Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 113: The first line of defense is finally built!

Chapter 112: I am a weak woman, how can you attack me?

  “You hold the camera steady and every shot must be clear.”

She said through gritted teeth to the man carrying the camera.

The man looked embarrassed and said unhappily: "The storm is coming soon. The soldiers are busy fighting the flood. Please don't cause trouble and evacuate to a safe place first."

When the cameraman refused to obey, the female anchor's face darkened and she threatened sternly: "Do you still want to become a regular employee? If so, just do as I say! Otherwise, I will call the station director now and ask you to pack up and leave!"

When the cameraman heard this, he felt mixed emotions and his conscience was tormented.

 After a moment, he chose his own future.

Who allowed her to have that kind of relationship with the station director?

 You can’t afford to offend yourself!

The cameraman glanced apologetically at the soldiers who were struggling to fight the flood, gritted his teeth, and picked up the camera.

  The female anchor sneered, grabbed a handful of mud and smeared it on her face.

Then she rushed to a soldier who was carrying sandbags and said, "Comrade, I see your shoulders are worn out. Do you want to rest for a while? It makes us feel really sad to see you guys working so hard to build the embankment!"

The soldier carrying the sandbags didn't know her intention. When he saw her pulling, he pushed her away and shouted impatiently: "Go away! Don't block the way!"

 The female anchor was pushed, lost her balance and fell to the mud.

 She was already in a sorry state, but now she was even more pitiful.

 She pinched her thigh secretly, and tears immediately welled up.

"Why are you like this! I care about you, but you do this to me! And you push me! I am a weak woman, how can you do this to me?"

As she spoke, the female anchor shed tears.

The soldier was immediately at a loss, his face was as red as an apple, and he couldn't say anything.

 “I’m sorry! I am in a hurry to repair the embankment, please understand.”

The little comrade felt anxious and helpless, so he hurriedly dropped these words, picked up the sandbags and continued walking towards the dam.

A hint of cunning flashed in the female anchor's eyes, and then she covered her calf and howled.

"Oh! My legs! Can soldiers just hit people casually? Can soldiers be unreasonable?"

“You just drove me out of the dam, but now you are deliberately pushing me down. Are you a people’s soldier?”

  The incident made by the female anchor made the young **** even more embarrassed. It was neither a matter of leaving nor staying with a sandbag on his shoulder.

  The female anchor made a lot of noise and immediately caused quite a commotion.

As a result, the efficiency of embankment repair was greatly reduced. Seeing that the progress was slowing down, the division commander in front hurriedly came to check.

 When I saw that it was this female anchor making trouble again, my already anxious heart suddenly became furious.

He walked up to the female anchor who was sitting on the ground and lifted her up with one hand.

He glared and warned: "This is my last warning, stay out of the way, otherwise don't blame my men for being ruthless!"

Facing the teacher's anger, the female anchor's face suddenly turned pale.

  Tears fell from the corners of his eyes. This time he was not pretending, he was really scared and crying.

“Guard! Get these two people out of the front line quickly! Stop getting in the way!”

The division commander ignored the tears of the female anchor and said angrily to the guard.

"Yes!" the guard agreed, and went to drive away the female anchor and cameraman with the other two soldiers.

“Don’t touch me! I’m broadcasting live! The whole country is watching you.”

“We risked our lives to broadcast live on the front line, but you, the so-called people’s soldiers, attacked us!”

“That’s too much! Do you think that being a division commander is enough for you to ignore us people?”

“Believe it or not, I can sue you! Say you abused your power!”

The female anchor was struggling and yelling at the teacher. The division commander’s face was so gloomy that ink dripped from his face. Just as he was about to explode, a figure suddenly rushed in front of the cameraman.


 Zhang Chuan directly grabbed the camera from the cameraman's hand and threw it to the ground. He stared at the female anchor coldly and warned: "Before you sue our division commander, I will arrest you for obstructing military missions!"

“Don’t think that having a camera can distort the facts! Just make it up! If you delay flood relief, you will be the one to go to military court!”

“If you are sensible, get out of here! If I see you on the front line again, it will be more than just breaking a camera!”

 Zhang Chuan's eyes were extremely sharp, and there was a frightening anger all over his body. .

 The hostess's heart seemed to be tightly grasped by something, and it was difficult to even take a breath.

The photographer was also so frightened that chills ran down his spine, and he didn't dare to take a breath.

 “Take them away!”

Seeing that the hostess finally stopped making trouble, Zhang Chuan hurriedly gave orders to the security personnel.

"Okay, okay!" The security guards came to their senses and quickly took the hostess and photographer away.

"Report! Zhang Chuan, commander of the fourth platoon of the First Army Command College, led the entire platoon of soldiers to come for support!"

 Zhang Chuan turned around, saluted the division commander, and reported the situation.

Once he heard that the reinforcements had arrived, the division commander finally had a smile of relief on his face.

“Just in time! Hurry! Seize every minute and every second to build the flood embankment! We don’t have much time! We must build the flood embankment within two hours!”

 “Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!”

Zhang Chuan responded loudly, and then led his platoon of soldiers to join the team rushing to build flood control embankments.

 Time is tight and tasks are heavy.

Zhang Chuan couldn't care so much, and tried his best to pick up as many sandbags as possible at one time and rush towards the embankment.

 Others only moved one sandbag at a time to maintain their strength.

As for Zhang Chuan, he carried four sandbags on his shoulders every time and ran even twice as fast as others.

Everyone was so shocked that their jaws almost dropped, and they were dumbfounded looking at the way Zhang Chuan moved the sandbags.

"Comrade! Comrade! Stop!" The division commander couldn't help but look surprised when he saw this scene.

Zhang Chuan was carrying four sandbags and was about to run to the river embankment. When he heard the division commander calling him, he had to slow down.

“Commander, what are your instructions?” Zhang Chuan asked.

“Comrade, I know you want to build the flood control embankment quickly, but you will soon be exhausted if you move like this.”

“We have to rush to build flood control embankments, and then we still have the task of flood fighting and disaster relief.”

"So you can't use up all your strength now. You have to save some energy for subsequent rescue operations."

 After listening to the teacher's words, Zhang Chuan understood. He smiled and replied: "Sir, don't worry, I know what's going on."

 After saying that, Zhang Chuan quickly ran towards the river embankment, carrying a sandbag again.

Seeing that he could not be persuaded, the division commander could only sigh helplessly.

never mind!

The current situation is urgent, and it is more important to build flood control embankments as soon as possible.

Time passed bit by bit, and one and a half hours passed quickly. Many soldiers' physical strength was approaching the limit, and the speed of embankment construction also began to slow down.

“Teacher, please take a rest! If you continue like this, your body will not be able to bear it!”

The guard saw the skin on the division commander's hands and shoulders being scratched, and advised him with great worry.

 (End of this chapter)

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