Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 136: Is it necessary to stop here?

Chapter 136 Is it going to stop here?

 Is it possible that Zhang Chuan will stop here? But they always feel that things will not be that simple.

Sure enough, Zhang Chuan saw clearly that although the Highland Guard Commandos cooperated flawlessly, there were still loopholes.

 Unless there is full fire coverage, no matter how tacit cooperation is, there will be a delay of a few tenths of a second.

 For Zhang Chuan, even if the error is only 0.01 seconds, it is enough!

At the critical moment, Zhang Chuan finally broke out.

Zhang Chuan seemed to be possessed by Iron Man, instantly calculating the ballistic trajectories of the four Type 95 rifles and Type 88 sniper rifles on the opposite side. At the same time, Dr. Banner's knowledge and skills were running rapidly.

 Quicksilver’s speed ability is activated immediately!

 Zhang Chuan took a step back slightly, turned his body to one side, and squatted down easily, perfectly avoiding all bullets!

boom! boom!

The moment he stood firm, he quickly raised his pistol and fired twice!

 Click! Click!

The captain of the Highland Guard Commando was preparing to continue shooting, but found that no matter how hard he tried, the trigger could not be pulled!

 Captain...we're out!

The members of the Highland Guard Commando looked at the smoke on each other's bodies, and their mood was extremely depressed!

 Everyone’s attention turns to camels!


 The sound of gunfire from the Type 95 rifle was heard in the distance!

 Then, a cloud of smoke slowly rose from the camel's position!

Whether it was the Highland Guard commandos at the scene or the big guys in the control room, they were all shocked by this scene and couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear!

 They thought Zhang Chuan was just performing an ordinary tactical transfer!

On the way to the charge, I accidentally encountered the Highland Guard Commando.

 No matter how powerful Zhang Chuan is, he still can't escape disaster with such luxurious equipment and a perfect team!

 But now, isn’t this result too bizarre?

He is also a top special forces soldier. In a one-on-one shootout, Zhang Chuan actually survived!

 That’s it if that’s all, sometimes you’re lucky enough to dodge the bullet.

The problem is that while moving and dodging quickly, Zhang Chuan killed seven members of the highland guard commando on the opposite side!

This is simpler than killing a chicken, right?

 The whole process takes no more than 15 seconds!

The Highland Guard Commando suddenly turned from joy to sorrow and was eliminated immediately!

Gu Yan is a veteran. He has participated in several national special forces competitions. He has never seen such a fantastic beginning and ending!

The Highland Guard Commando imagined the ending countless times before the competition!

Maybe it was bad luck and he was eliminated without weapons and equipment;

Or encounter a strong team, both sides suffer losses, and are eventually eliminated;

You may also encounter the cunning Voldemort and accidentally stumble!

 But no one thought it would end like this!

 Seven of the top special forces in the West Region, equipped with top-notch equipment, were instantly killed by each of them as soon as they met.

I go! Is Zhang Chuan from your southeast district a human being?

 The boss of the West District was proud just now, but now he is furious!

Fang Qingshui from the South District and Yu Wen from the Southwest District looked at the West District boss sympathetically!

 Finally, commandos from other districts have realized the fear of being dominated by Zhang Chuan!

 Zhang Jun and He Zhijun were having fun, as if Zhang Chuan had won the championship!

 You old boy, did you give Zhang Chuan a stimulant?

The boss of the Western Military Region pointed at Zhang Jun with a surprised look on his face: How could there be such an unreasonable pervert among the newcomers?

 Zhang Jun smiled and didn't care!

Fang Qingshui twitched the corner of his mouth and thought to himself: Just now you old fools were laughing at me, now you have seen how powerful Zhang Chuan is, right?

He Zhijun was so excited, even more excited than he was when he won the game, with a smile on his face like a flower!

 This boy is ready to make a living!

 It really gave us a big surprise all of a sudden!

 This side of the scene,

The highland guard commando could only watch Zhang Chuan pacing over and took the signal gun away from the captain Gu Yan.      Sorry, brothers... I can only ask you to get off work early!


 Another flare shot up into the sky brightly and red!

 Highland Guard Commandos, out!

 At this critical moment!

 Zhang Chuan's heart suddenly tightened!

Iron Man's radar warning function was activated instantly, and Quicksilver's speed bonus was activated silently. His whole body seemed to teleport, and he moved half a meter to the left in one swish!


It wasn't until Zhang Chuan finished this series of actions that the sound of the Type 88 sniper rifle came belatedly and reached everyone's ears!

Aiya, I go!

 There are enemies again!

 Zhang Chuan is cursing in his heart, can't you just let me take a breath?

The bag hasn’t been licked yet, and I almost said it here!

Bang bang!

There were two more muffled blasts of Type 88 sniper rifles.

The Death Eye function was activated quickly. While dodging quickly, Zhang Chuan finally saw the sniper coming from 800 meters away from the two o'clock direction!

This guy!

 No wonder Iron Man’s radar warning waits until the bullet is close to 500 meters before alerting the police. The sniper was hiding so deep, behind a small slope, with only a cold barrel exposed!

 Without the Eye of Death, most people would never be able to find it!

 At this time, Zhang Chuan hated the system!

If it weren't for the cheating mandatory suppression rules, he could have relied on disguise and Spider-Man's wall-climbing skills to slowly clear the area, and at least he would have been able to get back a Type 88 sniper rifle!

Which sniper can resist the temptation of a sniper rifle?

Zhang Chuan tried to ask: System, can I collect the loot first and then deal with the enemy?

Okay! The system is still so straightforward: it will directly sentence you to fail the mission!

Zhang Chuan's face was so dark that he could drip ink, and he was thinking about how to smash the system to the ground and stomp on it to relieve his hatred!

  Damn it!

 The system is so abominable!

The enemy is even more hateful!

This team appeared out of nowhere, so he didn’t even have time to pick up his gun, and he even missed the snow camouflage uniform he wanted so much!

 Weapons and equipment are the second life of a warrior!

Is it too much to take away my second life and pay for it with your first life?

 Fuck it! Fight!

So, without saying a word, Zhang Chuan charged at the enemy again!

Although the leaders in the control room already knew something about Zhang Chuan, they were still shocked when they saw him charging into battle again and again!

This Zhang Chuan was really lucky. First he ran into a heavily armed highland guard commando, and then he ran into such a hidden sniper master.

quick! Adjust the surveillance for me, I want to see what character Zhang Chuan faces this time!

Zhang Jun is still happy for Zhang Chuan, but his back legs are jumping anxiously for him!

 Technicians quickly identified the opponent’s details:

Report! The opponent is the Cheetah Commando in the northern theater, with a full strength of ten people. They had a bumper harvest at the first supply point, with sufficient weapons and equipment, and successive victories. Now there are eight people left, and Zhang Chuan is already their third target!

The Cheetah Commando ranked twelfth in the last special forces competition. The snipers in the team are strong, and they can also enter the top ten in this competition!

The boss of the Western Military Region couldn't help but sigh: This time, Zhang Chuan may really be in trouble!

When Zhang Jun heard this, he glared and shot back: You old guy, are you dissatisfied? Do you want us to compete?

Although Zhang Jun said he supported Zhang Chuan, he was really worried about him in his heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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