Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 132: The first kill of the tournament!

  Chapter 132 The first kill in the competition!

 Zhang Chuan, Zhang Chuan, you have to bring glory to the Southeast Military Region! If we lose the first battle, we will lose face.

Zhang Jun caught a glimpse of the commander-in-chief smiling and staring attentively at the surveillance screen showing Zhang Chuan's location.


 You can only do your best and leave the rest to fate.

 At this moment, the atmosphere in the arena suddenly became tense.

  The layout of the director team can be described as exhaustive.

 The supply point that Zhang Chuan drew is in the northeast corner, and the sharp one is in the southwest corner. They are both inconspicuous two-story buildings.

Having walked less than a hundred meters, Zhang Chuan's "Iron Man Radar Warning" stunt sensed that the five-man team ahead was approaching rapidly.

 While he was thinking about countermeasures, the system's voice suddenly sounded:

 "The system releases a competition mission: absolutely crush, win the championship of the army's special forces competition, and reward new skills +1!"

Zhang Chuan was stunned, not because of the task, but... "System, what does this 'absolute crushing' mean?"

 “System: literally!”

 A lush green plant flashed through Zhang Chuan's mind: "Are you kidding me?"

 What does it mean to be truly crushed by the strong?

In other words, you can obviously use sniping to quietly kill your opponent, but you can’t do it because it doesn’t comply with the rules of the system!

Zhang Chuan had a headache: "You want to tell me again that this task is customized based on my strength, and the chance of completion is only 5%?"


 “What do you mean by your silence?”

“If the host is unable to complete the task, 100 points of physical attributes will be deducted and a skill will be randomly deprived.”

“Furthermore, after precise calculation, the probability of completing this task is 4.99%, which is only 0.01% away from 5%!”

 Zhang Chuan is going crazy: “Is that 0.01% important?”

“It’s not important! But if you delay any longer, the completion probability will drop to 0!”

 Discover the enemy → launch an attack → destroy the enemy, all in one go. This is called real crushing! Hesitation and shrinking don’t count!

 Faced with such rules, Zhang Chuan was speechless.

 In the monitoring room, the leader clearly saw that the distance between Zhang Chuan and the Blade Team was less than 300 meters. The snowstorm had not yet arrived, and both sides were aware of each other.

Yu Wen was in a very good mood: "Lao Zhang, are you newbies so frightened by the competition that you don't know what to do?"

Fang Qingshui was also filled with joy: "It looks like our Blade Team is going to take the first kill in the competition!"

This situation is not uncommon. Most of the novices participating in the competition were terrible in strength. It was better to be led by veterans, but Zhang Chuan was alone!

Zhang Jun said angrily: "You pay so much attention to Zhang Chuan, don't you feel guilty?"

At the critical moment, Zhang Jun chose to believe in Zhang Chuan.

I remember Zhang Chuan’s marksmanship and resourcefulness in previous military exercises were extraordinary.

As long as the supply point has long-range weapons, guarding this two-story building and fighting against the elite team of Blades, the chance of winning is still not small!

The senior colonel, the general conductor of the competition, was a little surprised.

 In such a competition, Zhang Chuan was stunned when he was approaching the supply point, which was not a good sign.

If Blade gets the weapons and equipment first, the advantage will be even greater.

At this moment, Blade’s elite team had arrived at the supply point and quickly found a bulging backpack on the second floor.

 They opened it excitedly, and inside there were Type 95 rifles, pistols, night vision goggles, military axes and other equipment.

 The first supply point contains extremely precious equipment in the early stages of the competition, including heavy firepower such as the Type 95!

 “Awesome! With these weapons, the newbies in front of us will have nothing to do!”

 In the monitoring room, Fang Qingshui and Yu Wen couldn't help but laugh: "Old Zhang, my condolences and your kindness!"

Zhang Jun became nervous, and then saw Zhang Chuan also opening the supply bag on the second floor.

 A set of yellow-green jungle camouflage uniforms, a pan, a pistol with only a magazine, a military axe, and three grenades, gone!

"Pfft!" Yu Wen, who was drinking tea, spat out: "It's actually a jungle camouflage uniform, and the pistol has no bullets. It really made me laugh to death!"

Fang Qingshui also laughed: "If I were Zhang Chuan, I would launch the flare myself now! At least let other opponents see the flare and tip me off!"

