Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 126: How could you miss such an exciting game?

Chapter 126 How could you miss such an exciting game!

Lao Pao also said: "Well done! We have long been disgusted with this woman, but because of her identity and the fact that she is a woman, we have been tolerant."

 “Lao Zhang, have you recovered?” Only then did everyone notice.

Zhang Chuan nodded: "You freaks, I was so seriously injured, isn't it normal for me to recover so quickly?"

“So, you can join us in the Army Special Forces Competition?” Zhuang Yan was extremely excited.

 Zhang Chuan replied with a smile: "Of course! How could you miss such an exciting game!"

With the matters here dealt with, they spent the night where they were and took a helicopter back to the Wolf Fang Base the next day to begin the remaining half month of high-intensity training in preparation for the upcoming special forces competition.

This year’s special forces competition was held in Northeast China, which is far away from the Southeast Military Region.

If you take an armed helicopter there, you will have to stop several times to refuel.

 In order to ensure arrival at the stadium on time, Langya contacted the Air Force aircraft.

Just like that, the ten warriors of Langya, together with the ten-man Eagle assault team sent by the Southeast Military Region Air Force, boarded a military plane flying to the Changbai Mountain military base in Northeast China!

This time, it was He Zhijun and Liu Zheng, the captains of the two special forces forces, He Zhijun and Liu Zheng, who led the Langya Commando and Eagle Commando of the Southeast Military Region to participate in the army's special forces competition!

This military aircraft is very spacious inside. There are about 20 people in the two teams of Langya and Xiongying, plus the two captains He Zhijun and Liu Zheng, as well as the accompanying staff officers and others, there are less than 30 people in total. It's still empty inside!

Not long after the plane took off, Timberwolf Geng Jihui walked up to He Zhijun: "Captain, we know we are going to participate in the army's special forces competition, but the rules of the competition are not clear yet! Everyone wants to ask, how will the competition be compared?"

"Okay!" He Zhijun nodded and turned to look at Liu Zheng, the captain of the Eagle Special Forces: "Old Liu, ask your people to come over and let's explain the rules of the game to everyone!"

Even if Geng Jihui didn’t mention it, the first thing He Zhijun and Liu Zheng did when they arrived at the Changbai Mountain military base was to explain in detail the rules of the special forces competition to all participating team members.

 After that, it’s natural to conduct targeted pre-match training!

 To win a battle, you must understand yourself and the other party, so that you will never lose in a hundred battles!

Although every year in the all-military special forces competition, the champions are always the same old faces.

Our Southeast Military Region's best ever result is only in the top five, but now that it's here, let's just compare with peace of mind. We still have some small expectations for the championship.

He Zhijun spoke: "Many of you guys are veterans. They must have participated in the army's special forces competition more than once! You have also seen the trend in the past few years. The competition is becoming more and more like a battlefield with live ammunition!"

“Of course!” The old tricksters such as Langya and Xiongying nodded one after another with serious expressions. The other players who were about to play also felt the same way.

“Since Timber Wolf asked, I will tell you in detail!” He Zhijun said seriously:

"The rules of this competition have been changed a lot, and it can be said that it is closer to the real battlefield!" "According to the rules, each special forces unit can choose up to ten people to fight. During the competition, these ten people can act together or separately. , it’s up to us to decide what to do!”

"Here's the problem. This year's competition will be held at the Changbai Mountain Military Base. This is the first time in the history of special forces competitions! This battlefield is a mystery to all participating commandos. How do you divide your team into a completely unfamiliar fighting place? , this is the first problem for all participating special forces!”

"Just like last time, just throw everyone into the competition area, fight and slowly shrink the battlefield. In the end, whoever eliminates more opponents and survives longer will be the winner! The rules are straightforward, and we don't need to worry about it at all. Use your brain."

“But this year is completely different. The fifty special forces across the country can decide how to divide themselves into teams. Each team counts as a combat unit and will be drawn by the director.”

“After drawing lots, according to regulations, all combat units will be placed in different corners of the competition area.”

Geng Jihui asked: "Captain, if ten of us go together, won't we have a greater chance of winning?"

"That's not necessarily true!" Lao Pao shook his head: "As the old saying goes, don't put your eggs in one basket. What if ten of us get together and encounter a super strong team, and we will all be wiped out in one fell swoop?"

He Zhijun smiled and said: "Absolutely, this is why the headquarters only limited the total number of participants this year, not the number of combat units!"

 Say this, all the team members who are going to compete don’t look very good!

Everyone knows the truth, more people make fists stronger, and we are all top-notch special forces. This truth cannot be clearer!

  But more people also mean that it is easier to be discovered and the risk is greater!

On the other hand, if there are too many groups and too few people in each group, although the mobility is good and the concealment is high, there is also a big problem—once they fight face to face with other teams, they are likely to collapse in an instant!

 As He Zhijun said, this is the first threshold set by the headquarters for all participating special forces!

“What I’m going to talk about next is the most important thing!” He Zhijun emphasized his tone:

“The biggest difference between this competition and the previous ones is that except for the communication and camera equipment you wear, and the signal gun used to call for help, you are not allowed to bring any food or weapons and equipment!”

“All these things have been placed in the fifty-kilometer-square competition area of ​​the Changbai Mountain Military Base by the director team in advance. Each combat unit will receive a military map before participating!”

“The location of all supplies and weapons in the competition area is marked on the map, but who knows whether the point you run to contains guns, rations, or even grenades, landmines, and various cold weapons!”

“I have to tell you that this fifty-kilometer-square competition area only includes snow-capped mountains, woods, and glacial lakes. No one knows what the specific terrain is like!”

“This is specially designed by the headquarters to make this special forces competition closer to actual combat.

 When you really go to the battlefield, how can you know the situation on the enemy's side, let alone conduct advance reconnaissance! "

“As a special forces soldier, you must always be prepared to carry out missions deep behind enemy lines and in unfamiliar areas. You must have the ability to fight in all weather and all terrains, and you must learn to use all conditions to eliminate the enemy!”

“If you can’t do this, you are not a qualified special forces soldier!”

 After hearing what He Zhijun said, the team members of Langya and Xiongying were thinking deeply.

 Practical combat is the general direction of global military training. We in China have had a long period of peace over the past few years, and it is inevitable that the entire army will suffer from the disease of peace.

 (End of this chapter)

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