Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 110: What’s the point of being buried with your whole group? !

Chapter 110 What’s the point of being buried with your whole group? !

In the headquarters, a colonel stared at the colonels in front of him with sharp eyes, and asked solemnly: "Can your team withstand this pressure?"

“Don’t worry, Commander! Our regiment promises to complete the mission! If we fail to do so, our entire regiment is willing to bear the consequences together with the people of the city!”

When the colonel heard this, he became furious: "Nonsense! We are discussing the mission now! What's the point of being buried with your entire regiment?! We have to ensure the safety of hundreds of thousands of people upstream and downstream! If they make any mistake, you will die thousands of times It can’t be fixed!”

"Let me tell you clearly, no matter how much it costs, even if you use your body to block it, you must make the first line of defense impenetrable!"


 The group leaders immediately stood up straight and answered loudly.


At this moment, a nervous and bloodless captain hurried in.

 “Commander, something big has happened!”

The captain's voice was trembling as he spoke.

 “Why are you panic? If you have anything to say, please tell me!”

 The division commander shouted loudly.

“I just received a notice from my superiors. The Meteorological Bureau has accurately detected that in one hour, there will be heavy rain in Province H, which is expected to last for at least half a day! Once the heavy rain comes, the water levels in various water bodies and dams will definitely rise sharply!”

“Experts from the Meteorological Bureau predict that the water level of our dam here will increase by more than half a meter within one hour after heavy rain!”

"But now, it will take at least three hours for us to build the first line of defense! Even if we try our best, we can only raise the river embankment by thirty centimeters in two hours!"

“Order from superiors, no matter what, we must build the first line of defense that is more than half a meter high within two hours! Otherwise, hundreds of thousands of people upstream and downstream will be threatened by floods!”

“Also, our superiors have decided to send a thousand troops to support us!”

As soon as the captain finished speaking, the expressions of all the division leaders in the headquarters changed.

“It was already very difficult to build the first line of defense within three hours. Now the time has been shortened to two hours. Even if we commanders go into battle in person, it would be impossible to complete it!”

“Our soldiers have been fighting for five consecutive hours, and it is difficult to increase the speed. Even if a thousand more people are added, two hours will not be enough!”

 The division commander asked the captain: "How long will it take for the reinforcements to arrive? Which army will they be?"

"It will take at least another hour. They are students from the First Army Command College! We are coming at full speed!"

"Okay!" The division commander said in a deep voice with a firm look in his eyes: "Put this message on. All commanders will go to the front line and carry the sandbags together. The entire division must complete the first line of defense within two hours, regardless of the cost!"

“Even if it’s close in the end, all the soldiers prepare ropes and tie the sandbags to the wooden stakes! The flood must not be allowed to cross the dam body at all!”


With tears in their eyes, all the group leaders embarked on this journey with no turning back!

“All division commanders, follow me!”

The division commander rushed out the door with the leaders of each regiment and shouted to the commanders in other tents: "Everyone, come to the front line with me! Now, no need to give more orders, just go all out to carry the sandbags! If the soldiers carry one, we will carry two. We share life and death, and we will fight side by side with the soldiers until the end!"


 Commanders at all levels of the division rushed out one after another and followed the division commander towards the mountains of sandbags.

 The leaders of each regiment returned to their respective defense areas, rolled up their sleeves, and fought side by side with the soldiers!

The youngest person in this group is already in his early forties, and their leader is over the fifty-year-old mark. But now, no matter what their physical condition is, they have to rush to the front line with the soldiers and face the demon flood head-on!

The leaders took the lead, and now the fighting spirit of the soldiers was like adding fuel to the fire, rising sharply.

Everyone was already exhausted, but at this moment, they seemed to have found a new source of energy and worked hard to carry sandbags!

The TV anchors and reporters at the scene realized that this was not a hot spot. They quickly seized the opportunity and asked the photographers to focus on the leaders. They also grabbed the division commander and asked him to say a few words.

“Comrade Senior Colonel, you are the commander-in-chief of this dam’s flood control, and you are not young at all. Why do you still carry sandbags yourself? Is this an order from above, or is it your own wish?”

As the anchor asked, he motioned for the photographer to focus on the panting face of the teacher.

 The division commander ran several times. After all, due to his age, he felt like he was falling apart.

However, his eyes were firm and a little angry.

He did not answer the question directly, but warned: "Comrade! Go away now and stop filming! We don't have time for your interview!"

“I have nothing to say. Although I am a division commander, I am also a warrior fighting against floods! This is the reason!”

“Now, please leave immediately and don’t affect our fight against floods!”

The teacher finished speaking with a cold face, turned around and wanted to continue moving the sandbags, but the anchor refused to let him go. He pulled him and asked again: "Comrade from the university, can you cooperate with our work? We are from the provincial TV station and have the right to interview you. Tell the whole country about the situation here!”

When the division commander heard this, he shouted angrily: "I will cooperate with you, who will cooperate with us?!"

"Look carefully, our soldiers, all with worn out hands and shoulders, are still racing against time to move sandbags and build defense lines! If you delay them for a second, the flood will become more threatening! You know the flood is coming soon. Yet?"

“We didn’t even have time to take a breath, and you still asked me to spend time cooperating with you in the interview. Is there water in your head? Get out! Get away!”

Then, the division commander shouted to the guards not far away: "You guys, drive all the reporters outside the cordon! If you don't listen, just smash their cameras, I will bear the responsibility!"


Several guards rushed over menacingly.

“Comrade, please leave the cordon immediately, otherwise we will take coercive measures!”

  A guard shouted to the female anchor expressionlessly.

 “You dare! We are from the TV station and have the right to interview, you...”

 “Do it! Pull them out!”

The guards received the order and took action directly. Each one picked up one and dragged it out.

"Asshole! Let me go! We are TV reporters, how dare you do this to us! I want to file a complaint against you! Are soldiers great? Can soldiers bully others at will? Look, these soldiers are beating People!”

The female anchor was furious and kept slapping the guards with her hands.

The guards didn't care about this and threw them directly outside the cordon, and then chased away the reporters who were pestering the soldiers for interviews.


The female anchor looked angry and cursed: "I have to expose these rude people! What's the big deal about moving a few sandbags? If you dare to touch me, just wait!"

The female anchor had an extremely fierce look in her eyes and deliberately messed up her hair and clothes.

 (End of this chapter)

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