Zhang Chuan looked at the weapons at the supply point, his face turning green and white. As long as he has an ax and grenades, coupled with Spider-Man's climbing ability, Hawkeye skills, Captain America's fighting skills, and Iron Man's radar warning skills, he can wait in the small building and have thousands of ways to deal with them.

 But this is not considered to be crushed by the strong!

Under the gaze of countless leaders, Zhang Chuan quickly shouldered his backpack, tied on a frying pan, grabbed a pistol and an ax, jumped from the second floor, and rushed straight towards the five people on the blade!

 The leaders of the monitoring room were shocked! What is this operation? Are you betting that the opponent's supply point has no equipment?

 In the monitoring room, both Zhang Jun and He Zhijun looked unhappy.

 Zhang Jun turned his head and glared at He Zhijun fiercely.

 “Is this the Wolf Fang recruit you are talking about?” he asked.

He Zhijun smiled awkwardly: "Maybe Zhang Chuan wants to bet that the opponent's supply point has no weapons."

Although they saw that the elite team of Blades was fully loaded with weapons.

 But from Zhang Chuan's point of view, except for the three grenades that are a bit of a threat, his supply points are almost useless. The firearms are just decorations, not even bullets!

 Time is tight, and the remaining supply points are far away. Waiting and waiting is a strategy, but taking the initiative and testing whether the opponent's supply points have weapons is also an option.

 Zhang Jun sighed in his heart, it would be great if the supply points on both sides could be interchanged.

 It can only be said that Zhang Chuan's luck is really not very good.

 But he also knew that among the 90 combat units, Zhang Chuan's luck was not the worst in terms of supplies alone.

 At least more than one-third of the team found only food and a few cold weapons at the first supply point.

  In comparison, Zhang Chuan has at least three grenades, which is considered a mid-level harvest.

It's just him alone, while there are five people on the Blade team, as well as long-range weapons.

The commander-in-chief of the competition, the Colonel, couldn’t help but comment: “It seems that the newcomer from the Southeast Military Region is not very lucky.”

I originally wanted to see Zhang Chuan’s strength, but now it seems that the possibility of Zhang Chuan winning is extremely slim.

Yu Wen couldn't help but said: "What does this mean? It means that the special forces competition relies on real ability, not tricks or luck."

 “I also agree with Lao Yu’s view.“

Fang Qingshui said with a smile, "This is just a competition. It doesn't hurt for newcomers to the Langya to try their luck, but it would be terrible to think like this on the battlefield."

 The leaders of other military regions nodded, feeling that this new recruit was too careless.

 So what if you have strength? If you lose the game, you will be eliminated at most, but being so careless on the battlefield will not only cost you your life, but may also bring great danger to your teammates.

 Listening to the criticism from the general headquarters, the directing team and the leaders of each military region, Zhang Jun and He Zhijun's faces became even more ugly.

 This is indeed the case. From every angle, Zhang Chuan’s behavior is too aggressive.

 The best strategy is to stay at the supply point and use grenades and daggers to both attack and defend.

 After all, he is still too young.

 “Okay, stop talking.”

Others may not know it, but the commander-in-chief knows Zhang Chuan’s details very well.

Seeing other military region leaders belittle Zhang Chuan, he felt the need to defend him: "Young people, it's a good thing to be motivated."

Other military leaders were reluctant to say anything when the commander-in-chief opened his mouth, but the gloating look in their eyes could not be concealed.

 In the competition area, the Blade Special Forces team quickly discovered Zhang Chuan’s movements.

“Boss, what does this guy want to do?” Team leader Feng Yan shook his head, “It doesn’t matter where he comes from, just eliminate him!”

"Yes! The boss is right. He is seeking death, so we will help him."

“Huzi, you are the sniper of our team, I leave this job to you!”

 Speaking, Sharp Blade handed the Type 95 automatic rifle to Huzi.

“I’ll hold the dagger, and you guys will divide the work among you. Try to bring some grenades, pistols or knives for each of you. Don’t be empty-handed.”

 After Fengyian handed the rifle to Huzi, he ignored Zhang Chuan again.

But after waiting for a long time and not hearing Huzi fire, Sharp Edge could not help but raise his head and ask: "Huzi, why are you dawdling?"

  Immediately afterwards, Sharp Blade was stunned.

 (End of this chapter)

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