Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 114: Only when you are full can you have the strength to fight the flood!

Chapter 114 Only when you are full can you have the strength to fight the flood!

 Eat slowly, eat slowly, don't worry, there are plenty of eggs. "A fellow villager looked at them wolfing down the food and felt so distressed that he kept wiping away tears.

“Come on, come on, eat more. You are all good young men. You have worked really hard for us people.”

The fellow said his heartfelt words while stuffing eggs and various foods into the hands of the soldiers.

One of the young warriors had his mouth full, and his eyes were still staring at the egg in the fellow's hand, but his hand did not reach out to catch it.

 This made the fellow a little confused, "Child, take it and eat more."

"I'm full." The little warrior struggled to swallow the food in his mouth. When his throat made a gurgling sound, he still couldn't keep his eyes away from the food.

“Nonsense! You just ate two sweet potatoes and one egg, how can you be full!”

"Are you afraid that there won't be enough food? Don't worry, every household in the village has taken out the food they saved."

“This is just the first batch, there are more to come, there are more, you eat quickly! Only when you are full can you have the strength to fight the flood!”

As the fellow talked, he insisted on putting the egg in the little soldier’s arms.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the little warrior became even more resistant.

Other soldiers who had not finished eating also stopped and did not move their chopsticks.

“No, I can’t eat any more! These are the villagers’ own rations given to us. How do you live? You will have to eat for so many days in the future!”

 The little warrior said anxiously.

“You children, why don’t you listen? You are here risking your lives for us and working hard to strengthen the flood control lines.”

“Don’t talk about eating a few of our eggs and sweet potatoes, even if we are asked to give everything, we are willing to do so!”

When the fellow villagers saw that they stopped eating, they were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

Despite his repeated persuasion, the soldiers just swallowed silently, determined not to move their chopsticks, and some even put the food in their hands back into the basket.

 These are our Chinese soldiers!

 Don’t take advantage of the masses!

Let me ask you, where in the world is there any military that cares so deeply about the people?

"Eat it, this is what the villagers want, and our army has paid the villagers the market price, so you can eat it with confidence."

 “Eat, take the time to rest, the next task will be more difficult. Only when you are full can you have the energy to continue fighting the flood!”

 The logistics squad leader heard the noise and rushed over, quickly explaining to everyone.

 As logistics personnel, how can we allow soldiers to go into battle hungry?

 So I had already discussed with the surrounding villagers and bought their excess food.

 The purpose is to allow the soldiers to fill their stomachs and avoid hunger while fighting floods and providing disaster relief.

“Yes, yes, this squad leader has already negotiated with us and has given us money. Children, eat quickly, eat quickly.”

 The villagers also nodded in agreement.

After hearing the explanation from the logistics squad leader, the soldiers picked up the food again and started chewing it.

In the past two hours, Zhang Chuan also consumed a lot of energy. He ate six eggs and four sweet potatoes in one go before he felt that his physical strength had recovered a little.

“You guys eat quickly and take a moment to take a nap after eating. I’ll go check on the condition of the river embankment.”

After Zhang Chuan handed over the soldiers in his platoon, he waded forward, checking the newly repaired river embankment along the way.

Although the first line of defense has been built, it is not strong enough in some places due to the rush for work.

 He had to check it carefully to make sure everything was in order before he could rest assured.

On the river embankment, extremely tired soldiers could be seen everywhere. They leaned on sandbags and let the rain wet their bodies. Even half of their bodies were soaked in the water, but they didn't care at all and fell asleep.

 Some soldiers were so sleepy that they fell asleep with only a few bites of sweet potatoes in their hands. Zhang Chuan looked at them, his heart full of admiration, touch and distress.

 They are also other people’s sons, other people’s husbands, and other people’s fathers.

Just because he is wearing a military uniform, when disaster strikes, he has to say goodbye to his wife, children, and parents, rush to the front line, and assume the responsibility of defending his homeland with his own flesh and blood.

Even so, there are still some selfish people in society who slander and take advantage of soldiers.

 They even regard soldiers as tools and feel that soldiers should use the taxes they pay to serve them.

 However, if it is not for the love for the country and the people, who is willing to leave his hometown, endure various restrictions, and live a life far away from his family?

  Chinese soldiers.

 The weight carried by these four words is far beyond what most people imagine.

Zhang Chuan walked around and checked carefully. After making sure that everything on the flood control line was in good condition, he found a dry place to lie down and rest.

 Although his physical exertion is not as serious as others, it is always good to take a little rest.

 After all, there is still a tough battle waiting for them to fight.

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye, and the heavy rain was still so fierce. The dark clouds in the sky were thicker than before, as if they were about to press down. The wind and rain in the mountains seemed to indicate that a bigger storm was coming.

Guard! Go ask the weather station, when will this ghost rain stop?

The division commander shouted to the guards, staring straight at the dark clouds in the sky that were so thick that they could not be dispersed.

“Reporting to the division commander, the latest news from the weather station: In two hours, we will usher in an unprecedented violent storm, which will be more violent than the previous one and will last for a full three hours.”

“The expected rainfall is half of the previous one, and the first line of defense we have worked so hard to build may not be able to withstand the impact of this flood.”

“So, we must seize the time and urgently build a new defense line of at least one meter high behind the first line of defense.”

 The guard stepped forward quickly and reported the situation clearly and forcefully.

“What the **** is this weather like? What does it want to do? Inform all battalion commanders and start the second round of fortification construction immediately!”

“They are given three and a half hours to build a second line of defense!”

The division commander looked at the sky, cursed angrily, and then gave the order firmly.


The guards took action upon receiving the order and immediately asked the bugler to blow the emergency rally horn, and the battalion commanders quickly gathered.

The sleeping soldiers were awakened by the sound of the trumpet. Although their eyes were bloodshot and their faces looked tired, they still got up without saying a word.

 Dozens of battalion-level officers gathered in front of the division commander, with firm expressions on their faces, quietly waiting for new combat orders.

“Everyone, in two hours, we will face an unprecedented flood disaster. At that time, the flood will break through the existing first line of defense.”

“So, we have to build a new one-meter-high defense line behind the first line of defense within three and a half hours.”

“Brothers, no matter what the cost, we must stop this flood!”

“If the second line of defense cannot be completed on time, even a human wall will have to stop flooding!”

“Remember, we may die, but the hundreds of millions of people behind us must not suffer disaster! We must win this battle!”

The division commander's eyes were like fire, staring at the raging flood, and let out a roar that resounded through the sky.

 (End of this chapter)

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