Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 115: A man doesn’t shed tears easily!

Chapter 115 A man doesn’t shed tears easily!


 All battalion-level officers answered in unison, and then returned to the camp. The battalion commander took the lead and led the team to once again engage in intense rescue construction.

At this time, a fire was lit in the hearts of every soldier. They gritted their teeth, used all their strength, and rushed towards the river embankment carrying sandbags.

 After a short rest and eating, their physical strength recovered a little, and now they went all out and were more heroic than before.

 Because there is not much precious time left for them, once the heavy rain comes, the water level will definitely rise sharply.

 If the second line of defense cannot be built in time, countless lives behind may be swallowed up by floods.

By this time, the reporters chasing gossip news had already left. Only the dedicated war reporters, holding cameras, silently recorded all this.

 No one spoke at the scene, and there was no time to communicate.

Everyone just pursed their lips and carried sandbags one after another with all their strength.

 The wind is getting more and more violent; the rain is getting heavier and heavier.

 Although it was afternoon, the sky was as dark as night.

 The heavy dark clouds made people breathless, and such high-intensity work gradually exhausted Zhang Chuan's physical strength.

 However, he still carried four bags of sand and ran quickly on the river embankment.

 “Hey, man, what’s wrong with you? You’re lazy and sleeping at such a critical time, get up quickly!”

 While Zhang Chuan was transporting sandbags, he noticed two soldiers.

 One was huddled on the bank of the river as if asleep, while the other was calling him while carrying a sandbag.

 The soldier who looked asleep waved his hands feebly, as if to say he was fine.

Zhang Chuan glanced at it and was anxious to complete his task, so he didn't care anymore.

  When he came back again, he found that only the fallen soldier was left in the original place, curled up with his face buried in the soil.

 Zhang Chuan frowned, with a hint of ominousness flashing in his heart. He immediately activated the vital sign detection.

Oops! No heartbeat response!

Zhang Chuan quickly ran to the soldier, straightened his body and laid him flat on the ground.

 First wipe off the dirt on his face to ensure smooth breathing, then quickly untie his clothes and start cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

 “Hygienist! Someone come quickly! There is a soldier who has fainted here!”

Zhang Chuan shouted loudly while rescuing people. The soldiers who were busy moving sand around noticed something was wrong and gathered around.

"Guangzi! Guangzi, what's wrong with you? Why did you faint suddenly? Wake up! Don't scare me!"

The soldier who just tried to wake up Guangzi recognized his companion and rushed to Guangzi's side crying, with a look of grief on his face.

Zhang Chuan did not care about comfort and devoted himself to giving Guangzi cardiopulmonary resuscitation and fighting for time with death.

 Can’t die!

 You must get through it!

 Please, wake up quickly!

Soon, the health worker arrived, took over Zhang Chuan's work, continued to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Guangn, and injected him with epinephrine, hoping to stimulate Guangn's physical reaction.

As time passed, more and more comrades gathered around Guangn, looking at him nervously and silently cheering him on.

 Five minutes have passed…

Ten minutes have passed…

 Fifteen minutes have passed...

Until twenty minutes passed, Guangn still showed no sign of waking up, and his body temperature was slowly dropping.

“Doctor Xu, forget it, it’s really not possible.” A female nurse persuaded her with a tearful voice. "No! There is still hope! I will definitely be able to save him! He is just a child, and there are parents waiting for him to come home!"

Dr. Xu’s eyes were red, and he stubbornly looked at the lifeless Photon lying on the ground.

 “He is just exhausted, he will definitely be able to survive! We can’t give up, absolutely not!”

“Doctor Xu, it’s been twenty-five minutes! There’s really no hope!”

The female nurse covered her face with her hands, tears streaming down her face, and her voice became even sadder: "The effective rescue time has passed. Even if the heartbeat recovers, his brain will die due to long-term lack of oxygen."

“Doctor Xu, you know this best! Do you want him to become a vegetative state for the rest of his life?”

  She almost begged.

"Shut up! It's not over yet! Don't give up! Look at him, look at this immature face, how can you bear to say that he is dead?"

 Doctor Xu’s eyes still flashed with stubbornness. Although his arms were weak due to the long rescue, he was still unwilling to stop.

 The little nurse next to her was already crying and turned her head away, not daring to look again. Photon's squad leader was even more distraught and needed help to stand firm.

“What the **** is going on? It was fine just now, why is it gone now?”

 The squad leader asked painfully.

“He is only 18 years old! He joined us to fight floods as soon as he joined the company. I promised him more than an hour ago that I would take him to eat roast duck after the mission was over!”

“How come it’s like this all of a sudden? Wang Guangzi! Get up! Stop pretending to be dead!”

“Are you and Fatty Wang pranking me again? Get up quickly! Otherwise I will punish you by running five kilometers!”

“Don’t think I’m easy to bully, so you can slap me on the nose! Open your **** eyes!”

The squad leader rushed to Photon like crazy, shouting heartbreakingly. The surrounding comrades were deeply touched by this scene.

However, no matter how the squad leader shouted, Photon never opened his eyes.

In the rush, the squad leader grabbed Fatty Wang by the collar and yelled angrily: "Fatty Wang, tell me the truth, is this a conspiracy between the two of you? Tell me quickly!"

Fatty Wang was shaking all over, sobbing and shaking his head: "It's really not, I don't know how this could happen..."

"I was talking to him just now. When I saw him lying on the ground, I asked him what happened. He said it was okay and urged me to reinforce the embankment quickly. Don't worry about him."

"As soon as I came back from carrying the sandbags, he became like this... Squad leader, Photon... he can't be real..."

Before Fatty Wang finished speaking, he just mentioned "death" when the squad leader gave him a slap in the face.

"Shut up! It's impossible! The doctor is here, and he will definitely be able to save the photon!" The squad leader's words seemed to hit a sore spot in everyone's heart.

It is said that a man does not shed tears easily, but at this moment many comrades turned around and secretly wiped away the tears from the corners of their eyes.

Zhang Chuan stood aside, feeling as if a huge stone was weighing on his heart, as if there was sand grinding in his eyes, and he was in unbearable pain. He has been monitoring photon's signs of life through the system, looking forward to a miracle happening.

 But fate is so cruel, such a vivid young life eventually left them.

Dr. Xu’s hands were shaking due to excessive physical exertion as he kept doing heart compressions.

 Thirty-five minutes passed quietly...

Although Zhang Chuan was reluctant to accept it in his heart, the reality could not be reversed—Photon had really left this world.

“Forget it, save your strength, there are still many people who need you.” Zhang Chuan walked to Dr. Xu, pulled him up from the ground, and persuaded him in a heavy tone.

 “I can still do it, I can still...”

 (End of this chapter)

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