Chapter 107

 The villagers cried and cried. However, disaster does not matter how painful your heart is.

Just when the folks in Tonggu Village were completely desperate and ready to give up their resistance, suddenly, nine figures rushed out from the forest in the distance and stood on the shore!

 Because everyone is at a high place and can see clearly!

 “Someone is here to save us! Great!”

“It’s the People’s Liberation Army! It’s really the People’s Liberation Army! It’s saved! It’s saved!”

"Here it is! Here it is! Comrades of the People's Liberation Army, come and save us!"

The villagers cried with joy, waving and shouting at Zhang Chuan and the others.

However, the distance was too far and the shouts could not be transmitted.

 Zhang Chuan and the others also waved in response, meaning to tell everyone not to worry!

 The villagers felt a fire burning in their hearts. At this time, they firmly believed that they could be rescued.

 This is a deep trust in the People's Liberation Army. It seems that as long as someone wearing that olive green (the previous camouflage uniform was more olive green) comes, all fear will be gone.

 These are our Chinese soldiers! They are like the Dinghai magic needle, standing on the land of China and in everyone's heart!

In the eyes of ordinary people, there is nothing that the People's Liberation Army cannot do! As long as they are here, no big disaster will be a big deal!

 No matter where they are, Chinese soldiers can bring them out safely!

 They have such confidence in the People's Liberation Army! And the People's Liberation Army has never let them down!

 Zhang Chuan quickly scanned the village with radar and scope, and quickly figured out the situation.

He said to Wu Cheng and the other eight: "Get the ropes ready. Let's save the dozen or so people on the hillside first!"

“It’s too dangerous where they are. They can be washed away at any time! For those hundreds of people on the roof, the water hasn’t risen fast enough. When we are all there, we won’t be able to save them in time!”

Wucheng looked across the way. The villagers on the hillside were basically surrounded by floods. He looked at the rushing water again and frowned:

“Platoon leader, there happens to be a steep **** where they are, and the water is rushing down very fast! Our life raft cannot be fixed and we can’t paddle across it!”

“If the people on the roof are okay, the water flow there is relatively slow, we can paddle across there no problem!”

 Other students in the platoon also frowned.

“There is no fixed point on the hillside. Even if we throw the rope over, we can’t tie them up. Moreover, we can’t swim over to pull them up, otherwise they will be swept away by the rapids!”

 Zhang Chuan said in a deep voice: "Give me the rope. I'll send it over first, and then I'll hold the rope over there, and you can go over and save people!"

Wu Cheng was stunned: "Platoon leader, there is no fixed place there, and the water is so fast, how can you possibly hold the rope?"

 Zhang Chuan said: "Stop being verbose! Just do what I say! Just do it!"


 Eight people quickly took out ropes and tied one end to the strong tree behind them, and the other end to Zhang Chuan.

Without saying a word, Zhang Chuan jumped into the flood with a splash.

Like last time, he sank to the bottom with a swish and used his climbing skills to climb forward quickly.

 After the previous incident, Wu Cheng and the others were not too worried about Zhang Chuan.

Last time, the river flow was faster and Zhang Chuan was safe. There should be no problem this time.

As expected, in less than ten seconds, Zhang Chuan had pulled one end of the rope out of the water and stepped onto the hillside!

The dozen or so villagers were frightened when they saw someone suddenly appear.

 But when they saw Zhang Chuan in military uniform, everyone became excited.

 Sure enough, they are our own soldiers, how awesome! You can swim here at this time!

 “Folks, is everyone okay?”

Zhang Chuan gasped and asked the dozen fellow villagers.

"it's okay no problem!"

The villagers were excited and gathered around, holding Zhang Chuan's hand tightly and refusing to let go.

 The appearance of Zhang Chuan gave them a chance to survive!

marvelous! "Don't worry, everyone, my comrades will come to rescue you soon! Just hold on!"

 Zhang Chuan comforted everyone.

“Okay, okay! Comrades of the People’s Liberation Army, you must pay attention to your safety!”

 An old man said to Zhang Chuan with concern. Zhang Chuan nodded, "Come on, everyone, make way and stand aside! I'm going to start pulling the rope!"

As he spoke, Zhang Chuan dragged two thick ropes and walked straight to the **** behind. His feet sank deeply into the mud and his body leaned back.

At the same time, he used climbing skills to firmly step on the soil with his feet like suction cups.

At this time, the floodwater had reached his knees, but he ignored it. He held the walkie-talkie tightly and shouted to Zhao Long on the shore: "I'm here to hold you. Come and save people!"


Zhao Long and his party had no doubt of Zhang Chuan’s ability. After setting up the safety rope, they jumped into the water one by one.

The joining of Zhao Long and others immediately increased the pulling force, and Zhang Chuan felt that the tightness of the rope suddenly increased!

 The veins on his arms were exposed, and he used all his strength to pull the rope.

 Because once the rope is released, Zhao Long and the others will be swept away by the flood in an instant!

 In fact, Zhang Chuan can also lead a villager to jump into the flood and crawl over from a low place.

 But those trapped on the hillside were either the elderly, pregnant women or children, and there were only a few young and strong adults.

The pressure under the water is extremely high, the water is turbid and the undercurrents are surging, which can become overwhelming in just a few seconds.

 Zhang Chuan did not dare to take this risk!

 “Come on! Help the comrades of the People’s Liberation Army pull the rope together!”

More than a dozen villagers took action, like a tug of war, using all their strength to help Zhang Chuan pull the rope.

"Don't worry about it! I can do it by myself! Save your energy, we have to cross the river later!"

 Zhang Chuan shouted.

 But the villagers are not willing to listen.

They cannot watch helplessly as Zhang Chuan and others risk their lives and lives to save people, while they stand aside and remain indifferent.

Although the flood here is rapid, it is not very wide. Zhao Long and the others will come over soon!

“The elderly, women and children should evacuate first, is that okay?”

Zhao Long asked the adult male villagers in their thirties and forties.

"no problem!"

 Several people nodded quickly.

They are all from the countryside. Who doesn’t have elderly parents and young children at home?

“Platoon leader, just hold on a little longer, we’ll be there soon!”

  Zhao Long said to Zhang Chuan.

 “Stop nagging! Save people quickly!”

 Zhang Chuan urged.


Zhao Long immediately divided the work and put on life jackets and fastened safety ropes for more than a dozen villagers.

 Then, each person takes one person and crosses the river through two thick ropes in turn!

Zhao Long brought three people over, while the other four people on the other side pulled **** the rope tied to Zhao Long to make them come over faster.

 Otherwise, relying solely on Zhao Long's physical strength and carrying one person, the speed would still be too slow!

 Time is running out!

 The floods are still rising!

 They need to move people out quickly!

With four people sharing a rope, the resistance is greater. The water hits the human body and pulls the rope downward. Zhang Chuan and the others bear even greater pulling force!

 Fortunately, three or four people helped pull it, which slightly eased Zhang Chuan's burden.

However, even so, it still takes a few minutes to save each villager.

 And the flood level keeps rising.

 (End of this chapter)

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