Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 134: How much sweat and effort went into it?

How much sweat and effort went into Chapter 134?

At the ground floor of an inconspicuous small building, Sharp Blade and Zhang Chuan were separated from each other at a distance, and the atmosphere was tense!

“Now, all the contestants participating in the special forces competition, as well as the director team and leaders, are probably deeply impressed by you!” Sharp Blade put away the military dagger nonchalantly.

 You are just a newcomer who has never been on the battlefield.

 There is no need for me to use a military dagger!

Zhang Chuan grinned and asked, "Really? I didn't even know I was so famous!"

“I’m not sure if it’s true or not, but your journey to the special forces competition ends here, so go ahead and capture it, you rookie!”

 The sharp blade looks very confident.

“Captured without mercy? Why?” Zhang Chuan asked puzzledly, “I didn’t give in even if all five of you came together. Now you are the only one left, why should I surrender?”

"Because no matter how hard you struggle, there is only despair waiting for you!" Sharp Blade's tone was indifferent, but it revealed that there was no doubt about it.

“What a coincidence, I want to tell you this too!” A dangerous light flashed in Zhang Chuan’s eyes, and his feet were slightly bent, which was a sign that he was ready to attack at any time!

“Are all newcomers today so arrogant?” Sharp Blade sneered, “I won’t bully you either. Let’s decide the outcome by fighting. I’ll let you make three moves first!”

“Let me make three moves first?” Zhang Chuan smiled, “Are you sure it’s okay to do this?”

“Of course! We soldiers will do what we say, even if we don’t say a thousand words, we will never break our word!”

 “Well, it’s better to obey orders than to be respectful!”

 Sharp Blade’s proposal plays right into Zhang Chuan’s heart!

 For a real man, the fight should be clean and neat, with one move deciding the outcome!

Why bother dragging your feet, going back and forth, wasting your energy!

As soon as he finished speaking,

Zhang Chuan did not make any fancy moves and walked towards the sharp blade leisurely.

Seeing Zhang Chuan's posture, Sharp Blade became even more contemptuous!

This is not a new recruit who knows how to fight, he is full of loopholes!

 “The first move, here I come!”

Zhang Chuan lightly stepped on the ground with both feet, clenched his right hand into a fist and put it at his waist.

Hey! ah!

A seemingly ordinary straight punch, at first as slow as a snail, and then as fast as lightning, it struck the sharp blade!

 As soon as the expert takes action, he will know whether it is deep or not!

Lenihara wanted to hold on, but his face suddenly changed when he saw this scene!

 In panic, he could only cross his arms in front of his chest and try to block it.


 The sharp blade felt as if it had been hit by an elephant. The world was spinning instantly, and the throat felt so sweet that it almost spurted out blood!

His body was like a kite with its string broken, flying several meters before falling to the ground.

 His whole body was limp and he sat down on the ground.

 My face was red and full of disbelief!

“This is the first move. Why did you fall down before I even used any force?”

 Having said that, Zhang Chuan didn’t even wait for the sharp blade to react. He walked straight forward and took out the flare gun!


 Red flares pierced the sky!

 Blade Commando, come out strong!

At this moment, Zhang Chuan's heart moved, and the Iron Man-like radar warning sounded!

To the northeast, a seven-man combat team was approaching his location!


 Someone came to my door again!

 In the monitoring room of the All-Army Special Forces Competition,

 The leaders of the headquarters and military regions stared at the huge display screen and were speechless for a moment.

Everyone was stunned by Zhang Chuan's performance. They couldn't believe that the sharp blade, which ranked among the top ten in terms of fighting skills, was instantly eliminated by Zhang Chuan!

Fang Qingshui's face turned blue and white.

Just now, I was praising Sharp Blade's fighting skills, but in the blink of an eye, I was slapped hard in the face by Zhang Chuan. The slap came too fast!

However, something is wrong with this!

Fang Qingshui knew the strength of the sharp blade. He is the top presence in the entire Southern Military District. No recruit has ever been able to survive three moves under him!

 Does he only show off his power in front of acquaintances?

 But in the last competition, Sharp Blade's fighting ability was recognized as one of the top ten!

 Maybe it’s because the blade is careless, and the newcomers don’t know what the world is like!

As for whether Zhang Chuan is really superior in strength, Fang Qingshui doesn’t believe it at all!

Yu Wen barely maintained his composure. After all, it was the sharp blades of the Southern Military Region that were defeated, not their Southwest Military Region.

 Zhang Jun and He Zhijun were really relieved at this time.

 Zhang Chuan did a great job!

 Victory in the first battle, bringing great glory to the Southeast War Zone!

This Zhang Chuan is like a tiger!

The senior colonel leader at the headquarters said: Now it seems that it is indeed a clever move for the Southeast Military Region to form separate groups of new recruits from the Wolf Fang Force!

 That’s so right! Zhang Jun also knew for sure: the All-Army Special Forces Competition is a solemn and sacred place, and we in the Southeast Military Region will not joke about it!

Hmm, pretty good! Obviously, this new member of the Langya Special Forces of the Southeast Military Region is extraordinary and deserves our continued attention!

Just like that, as soon as the senior leader of the headquarters opened his mouth, the big screen in the control room was always locked on Zhang Chuan!

Zhang Chuan himself doesn’t know it, but various coincidences have made him a frequent guest on the big screen.

Other team members will only have the opportunity to briefly appear on the big screen when the battle is in full swing.

Even for the Long Yan Commando at the headquarters, as soon as the technician switched the screen, the leader asked him to switch back to Zhang Chuan.

No one else can figure it out!

The senior colonel leaders at the headquarters don't even keep an eye on their own Long Yan Commando. This is so unreasonable!

How did they know that Zhang Chuan had already attracted the attention of his superiors!

  Regardless of his strength, structure, or background, Zhang Chuan has long gone beyond the scope of ordinary special forces.

 The defeated Blade stared at Zhang Chuan: Aren't you a new recruit?

  I am a real recruit! Zhang Chuan responded with a smile: This competition has taught you a lesson, don’t underestimate anyone, newcomers or veterans!

 Empiricism can deceive people!

 This is the reason why I believe in Marxist dialectical materialism!

 Fengbian was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile: That's right! If I wasn't so careless, I still had a chance!

 Oops, you think too much! Zhang Chuan stretched out his fingers and compared them with his thumb and index finger: "The difference between the two of us is only a small amount!"

As he spoke, Zhang Chuan packed up the equipment of the Blade Commando and breathed a sigh of relief.

 A Type 95 automatic rifle, two pistols, six grenades, a military dagger, a jungle camouflage uniform, and night vision goggles.

 The most important thing is, 72 rifle bullets and 30 pistol bullets!

 Finally we have bullets!

 That's it, man! Goodbye, I have to go get the next team!

 Hold on, I still want to ask a question!

 You say it!

 Why are you so powerful? The sharp eyes are shining.

ha! Zhang Chuan understood what Sharp Blade meant.

 Why can a new recruit be so strong?

As long as you don’t get down during practice, practice until you die! You can be so awesome!

 After saying that, Zhang Chuan rushed out towards the northeast again without saying a word.

In the monitoring room, everyone fell into silence after hearing the words "As long as you can practice to death, practice to death"!


We only saw Zhang Chuan as a new recruit, sweeping through elite special forces like the Blade with absolute superiority.

Who knows how much sweat and effort he put in behind the scenes?

 (End of this chapter)

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