Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 109: Do you think we soldiers are easy to bully?

Chapter 109 Do you think we soldiers are easy to bully?

“Thirty yuan! I’ll wrap it up for you if you want it!” the vendor said with a smile.

“Thirty yuan?! You might as well grab it!” A soldier couldn’t help shouting.

The prices of things at that time were unbelievably low.

Even if there are floods now, it can’t be so ridiculously expensive!

“Hey! You’re a soldier, why are you so rude?”

The vendor retorted with a straight face: "Now that the country is flooded, what kind of food will not increase in price? I sell it to you for thirty yuan each, which is already very affordable! If you don't want it, there are many people queuing up to buy it!"

Another student also said with a sullen face: "Boss, don't think we know nothing! Even if there's a flood, it shouldn't be raised so much, right? You obviously want to make money from us!"

“Comrade, you must be careful what you say! You will be held legally responsible for speaking nonsense!”

The hawker's expression turned even more ugly: "Anyway, this is the price of my goods! If you don't want to buy it, you're welcome! Let me tell you, I'm the only one selling winter melons in this whole vegetable market!"

 “Why are you still blabbering! Do you think we soldiers are easy to bully?”

 When the students heard this, they immediately became very angry.

 “I said boss, are you going too far?”

At this time, the people around could not stand it anymore and criticized the vendors: "These comrades and soldiers have been fighting floods in our city for half a month! Thanks to them, our whole city can resist the flood! In order to protect us ordinary people, they Do you know how much hardship you have endured?”

"It's okay if you don't offer a discount, how can you raise such a high price! Where is your conscience!"

 Other citizens also blamed the vendors.

The vendor sneered: "Food fighting and disaster relief are the duty of soldiers! Why should I be grateful to them? Don't they get paid? Don't I also pay taxes?"

"Here, it doesn't matter if you are a soldier or something, you will be given thirty yuan each. If you want to buy it, you can pay for it. If you don't want to buy it, leave! Don't delay my business!"

"As for you conscientious people, if you feel sorry for them, just buy them with your money!"

As soon as these words came out, the citizens became even more angry and immediately started arguing with the vendors.

Zhang Chuan found that the eyes of the students around him dimmed, full of grievances and unwillingness.

 They worked hard for half a month, but in the eyes of some people, the result was that they were being pretentious!

 They did not regret joining the army or rescuing those fellow villagers.

Rather, I feel endless injustice and unwillingness!

 They don’t expect others to be grateful, but at least, don’t deny their efforts!

 Zhang Chuan also felt very uncomfortable.

 Although people who think like hawkers are not common in China, there are indeed quite a few.

 In their eyes, soldiers should inherently serve the country and the people!

Of course, in essence, this view is correct.

 They also agree with this.

  But when the other party says it outright, it’s hard to avoid feeling uncomfortable.

 It is their honor to serve the country and the people, but in the eyes of some people, soldiers are like nannies and bodyguards at home!

 It seems that the small amount of taxes they pay can support an army of millions!

 How much was the salary of soldiers in those days?

Conscripts only cost a few dozen yuan a month!

 An officer only costs about a hundred or so yuan!

 What are they doing with their meager wages?

 In normal times, they have to train hard, enhance their abilities, and guard the borders of the motherland!

 When the flood came, they were the first to bear the brunt, using their flesh and blood to block the flood and protect the safety of the people!

 When a fire breaks out, they block the fire with their bodies and use their small bodies to protect the people in their arms!

The earthquake struck, and they dug with their bare hands to rescue the people buried in the rubble!

 When the war broke out, they carried guns and rushed to the front line, built the Great Wall with their flesh and blood, and defended the peace and national integrity of the rear area to the death!

It can be said that in China, no matter what kind of disaster we face, soldiers are always at the forefront, blocking the danger with their bodies!

 It comes with great turmoil, all for the sake of the peace of mind of the people!

 Leave silently, lest the people would be worried!

If joining the army is just for money, who would be willing to take risks and fight against torrents, brave seas of fire, and go to battlefields?

 In this worldly world, but with hard-working hands, why worry about not finding a job with higher pay? They could have kept their duties, but how heavy was the burden on the shoulders of soldiers?

 Looking around the world, which country’s soldiers carry countless responsibilities like the sons and daughters of China?

Look at those European and American countries. When natural disasters strike, can they stand up to protect their people?

If you cut your salary or delay your payment, will they still be willing to fight for the country?

I'm afraid that not only will they refuse to comply, they will also go to court to claim damages!

 In this world, only Chinese soldiers are willing to do such "stupid" things!

And after doing all this, sometimes I can’t get a trace of understanding.

 The world is in trouble and people’s hearts are unpredictable!

 Therefore, in China, those who are willing to join the army are all "fools"!

Of course, there are millions of "fools" in China!

 Zhang Chuan is one of them.

 He is willing to be a "fool" and is happy to be a "fool"!

Because this "foolishness" is glory,

 It is an admirable responsibility!

As long as you are not ashamed of the country and the people, that is enough!

 I am willing to give quietly without asking for anything in return.

I just hope that the country and the people will be peaceful and the world will be peaceful!

 This is the dream in every soldier's heart!

 “Let’s go.”

Zhang Chuan dragged his three friends who were still angry and said, "There is no need to waste time here. Buy the ingredients and go back early. Brothers are still waiting for dinner."

Hearing this, the three of them snorted coldly at the vendor and followed Zhang Chuan away.

 They went to other stalls to buy the remaining ingredients, and then met up with the cooking team.

“Eh? What’s wrong with you guys? Your faces are so ugly?”

 The cooking squad leader looked puzzled.

 Zhang Chuan and the four others were speechless.

There is no need to say more about this matter.

Night fell in the camp. Suddenly, the sound of sirens broke the tranquility, and a first-level emergency gathering was called!

 “Everyone gathers! Quick! Quick! Quick!”

 “Is the flood coming again?”

 The faces of the students changed suddenly, they stood up quickly, put on their clothes and hats, and rushed out of the tent.

After the team was reorganized, company commander Wang Zhan looked grim, "Comrades, listen, I received the order an hour ago and immediately went to the neighboring province H to fight the floods with the local colleagues!"

“The water levels of the major rivers and reservoirs there are in critical condition, the dams have broken in many places, and floods are raging! Hundreds of villages have been submerged!”

“If it cannot be effectively blocked, the entire province may face an unprecedented disaster with disastrous consequences!”

“All troops from neighboring provinces have been mobilized and will go to Province H immediately to join the front line of flood control!”

"Comrades! This is a battle without gunpowder! Millions of lives are at stake! We must go all out to build the people's security line with our flesh and blood! Do you have confidence?"




 Hundred people in seven companies responded like thunder!

Every face, every pair of eyes is full of determination!

"Okay! I firmly believe that everyone in the Seventh Company can complete the task brilliantly! Live up to the motherland, the people, and the expectations of our alma mater!"

“Now, everyone goes back to pack their equipment, gather in the car within ten minutes, and rush to Province H overnight!”


 After being disbanded, each platoon moved quickly.

Soon, the truck arrived again, and Zhang Chuan led four platoons of team members to board the truck quickly.

 (End of this chapter)

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