Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 133: Can't you predict his position?

Chapter 133: Can’t you predict his position?

The two small houses at the supply station are not far apart, about 250 to 300 steps. The place looks ordinary, but in fact there are big trees everywhere that two people can hug, and there are half to one person. How high the snow piled on the rocks. .

At this time, Zhang Chuan was like a nimble leopard in the forest. He moved quickly relying on the cover of trees and rocks. The tiger could not seize the good opportunity to shoot.

In a matter of ten seconds, Zhang Chuan was only 150 steps away from the small building of the Blade Commandos.

"Why don't you shoot?" Sharp Edge roared, "Can't find the right time? Can't you predict his position?"

“Boss, he seems to have clairvoyant eyes. I really can’t guess where he will appear next!” Huzi’s voice was filled with panic. “With one missed shot, our position will be revealed.”

In just one or two sentences of conversation, Zhang Chuan came fifty steps closer!

According to his current speed, he would be able to rush directly to the small building of the Blade Commandos in about ten seconds.

Fengbian looked at Huzi as if he were looking at a big fool: "Do you think the other side might not have noticed us?"

 “Don’t think about it! Just aim and shoot!”

 In the control room, all the leaders were worried about Zhang Chuan.

In less than twenty seconds, he had advanced a full 150 steps!

Every tactical move, every jump, and every foothold chosen are simply textbook level!

 At this time, Zhang Jun and He Zhijun regained a bit of face.

 Ta ta ta ta ta!

As Zhang Chuan approached step by step, Huzi finally pulled the trigger.

Just as he felt before, Zhang Chuan was as slippery as a loach, and he turned his sharpshooter into a master of human body contouring on the spot!

 Zhang Chuan was fully focused at this time.

 Iron Man's radar alert and eagle eye assistance allowed him to clearly see the direction where the opponent's shooter was aiming.

Dr. Banner's knowledge and skills combined with Cyclops's comprehensive tactics allowed him to calculate the trajectory of the opponent's bullets in an instant and dodge in advance.

  No matter how fierce the opponent's firepower is, it is all in vain for Zhang Chuan.

 In the blink of an eye for ten seconds, Zhang Chuan ran all the way and rushed to the second floor where the Blade Commandos were!

In the control room, all the leaders could clearly see that the five faces of the Blade Commando were all green, and the team leader, Blade, could not hide his anger.

 All the leaders looked at Zhang Chuan with admiration in their eyes.

But Fang Qingshui still looked like an old god: "What if this river is close? There are no bullets in his gun!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Qingshui opened his eyes suddenly because he saw Zhang Chuan's movements.



 Stop it quickly!

 It turns out that it was just a moment when Fang Qingshui was distracted!

Zhang Chuan didn’t know when he had touched the members of the Blade Commando and stood at the corner of their building!

Not only that, Zhang Chuan took out three grenades from his body.

Ding ding ding!

 After the faint sound of metal collision, Zhang Chuan pulled the safety bolt of the grenade without saying a word!

He grinned: "Brothers, I'm sorry, you have to be out!"


The moment he let go, the three grenades accurately flew into the three rooms on the second floor!

The five Blade Commandos upstairs were still hesitating whether to go downstairs and outflank Zhang Chuan, when they suddenly heard the sound of grenades whizzing!

not good!

The faces of the five people changed. One person fell to the ground, and the remaining three rushed to the rooms on both sides!

With only a sharp edge, he jumped out of the window with a sharp look! The man is in the air, the dagger is already in his hand, and he is ready to fight at any time!

 Bang, bang, bang!

The sounds of grenades exploding one after another made Sharp Blade's expression change drastically!

Sure enough, four plumes of red smoke came out of the three rooms one by one!

The leaders in the monitoring hall opened their mouths involuntarily, forming an "O" shape!

 Zhang Chuan’s series of operations are really awesome!

 It takes less than a minute to get weapons from the supply point and eliminate four members of the Blade Commando!

 What’s even more amazing is that Zhang Chuan’s series of movements are so smooth and dazzling!

The five members of the Blade Commando had the upper hand in terms of terrain, numbers, and equipment, but they were ruthlessly crushed by Zhang Chuan!

 Zhang Jun and He Zhijun finally breathed a sigh of relief!

 Zhang Chuan is so awesome!

Thinking of this, the two of them looked at Yu Wen and Fang Qingshui provocatively.

 At this moment, how can the leaders of the Southern Military Region and Southwest Military Region still have the same complacency as before?

 Full of shock and disbelief!

  Just now I had the upper hand!

  Why was it defeated so miserably in the blink of an eye?

Obviously he is an elite special forces soldier from the Southern Military Region, but why is it as easy as squeezing an ant to death in front of Zhang Chuan?

Fang Qingshui's eyes lit up: "Hahaha! Now, Zhang Chuan is finished! He has no weapons!"

Yu Wen also looked happy when he heard it!


 Zhang Chuan took three grenades at the first supply point, and there were no bullets in the gun!

 Now the grenades are gone!

The captain of the Keblade Commando, Blade, is among the top ten in the participating special forces in terms of combat ability!

In the last competition, if his marksmanship hadn't been a little inferior later, Blade's fighting performance would have even been in the top five!

 Now neither Sharp Edge nor Zhang Chuan have weapons!

If the two of them want to win, they can only rely on physical combat.

 Zhang Jun and He Zhijun are nervous again!

They wanted to fly to the battlefield immediately to remind Zhang Chuan and let him go to the second floor to find weapons!

 Sharp Blade obviously understood this instantly!

Hold the dagger tightly, the blade is like a tiger descending from the mountain, and rush straight to the second floor!

No matter how confident you are, you won’t take it lightly when facing special forces with guns!

At the same time, Zhang Chuan relied on Iron Man’s radar warning to discover the blade!

If you let the opponent go upstairs to get weapons again, it will probably be another hard fight!

What else do you call strong suppression?

 The two of them rushed into the building at the same time, and met unexpectedly on the first floor!

 “It’s you! New recruit!”

Feng Blade was shocked, and he couldn't believe it. The strong team of their front blade was actually planted in Zhang Chuan, a recruit!

 “You know me?” Zhang Chuan was shocked!

By this time, Blade had calmed down. Although Zhang Chuan had a gun in front of him, they were so close, and he was confident that he could eliminate his opponent before he fired!

  The leaders in the monitoring hall unanimously focused their attention on the big screen!

Fang Qingshui of the Southern Military Region was really relieved!

 He knew that Zhang Chuan’s gun had no bullets at all!

If compared to hand-to-hand combat, how could a new recruit be able to compete with the top ten fighters in the last Army Special Forces Competition?

Yu Wen from the Southwest Military Region also looked relieved: "This new recruit from Langya, accept your fate! That's it for now!"

Accept fate? That's it?

 Zhang Jun and He Zhijun looked at each other and smiled!

 Let’s see!

 Zhang Chuan will give everyone a big surprise!

The man who conquered the entire Wolf Fang, captured the Blue Army commander alive during the exercise, and even beat the instructors into submission at school!

 Do you think he can't fight?

think too much!

 (End of this chapter)

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