Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 125: Lone Wolf Group B, ready for action!

Chapter 125 Lone Wolf Group B, prepare for action!

“When necessary, it has to be like this.” Geng Jihui calmly analyzed:

"Ma Yunfei is extremely dangerous. If he doesn't kill him with one shot, he is likely to fight back, and Xiaoying is even more dangerous!"

"No! Ma Yunfei must be captured alive! He must not die!" Xia Lan emphasized.

Geng Jihui said coldly: "This situation is not up to you now! Lone Wolf Group B, prepare to take action!"

 “Yes!” the team members responded in unison.

"Xiao Zhuang, don't participate this time." Geng Jihui ordered Zhuang Yan.

"No! I want to participate!" Zhuang Yan said firmly: "Believe me, I can control myself! I can do it!"

Facing Zhuang Yan’s insistence, Geng Jihui and the others thought for a while and finally nodded.

 “Okay, then it’s as usual! You are responsible for the main attack, and the other assaulters will assist!”

He then gave instructions to Deng Zhenhua and Shi Dafan: "Big-tailed wolves and bald-tailed wolves, find the best shooting position and see if you can directly defeat Ma Yunfei."

 “Yes!” The two men took the order and left quickly with their rifles.

Zhuang Yan prepared himself outside the interrogation room and waited for the opportunity.

 Only one minute passed.

“Sniper team, have you found the position?” Geng Jihui asked the team members through the headset.

"Report!" Shi Dafan's voice came, "Ma Yunfei is too cunning, hiding in the blind spot of the window, unable to fight!"

Deng Zhenhua then reported: "There is a closed vent to the west. Although it has stopped, it is still turning slowly because of the wind. I cannot guarantee that the bullet can pass through the rotating fan blades and accurately hit Ma Yunfei. Over!"

Geng Jihui’s face became even heavier after hearing this.

 “Prepare to attack!” he ordered.

 “Yes!” The four people gathered in front of the door, communicating their action plans with gestures.

Not far away, Xia Lan and the female soldiers and nurses clenched their fists, nervously watching the upcoming action.

 However, just as Geng Jihui made his last gesture, a gunshot suddenly rang out.

“Ah—” Almost at the same time, Xiao Ying’s scream came from the room.

Zhuang Yan and others' expressions changed drastically. They rushed into the interrogation room without hesitation, raised their guns and tried to aim at Ma Yunfei, but were shocked by the sight in front of them.

In the room, Xiaoying was in tears and mentally broken down. Ma Yunfei had fallen to the ground, with an obvious **** hole on his head. He was obviously shot.

"Xiaoying!" Zhuang Yan stepped forward quickly, pulled her out with force, hugged her tightly and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, it's safe! I'm here, everything is fine!"

At this time, Xia Lan and medical staff rushed in quickly, shouting anxiously: "Check quickly, is there any hope?"

Geng Jihui held his earphones and asked, "Big Tail Wolf, what's going on? Didn't you say you didn't have a chance to shoot?"

"Report! I really didn't fire! The gunshot came from the top of the mountain behind me!" Deng Zhenhua was very surprised.

 “The top of the mountain?” Everyone was confused.

After Xia Lan and others carried Ma Yunfei's body away, Geng Jihui and others immediately rushed to the back mountain to check.

 Seeing that the mountain was 1,500 meters away from here, everyone was stunned.

At this time, Deng Zhenhua also ran down from the building behind the interrogation room. “You said the gunfire came from the top of the mountain?” Qiangzi confirmed to him.

"Yes! I'm sure! Moreover, that gun is our commonly used Type 85 gun!" Deng Zhenhua replied.

Geng Jihui frowned: "The mountain is thousands and a half miles away from here. Who in our army can pass through the vent and kill Ma Yunfei with one shot from such a long distance?"

“Unless you are Superman, it is absolutely impossible!” Everyone shook their heads in disbelief.

"Who is it?" Everyone was about to go up the mountain to investigate when they suddenly saw an armed helicopter taking off from the top of the mountain.

 “Helicopter?” Everyone was stunned.

“Looks like our Wolf Fang’s helicopter? Are they coming from the high school team?” Everyone was speculating while being confused.

“But even if they came, why didn’t they notify us in advance? Besides, there doesn’t seem to be anyone with such abnormal sniper skills in Lone Wolf Group A, right?” During the discussion, a name came to everyone’s mind at the same time.

Almost in unison, they shouted the name: "Zhang Chuan!"

At this moment, the helicopter landed steadily on the ground. The moment Zhang Chuan's figure stepped out of the cabin door, all the doubts in the hearts of the people around him disappeared.

“Oh, you are really your kid!” Deng Zhenhua said loudly, “I knew that in ‘Langya’, who else could do this except you?”

Qiangzi was extremely impressed: "Zhang Chuan, your shooting skills are simply amazing! From such a distance, you can shoot a headshot with one shot!"

Zhang Chuan glanced at Qiangzi and said jokingly: "You still need to practice your marksmanship. One rotation of the fan can knock you out."

Deng Zhenhua smiled awkwardly and said, "How can everyone be like a freak like you?"

 Everyone burst into laughter after hearing this.

 “Who shot just now?” A cold voice suddenly came out.

Xia Lan walked over quickly with an unhappy look on her face. The smiles on Geng Jihui's and others' faces suddenly froze - why is this woman never ending?

"I drove it, is there any problem?" Zhang Chuan answered unceremoniously. He really didn't like this lady.

She is in both dramas, not to mention this one. If she hadn't insisted on her own way, Ma Yunfei would never have had the chance to hold Xiaoying hostage, and the subsequent tragedy would not have happened.

Had I not arrived in time last time, I'm afraid the tragedy would have happened again. Speaking of the second part, it is estimated that 99% of the audience did not like her.

Xia Lan said coldly: "Did you know? Ma Yunfei died on the way to the hospital!"

Zhang Chuan replied calmly: "I know, I hit the brain stem. If he doesn't die, then I will be derelict in my duty."

When Xia Lan heard this, he became furious: "Your marksmanship is so good, why do you have to kill him? Do you know how important he is to us? Once he dies, so many clues will be broken! Do you know how big the impact will be?"

 Zhang Chuan looked at her coldly: "I don't care, and I don't want to know. I only know that my mission is to save the hostages! Under the circumstances, nothing is more important than the lives of the hostages!"

"If I hit him elsewhere, can you guarantee that he will completely lose his fighting ability after falling down? What if he gets up again and hurts Xiaoying?"

"You..." Xia Lan was speechless and could only say angrily, "I will report this matter, and you will bear the consequences yourself!"

 Zhang Chuan straightened his back and replied: "Remember, my name is Zhang Chuan, codename is Lion. You are welcome to complain to me at any time! Now, we have secrets to talk about. Anyone who has nothing to do with it, please stay away."

"Okay! Great! Zhang Chuan, just wait and see! This debt has not been settled yet!" Xia Lan glared at Zhang Chuan and the others in Lone Wolf Group B, and then walked away angrily.

The members of Lone Wolf Group B looked at Zhang Chuan with admiration in their eyes.

 “Lao Zhang, okay! Even the women will not be spared!” Qiangzi gave a thumbs up.

 (End of this chapter)

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