Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 108: Thirty yuan a winter melon?

Chapter 108: Thirty yuan for winter melon?

 At first, the floodwater only reached Zhang Chuan's knees, but within five minutes, it had reached his waist.

At this time, there was originally a dozen square meters of hillside, but now there is only less than three square meters of footing left!


 Zhao Long shouted loudly.

 Successfully brought four fellow villagers ashore, and they turned back immediately!

 After going back and forth several times, in the end, only four villagers were left on the hillside.

It was the four people who helped Zhang Chuan pull the rope!

At this time, the entire hillside was completely covered by floods. Standing on the top of the slope, the floods had already reached their chests!

 At this moment, they themselves are in danger and may be swept away by the flood at any time!

 At the low place where Zhang Chuan is, the flood has reached his shoulders!

 In a few minutes, the flood will reach the top of his head!

 “Platoon leader!”

 Zhao Long and others were immediately anxious.

 “Hurry! If you don’t want me to die, take them away quickly!”

 Zhang Chuan shouted loudly to Zhao Long!

“Yes! Platoon leader, you must hold on!”

Zhao Long responded and immediately urged the remaining four villagers to evacuate quickly!

 As a result, Zhang Chuan is under greater pressure!

 The river is rising more and more violently.

It crawled over his shoulders, climbed up his neck, and then the edge of his chin!

At this moment, Zhao Long and the others still have a full third of the journey to get the people to the shore safely!

“Squad leader! Hurry! The flood is about to swallow up the platoon leader! Speed ​​up!”

The students on the shore jumped up and down in excitement and shouted.

Other villagers also went out of their way and tried their best to help pull the rope.

 However, less than ten meters from the shore, the floodwaters overturned Zhang Chuan's nose and mouth!

 Only half of Zhang Chuan’s head is still above the water!

 “Hurry! Come on!”

 The faces of the students all changed suddenly!

 Tug with all your might!

 Half a minute later, the four fellow villagers finally landed safely.

As for Zhang Chuan, his whole person has been completely submerged by the flood!

 “Quick! Drag the platoon leader back!”

The students pulled the two thick ropes like crazy, but when they pulled them back, Zhang Chuan was nowhere to be seen!

 “The platoon leader...was washed away by the flood?!”

 “Platoon leader!”

Zhao Long grabbed a few impulsive teammates and prevented them from rushing into the dangerous situation on Zhang Chuan's side.

 “Calm down! You’ll just die in vain if you jump!”

 He warned sternly.

 “can be queued up…”

 Every student in the platoon had tears in their eyes and faces full of sorrow.

The folks’ eyes were also red.

"Comrade of the People's Liberation Army, it was us who killed your platoon leader! I'm so sorry!"

 The villagers apologized to Zhao Long one after another.

“Don’t say that, it’s our responsibility to protect you!”

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps, reinforcements were arriving!

 “Where’s the platoon leader?”

 The students were anxious and asked questions quickly.

"The platoon leader... was swept away by the flood..." Zhao Long said sadly.

 “What?!” Everyone’s expressions suddenly changed.

 At this moment, a voice came out.

 “Are you so eager to see me die?”

Everyone turned around suddenly and saw Zhang Chuan gasping for air and climbing ashore. They were surprised and happy!

“Platoon leader! You were not rushed away! That’s great!”

 The villagers were also in joy.

"Platoon leader, you are so amazing!" Zhang Chuan immediately said: "Stop blabbering! Time is running out, there are still villagers waiting for us to rescue! Quick, let's go to a higher place and rescue the others! The house where they are is I can’t last much longer!”


 The students in the fourth platoon were refreshed and full of strength when they saw Zhang Chuan returning safely.

Zhang Chuan directed the recruit Danzi: "Hurry up and take the villagers to the high ground to set up tents. Don't let them get wet in the rain anymore! The superiors will immediately arrange manpower to move them to a safer place!"


 Then, Zhang Chuan divided them into several groups and went to different houses to rescue people.

Fortunately, the water flowing down from above was not particularly fierce. They relied on the rope and the lifeboat to reach the house steadily, and then helped the villagers one by one onto the lifeboat and sent them to the shore.

More than an hour later, all the villagers were rescued safe and sound.

Zhang Chuan led everyone to the town quickly, crossed the river in the same way, and then used military vehicles to transport them to a temporary shelter in the town!

As soon as the matter was done, Zhang Chuan immediately called the company commander.

The company commander ordered them to immediately assist other disaster-stricken villages!

Without saying a word, Zhang Chuan led four rows of people and rushed over there without stopping.

 Floods will continue to be a problem for a long time, with villages suffering every day.

What they can do is to quickly move the villagers out of dangerous places or trapped inside.

 The heavy rain keeps falling and the floods become more and more severe.

 Many villages were swallowed up by water, leaving the people homeless.

 The whole country seems to be pressed down by a big dark cloud.

Zhang Chuan and the soldiers from the Seventh Company were running around in various villages, rescuing the villagers and strengthening the river embankments, fearing that the flood would get worse.

After about two weeks, the rain finally subsided.

Tens of thousands of soldiers fought for their lives, and the flood in the city was finally contained.

 The soldiers had time to take a breath.

  In the makeshift camp, the brothers of the Seventh Company were so exhausted that they were all extremely thin.

In the past half month, they slept less than five hours a day and ate basically cold dishes and steamed buns, which could not keep up with their nutrition.

Life was not rich at that time, and with so many people affected by the disaster, rescue work was done one after another.

Although it was hard and tiring, everyone felt happy and had cheerful smiles on their faces.

 Because they controlled the flood and saved many lives!

 At this time, they feel that they are very glorious and proud!

 They have not brought shame to the country and the people!

 Back to the camp, the company commander urged everyone to wash up and sleep quickly.

"Zhang Chuan, ask someone from your team to go to the cooking class to buy some food to improve everyone's life. Everyone has worked too hard and needs to replenish their health."

Wang Fei told Zhang Chuan.

 “I’ll do it.” Zhang Chuan felt sorry for his teammates and wanted them to rest for a while.

“That’s okay, you’re strong.” Wang Fei agreed.

 Not long after, the cook team and a representative from each platoon got in the car and went to the vegetable market in the market.

The leader of the cooking team arranged: "Let's split up. The four of you go buy winter melons and vegetables, and we go buy meat."

“These are the money to buy groceries, you have to decide what to do with them. The budget is tight and there isn’t much, so try to buy the cheapest ones.”

 The cooking squad leader gave Zhang Chuan fifty yuan.

Zhang Chuan took it, nodded, and led the three brothers from other platoons around the vegetable market.

“Boss, how do you sell these winter melons?” Zhang Chuan and the others politely asked the vendor selling winter melons.

The vendor glanced at Zhang Chuan and the others, and saw that they were wearing military uniforms, and there was a bit of cleverness in their eyes.

 “Thirty dollars each!”

 The hawker spoke.

"How many?"

Zhang Chuan and the others thought they had misheard, so they asked again.

 (End of this chapter)

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