Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 124: Is there anyone left in the Wolf Fang Troop?

Chapter 124 Is there anyone left in the Wolf Fang Army?

Zhang Chuan said seriously: "The first actual combat in my life was when I took over a child organ trafficking gang at the Army School. Compared with these big drug lords, it is far behind. So, I really want to see it with my own eyes. Captain Gao, can you let me go to the border for a while, just to relax?"

Captain Gao laughed and scolded: "You kid, you just can't sit still. Well, you have just recovered and are not suitable for too intense training, so go to the border to see the world."

 “Thank you, Captain Gao!”

 Zhang Chuan saluted and secretly swore in his heart: He must never let another tragedy happen, he must rescue Xiaoying and let Xiaozhuang stay in the special forces!

Zhang Chuan was alone, driving a large transport plane and flying straight towards the border guard team in the southwest.

 Three hours later, the story continues.

In a border guard camp somewhere in the southwest, "Lone Wolf Group B" is leading a group of female soldiers and nurses to practice firearms operation.

 Normally, everyone works hard, but now with so many beauties, everyone feels happy.

Here, paratrooper Deng Zhenhua is especially powerful. He teaches three female soldiers how to shoot rifles, submachine guns and sniper rifles at the same time. His miraculous sniping skills make all the female soldiers admire them.

On the grass on the other side, Zhuang Yan and Xiaoying sat side by side, their faces filled with the sweetness of happiness.

"I'm just curious. How can you guys in charge of warehouses go to the border to fight? Is there anyone left in the Langya army?" Xiaoying asked Zhuang Yan curiously.

Zhuang Yan smiled bitterly and murmured in his heart: How can I tell her that our 026 warehouse is actually a cover, and the real one is the "Lone Wolf" special attack team, which is the most elite and secretive force in Langya.

 This secret cannot be disclosed casually even to other special forces within the Wolf Fang.

 So, facing Xiaoying, he could only deal with it vaguely.

“Don’t underestimate us warehouse managers! In Langya, even the cooks are from special forces. We who are in charge of the logistics warehouse, why can’t we perform our tasks?”

Zhuang Yan replied with a smile.


Suddenly, a non-commissioned officer came over and saluted Geng Jihui.

“Ma Yunfei kept saying that he felt unwell and had to go to the hospital.”

Geng Jihui and the others, who were originally smiling, suddenly became serious.

Qiangzi frowned and whispered, "What tricks is this guy playing?"

Deng Zhenhua answered coldly: "He must be trying to find a chance to see a doctor and slip away. We finally caught him, how could we let him go so easily! No way!"

Geng Jihui thought for a while and decided: "Go back and take a look at the situation first. The remnants of the Ma family are still there, and we still don't know their drug network. We must dig out more information from Ma Yunfei's mouth to prevent him from making any mistakes."

So everyone quickly packed up their equipment and hurried back. Xiaoying and the others followed closely behind.

At this time, a captain wearing an armed police training uniform was already waiting. She was Xia Lan, who was sent by the armed police to assist in the interrogation of Ma Yunfei. She had twice fought against drug dealers with the "Lone Wolf" commando team before.

“What happened?” Geng Jihui asked Xia Lan.

Xia Lan replied: "During the interrogation just now, he cut his hand. Fortunately, we stopped it in time. But he refused to be bandaged. He had to go to the hospital, otherwise he would have to be treated by professional medical staff."

Deng Zhenhua concluded: "He did it on purpose. He must be up to some conspiracy. You can't be fooled!"

Xia Lan emphasized: "But his hand is still bleeding, so he has to deal with it quickly, otherwise his life will be in danger. He is too important to trace the clues of drug dealers, and there can be no mistakes!"

Geng Jihui immediately ordered the health worker Shi Dafan: "Go and bandage him!"


"Wait!" Xia Lan interrupted, "You can't go. Ma Yunfei has a grudge against you. We have just found out something. If you continue to provoke him, it will be difficult to obtain information in the future. I have already called the border hospital. The nurse is here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaoying and several other nurses hurried over carrying medical kits.

Deng Zhenhua shouted anxiously: "It's too dangerous for you to go in, Ma Yunfei is not a fuel-efficient lamp!"

Zhuang Yan also came up to dissuade Xiaoying: "He is injured, he should not be able to attack, and besides, he is wearing handcuffs..."

Xia Lan comforted him and said, "Don't worry, I will keep an eye on you and I will never let him have a chance to act recklessly!"

 Even so, Geng Jihui and others are still a little worried because they are well aware of Ma Yunfei's cunning and viciousness.

"Don't delay, the blood on his hands can't keep bleeding! We can't let him die like this!" Xia Lan urged.

 Xiaoying comforted Zhuang Yan: "Don't worry, nothing will happen. I can take care of myself."


"go in!"

Geng Jihui gritted his teeth and said, "We are guarding outside. If anything goes wrong, tell us right away!"

Xia Lan nodded, then quickly entered the interrogation room with Xiaoying and another nurse. Geng Jihui and the others were on guard outside.

However, after only a minute, something unexpected happened.

Ma Yunfei took advantage of Xia Lan not paying attention and kicked her down, then grabbed the medical scissors on the table. Xiaoying was about to run away, but he grabbed her and held the scissors against her neck.

The "Lone Wolf" team members outside heard the noise, slammed the door open and rushed in.

 “Ma Yunfei, let her go!”

 “Don’t move!”

"Put your hands up!"

Geng Jihui and the others aimed their guns at Ma Yunfei.

A sly smile appeared on Ma Yunfei's lips, and a vicious light flashed in his eyes: "Want to save her? No problem! Give you three minutes to prepare a civilian helicopter to take me away, and I will let her go! Now, give her all I'm getting out of this room!"

Looking at Ma Yunfei's almost out-of-control panic, Geng Jihui and others knew that they could no longer stimulate him, so they pulled the excited Zhuang Yan back to the door and gently closed the door.

 “Are you happy now?” Geng Jihui asked, glaring at Xia Lan angrily.

Xia Lan knew she was in the wrong, but she still said firmly: "I didn't know he was so strong. Is this what I want to see?"

Deng Zhenhua’s face turned livid and he scolded harshly: “If I had told you to listen to us earlier and have someone bandage his wounds, it wouldn’t have ended up like this!”

"But I have to consider the overall situation, right?" Xia Lan defended in a deep voice, "Do you know what Ma Yunfei means to us?"

Geng Jihui's face was solemn: "I don't care how important he is! But now, our comrade is controlled by him! Her life is in danger at any time! Is Ma Yunfei more important, or the lives of our comrades?"

Xia Lan was speechless for a moment, so she had to ask: "What should we do now? Prepare a helicopter for him to escape?"

Geng Jihui shook his head firmly: "Impossible! The special forces will never bow to drug dealers! If he runs away, he will harm many more people!"

"So we can only attack by force!" Xia Lan asked eagerly: "Are you planning to kill him?"

 (End of this chapter)

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