Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 116: The selfless spirit of the older generation of soldiers!

Chapter 116 The selfless spirit of the older generation of soldiers!

Doctor Xu struggled hard and wanted to continue rescuing Guangzi, but Zhang Chuan's strength was surprisingly strong and he couldn't move at all.

“Look at your hand, then look at the photon, is it really okay? Stop, we know you have tried your best.”

 Zhang Chuan said these words with pain in his heart.

Doctor Xu stared at his slightly trembling hands and was stunned for three seconds. Finally, he held his head in his hands and burst into tears.

 “He’s just a child…”

 For doctors, the most unbearable thing is to watch a living life slip away from their hands.

“Wang Guangzi! Wake up, you kid! I won’t allow you to die, do you hear that?!”

The squad leader rushed toward Guangzi almost madly, grabbing his clothes and roaring, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes.

 “Squad leader! Calm down!”

“Squad leader! Just let Guangzi go in peace.”

 Other soldiers in the class came up to dissuade him. There were tears on everyone’s faces and they couldn’t help crying.

At this time, the leader of their regiment also rushed over. When he saw the lifeless Photon on the ground, his eyes instantly turned red.

 But as a leader, as a commander, he is the spiritual support of the whole team.

 He couldn't cry. There were more urgent things to deal with than Photon's death.

If the second flood control embankment is not repaired quickly, not just one soldier will die, but hundreds of thousands of people in the city.

“Liu Qiang! What are you doing? Stand up!”

The leader walked up to Squad Leader Photon and scolded him sternly while holding back his grief.

 Liu Qiang was still immersed in the grief of losing Photon, and he remained indifferent even in the face of the regimental leader's orders.

The regiment leader pulled Liu Qiang up from the ground angrily, then slapped him hard and shouted: "Liu Qiang! Stand at attention!"

After being slapped, Liu Qiang woke up a little, straightened his body stiffly, looked at the regiment leader with tears in his eyes, and said with red eyes: "Captain, Guangzi is gone, he is only 18 years old, why did God choose him... "

 The leader stared deeply at the photon on the ground, tears welling up in his eyes.

 He turned his head, quietly wiped away his tears, and then shouted loudly: "I am heartbroken to lose such an outstanding young warrior."

“But now is not the time to indulge in personal emotions. Look back at the residents of the city behind you and think about the women and children.”

“If we don’t hurry up and strengthen the second flood control embankment, thousands of children like Photon will lose their lives soon!”

“Which one is more important, do I need to say it again? Now we must turn sadness into strength and race against time to repair the flood control embankment! We cannot let the sacrifice of photons be in vain!”

 The regimental leader's words hit every soldier's heart like a heavy hammer, awakening them.

 That’s right!

 This is not the time for us to mourn.

If the second flood control embankment cannot be reinforced in time to withstand the coming heavy rain, we will lose far more than one comrade.

Moreover, if Photon is still around, he will definitely fight side by side with us to the end.

"Quickly, contact Guangzi's family and ask them to see Guangzi off. Don't forget to put him into clean clothes. Our soldiers cannot leave in such a mess." The regiment leader looked at Guangzi with guilt and anger. Fists clenched.

 He himself has a child, who is about the same age as Mitsuko.

 Seeing photons reminded him of his children.

 My heart hurts like being cut by a knife.

 How should he explain to this child's parents?

 A good child is handed over to the country and handed over to its hands. How can it be said that it is gone?

 What a sinner he is!

At this time, the exhausted division commander was also supported by the guards and hurried over.

 He looked at the photons on the ground, his face twitching slightly with extreme sadness.

 He squatted down with difficulty and slowly, and gently wiped the dust off Photon's face with his hands.

He said with a trembling voice: "Good boy, you did a good job, I am sorry for you..."

"You can go in peace. I will make good arrangements for your family. The country owes you this life. In the next life, I will give you a peaceful and prosperous motherland."

The guards on the side were also in tears. Photon's departure caught them by surprise.

 But now is no longer the time to be sad. For the sake of the people in the entire city behind them, they must first put aside their grief and go all out to fight floods and provide disaster relief.

 In fact, Mitsuko’s mother didn’t have any serious illness. She just fainted because she was too sad. .

Everyone put her in a small temporary tent nearby, while Mitsuko's father was quietly sorting out the things left behind by his son.

 The regiment leader, platoon leader, and squad leader stood aside, saying nothing and only using actions to help. At this time, it seemed that nothing they said had enough weight and seemed feeble.

Mitsuko’s parents only had such a single child when they were almost forty years old. They originally thought that when their son retired from the army, the family of three would live in peace and harmony and enjoy their old age. But there are always changes in life. An unexpected bad news forced the two elders to bear the pain of white hair and black hair.

The division commander walked into the tent with the guards following him. As soon as he saw Guangzi's father, his eyes immediately turned red.

“Uncle, this is our division commander.” Seeing the division commander coming, the regiment leader quickly introduced him to Mitsuko’s father.

When Guangzi's father heard this, he put down what he was holding, stood up straight, and seriously saluted the division commander with a standard military salute: "Hello, division commander!"

Just by looking at his saluting movements and gestures, the division commander knew that he had also been a soldier, and he felt even worse. He quickly stepped forward, held his hand tightly, and said with guilt:

"Brother, I can't help you! I failed to protect your child and let him die at such a young age. I am so incompetent as a teacher!"

The teacher blamed himself like this, and Guangzi's father's tears came down again: "Don't, don't say that, teacher, I don't blame you, it may be that there is such a difficulty in my family Guangzi's life, it's God who wants to take him away, it doesn't concern anyone else. "

"I used to be a soldier, and I know the burdens on the shoulders of soldiers. Although Guangzi is gone, his spirit is still there. I am proud of him. He has not brought shame to my old Wang family. He is much more promising than me as a father. "

 The teacher was deeply moved by Mitsuko’s father’s words, and the tears he had been holding back finally fell.

 They are about the same age. Perhaps because of this, the teacher can better understand the feelings of Photon's father.

“Brother, your child is an upright man! He is our hero and we must learn from him!”

The division commander's voice was choked with sobs, "You and your sister-in-law are both family members of martyrs. The army and the country will never treat you badly. They will definitely take good care of you for Guangzi, otherwise he will not feel at ease there."

But Guangzi's father shook his head repeatedly and firmly disagreed: "That's not possible! My mother and I are both in good health and can still work. We don't need government subsidies or special care. There are many people who are living harder than us now. This help should be given to those who really need it. My mother and I can still support ourselves and cannot take advantage of the country.”

These words touched everyone present. This is the selfless spirit of the older generation of soldiers, simple and hard-working.

 (End of this chapter)

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