Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 123: Report! Zhang Chuan requests to return to the team!

  Chapter 123 Report! Zhang Chuan requests to return to the team!

The vice-principal also smiled and added: “This is mainly because of the professionalism and generous sharing you showed when teaching tactical knowledge to the teachers and students of the school, which made everyone respect and appreciate you.

 Coupled with your outstanding performance in flood fighting and disaster relief, you were awarded the honor of a first-class hero model in the army, which won great honor for the school.

 At the same time, our school won the second-class collective merit of the entire army because of its outstanding contribution in this flood rescue. Therefore, teachers and students are very grateful to you. "

Zhang Chuan could only respond with a wry smile: "Since everyone is here, I won't say much. But I am really touched."

 The feelings between soldiers are often implicit and deep. They may not be so obvious when they get along during normal times, but once it is time to part, they surge out like a tidal wave.

Whenever a veteran retires from the army, the whole army is always filled with a strong emotion of farewell. Those tough guys who are usually tenacious and iron-clad will burst into tears and cry like children the moment they take off their military uniforms. .

At that time, the feelings between comrades were sincere and warm.

 Zhang Chuan got into the principal's car and left slowly. Every time he passed a team, the captain would shout loudly: "Salute!" Then, the entire team of soldiers stood up straight and saluted solemnly towards the car and Zhang Chuan.

Zhang Chuan looked at the familiar or unfamiliar faces with mixed feelings in his heart.

However, as Wang Fei said, "The camp is as stable as iron, but the soldiers are replaced again and again like running water." When it comes time to say goodbye, even if there is a lot of reluctance, we can only move forward firmly. .

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Chuan finally walked into the gate of the "Langya" training base with his bag on his back.

 Unexpectedly, the "Lone Wolf Group B" who were supposed to be here actually went out to perform tasks.

 At this time, Captain Gao was leading the members of "Lone Wolf Group A" to conduct tactical assault exercises in full swing.

 Suddenly I heard a loud report from behind: "Report! Zhang Chuan requests to return to the team!"

When the team members heard the sound, they all turned their heads and saw that it was really Zhang Chuan, with smiles on their faces.

Ma Da, also known as Gray Wolf, said in surprise: "You guy, your injury is really healed?"

Captain Gao also walked over quickly, looked at Zhang Chuan carefully, and was amazed: "I can't believe it! It only took half a month for you to heal all your injuries."

Others gathered around and sighed: "Zhang Chuan, you are so tough, aren't you? It's incredible that you recovered so quickly!"

Zhang Chuan laughed: "I told you, I will definitely come back within half a month, but you still don't believe it."

Captain Gao also smiled: "Who would have thought that your boy's vitality is so tenacious. Fortunately, you came back in time. If you were two days late, you would not be on the list to participate in the army's special forces competition."

 Zhang Chuan asked: "How many people are participating in this competition?"

 “There are ten people in total.”

Captain Gao explained, "The participants are all selected from our 'Lone Wolf Commando'. 'Lone Wolf Group B' has six places, plus seven for you, and the remaining three are made up of 'Lone Wolf Group B'" Group A' make up."

“So many new faces?” Zhang Chuan was a little surprised.

Captain Gao patted him on the shoulder: "Although you are new here, your skills are good in all aspects. You can definitely compare with many veterans. The opponents in this competition are all elites from various military regions. Let you practice. , learning from their experience will be very beneficial to your future growth.”

 Zhang Chuan nodded in agreement.

Captain Gao suddenly remembered something: "By the way, your code name hasn't been decided yet, has it? The 'Lone Wolf Group B' has already been decided, and you have to choose one too." "On the battlefield, in order to prevent the enemy from retaliating afterwards, Our team members usually call each other by code names," Captain Gao added.

Zhang Chuan replied: "I know this rule. However, I see that their code names all have the word 'wolf' in them. Do I also have to get a code name with 'wolf' in it?"

 Everyone was happy when they heard it.

Captain Gao explained: "They use the codename 'Wolf' because they are part of the 'Lone Wolf Commando'. And you are the single-handed king of the 'Lone Wolf', so there is no such hard requirement."

Zhang Chuan breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. Then I'll call you 'Silver Wolf'."

 “Silver Wolf?”

 Everyone looked at each other. Although they didn’t understand why Zhang Chuan chose this name, they didn’t ask any more questions.

 In fact, Zhang Chuan felt that the name "Silver Wolf" sounded majestic and majestic, and it was easy to pronounce.

 Because in the novels I have read before, the "Lion-Hearted Emperor" is a particularly powerful character.

Captain Gao nodded in agreement: "Okay, let's call it Silver Wolf. You have just come back, rest for a few days, adjust your condition, and prepare for the competition in half a month."

Zhang Chuan asked with concern: "When I first came in, I heard that the 'Lone Wolf Group B' went to the southwest border to perform a mission?"

Captain Gao nodded and confirmed: "There is a very arrogant drug gang there. We have fought against them before, but they were not completely eliminated. They have started to cause trouble again recently. Three days ago, the superiors sent them to crack down again."

Zhang Chuan felt nervous and thought of the plot in the TV series: Zhuang Yan's girlfriend Xiaoying was kidnapped by a drug lord.

That time, "Lone Wolf Group B" finally caught the drug lord Ma Yunfei, but he used the excuse of a physical examination to get close to Xiaoying, a nurse who worked at the border military hospital.

While Xiaoying was giving him a physical examination, Ma Yunfei suddenly grabbed the scalpel and held her hostage, threatening the army to let him go.

 How could the army easily let go of the drug lords they worked so hard to capture?

As a result, "Lone Wolf Group B" had to attack forcefully, with Zhuang Yan as the main force.

However, just when Zhuang Yan rushed into the room and was about to shoot, Xiaoying's head just moved, and the bullet hit her between the eyebrows mercilessly, and she died on the spot.

Zhuang Yan accidentally killed the hostage, which is an unacceptable mistake for any special forces. In the end, he lost his favorite, was expelled from the military, and sadly left the army.

This plot made many viewers feel sad for Zhuang Yan, which is very regrettable.

At this time, Zhang Chuan couldn't help but worry: What "Lone Wolf Group B" will face this time won't be the same Ma Yunfei again, right?

Captain Gao continued: "Don't worry, they have completed their mission, destroyed the drug trafficking den, and captured the leader Ma Yunfei. Now, Ma Yunfei is detained in the border defense regiment, and the 'Lone Wolf Group B' is responsible for guarding, waiting for the anti-drug investigation of the Southwest Military Region After the armed police take over, the mission is completed and they will probably be back in about a week."

Zhang Chuan asked tentatively: "Captain Gao, is the name of the drug lord leader...is it Ma Yunfei?"

 Captain Gao replied: "Yes, what's wrong?"

 It is indeed him! Zhang Chuan pretended to be relaxed and said: "Oh, I just asked casually. I want to know what the big drug lord looks like."

The teammates said jokingly: "It's just one person, one head, two hands, and two legs. How can it still produce flowers?"

 (End of this chapter)

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