opposite side, so they should be cautious in their approach and beware of cold shots.

As he was speaking, someone interrupted him: "Captain, stop talking, look over there!" Everyone was puzzled. How could he be cautious just by himself? It doesn't look like a sneak attack at all.

"What are you looking at..." Gu Yan was about to criticize, but when he raised his head, he was stunned. This guy, what about our air?

 “Stop talking nonsense, let’s go!” The smoke is coming from nowhere. Is the person on the opposite side really a special soldier?

 Wait a minute, Guyan suddenly wondered, where is the camel? Why not snipe such a big target? With no time to think about it, he quickly took aim and fired!

 Four highland guard commandos, including Gu Yan, fired at the same time, "Thud, thud, thud, thud!" There was also a heavy sound of sniper rifles!

boom! Sniper Camel finally opens fire! Guyan smiled, it was too easy to get the head.

Luo Tuo is one of the top sniper masters in the Western Region. His code name is just like his people. He can endure hardships and endure hardships, and his shots are accurate.

As for Zhang Chuan, with the blessing of the death shooting skills, he is already a top marksman.

 Before, the distance was far and there were many obstacles, but now the enemies have revealed their secrets. The moment they opened fire, Zhang Chuan pulled the trigger without saying a word, "Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

When the two teams met, it was a life-and-death showdown. Even the leaders in the control room felt that a war was coming.

Zhang Jun asked He Zhijun: "Has Xiao Tang told you about his tactics?" He Zhijun shook his head: "No." "Then he usually trains like this?" He Zhijun shook his head again: "No, he is very slippery."

 Zhang Jun was speechless. Zhang Chuan's scalp was numb. He didn't want to do this either!

 The contestants are all special forces, and shooting at moving targets is a basic skill.

 The Highland Guard Commandos have solid basic skills and work seamlessly together.

Through Iron Man's early warning, Dr. Banner's knowledge and Cyclops's tactical analysis, Zhang Chuan could clearly see that the four of them were aiming at his top, bottom, left and right.

What’s even more frightening is that when the four people opened fire, the sniper operated almost simultaneously!

The leader of the West District discussed in a low voice: "The cooperation of the Highland Guard Commandos is perfect." "Although Zhang Chuan from the Southeast District is a rookie, it is a pity that he is not familiar with tactics and messed around."

 “I thought I was a master, but alas, I got my head in vain.”

 Zhang Jun and He Zhijun looked at each other, their eyes full of worry.

 (End of this chapter)

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