Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 122: First-class hero model in the army

Chapter 122: Military First Class Hero Model Medal and 1998 Flood Fighting Model Medal!

The system calmly replied: "The system distributes rewards based on the progress of the task. Naturally, the rewards will not be distributed in advance until the flood relief task is completed. Now that the task is successfully completed, the system will calculate and give rewards based on the overall performance."

 Zhang Chuan had nothing to say and could only accept his fate.

"Xiao Zhang, looking at your injury, I'm afraid it will take a month to recover, and you will need a period of rehabilitation training after that." He Zhijun looked at Zhang Chuan with concern.

“I think there’s no chance for you in the all-military special forces competition next month,” he added.

 “Special Forces Competition?”

When Zhang Chuan heard this, he was stunned, "Oh, I've been so busy these days that I forgot about this."

He Zhijun patted him on the shoulder: "If you can't catch up, don't hold on, wait for the next one. It's once a year, no matter this time. The key is to take good care of your body first."

Zhang Chuan smiled nonchalantly: "Hey, don't worry, I estimate that these injuries will be all healed in half a month at most, and there will be no problem participating in the competition."

 “Half a month? Are you kidding me?”

Shi Dafan frowned and said, "Count yourself, how many bones are broken in your body? Your ribs are also punctured in your lungs. You will be able to walk normally in a month. You still want to compete?"

"Okay, let's see the actual situation later." He Zhijun waved his hand and said firmly, "The first priority now is to recover from injuries!"

Facing everyone’s concerns, Zhang Chuan did not refute, but secretly thought: If it were not for the help of the body repair solution, half a month’s recovery would be impossible. But with repair fluid, this is no longer a problem.

Sure enough, after a detailed examination at the hospital, the doctor’s diagnosis was generally consistent with what Shi Dafan said.

 Zhang Chuan had no choice but to stay in the hospital for treatment. Due to the mission, the Lone Wolf Commandos hurriedly returned to the army the next day, leaving the cadets from the Army School to take care of Zhang Chuan and wait for him to recover before returning to the team to report directly.

A week after being hospitalized, Zhang Chuan could barely get out of bed and walk. Although the pain came from time to time, he gritted his teeth and persisted as an exercise in endurance.

This scene shocked the doctors at the hospital. Such strong resilience is really rare.

At this moment, the principal and the commander of the seventh company came to visit Zhang Chuan.

 “Comrade Zhang Chuan, congratulations!”

 The principal’s face was full of joy,

“In view of your heroic performance in this flood fighting and rescue operation, the army headquarters has decided to award you the First Class Heroic Model Medal of the Army and the 1998 Flood Fighting Model Medal.”

 “Wow, so awesome?”

When Zhang Chuan heard this, his eyes suddenly widened like bells, with a look of disbelief on his face.

The country's top military honor - the first-class heroic model of the entire army, can be said to be one of the most dazzling military achievements in modern history books!

You must know that behind this kind of honor, it usually means either heroic sacrifice or serious injury. Very few people can obtain such an honor without any injuries.

 Zhang Chuan undoubtedly created a miracle.

“Principal, is this honor too heavy for me? I don’t think I can bear it.”

 Zhang Chuan asked in a serious tone.

The principal smiled cheerfully and said:

"Nothing! We all feel that this is a well-deserved reward for your efforts and contributions. You led the entire platoon of soldiers into various villages and rescued the people from dire straits; on the dam, you charged In front, they worked hard to carry sandbags to strengthen the embankment.

 Without your precise command and selfless rescue operations, I don’t know how many villagers would have been killed by the floods. But that’s not all. At the most dangerous moment, you stepped forward, carried hundreds of kilograms of explosives on your back, and successfully blew open the dam gate, preventing a disaster.

Without your heroic actions at that time, all three lines of defense of the dam would have been lost within half an hour, causing hundreds of thousands of people upstream to suffer floods, with disastrous consequences.

 Therefore, based on your outstanding performance, the headquarters will award you the Level 1 Hero Model Medal.

 Zhang Chuan, this is the honor you gained by protecting the country and the people with your life, and you deserve it! Our First Army Command College is proud of you. You have become a role model for all teachers and students. "

Other school leaders nodded in agreement, and their admiration for Zhang Chuan was beyond words.

Facing such praise, Zhang Chuan was a little embarrassed: "Then I will just thank the headquarters and the school for their recognition."

 He held the military medal tightly in his hand, feeling its weight and at the same time aware of the increased responsibility on his shoulders.

Looking back on the experience of the dam bombing, he knew that he was ready to sacrifice at that time, but he never regretted joining the army, because in his heart, a real man should devote his blood to the motherland.

 Now that he has survived the disaster, he regards it as a gift from God.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed, Zhang Chuan's body recovered as before and he returned to school.

Company Commander Wang Fei and his comrades in the company were all very happy when they saw him coming back.

“Your resilience is amazing, isn’t it? It’s only been two weeks, but it’s all healed! It’s incredible!”

Wang Fei said with a smile while patting Zhang Chuan's strong shoulder.

 Other comrades also smiled, but their eyes were full of respect for Zhang Chuan.

Zhang Chuan said seriously to the company commander and everyone: "I'm afraid I have to return to the army early."

As soon as these words were spoken, the smiles of Wang Fei and the soldiers of the Seventh Company immediately froze.

"So soon? Your service period has not yet been completed for one year!" Squad leader Zhao Long said regretfully.

Zhang Chuan explained: "Actually, based on my results before the flood fight, I could return to the army then. It happened to be the task of fighting the flood, so I stayed for two or three more months. Now the school has approved me to graduate early. In addition, the army's mission is very heavy, so I have to go back quickly."

Wang Fei understood Zhang Chuan’s situation and couldn’t help but sigh:

"The camp is made of iron, but the soldiers are mobile. Sooner or later, we will all face separation. It's just that some people leave early and some leave late. Not long after you left, the fourth platoon and several other platoons Some comrades will also graduate and leave one after another.”

 Hearing this, everyone's expressions darkened, and their eyes were full of reluctance.

 After all, we have built a profound friendship by working together and fighting floods side by side.

The next day, Zhang Chuan packed his bags and prepared to leave. When he walked out of the company dormitory, he was surprised to find that all the teachers and students of the school lined up along the main road and spontaneously came to see him off.

Such a scene made Zhang Chuan stunned: "Principal, is this ostentation too big?"

The principal smiled and replied: "I didn't make any special arrangements. When they heard that you were leaving, they took the initiative to see you off.

Such a farewell scene has never been on such a scale in the history of our school, even when all previous principals have resigned.

 Only you, Zhang Chuan, have received this special courtesy. "

 (End of this chapter)

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