Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 106: When it comes to swimming, who's better than me?

Chapter 106 When it comes to swimming, who is better than me?

 “Platoon leader!”

 “Platoon leader!”

 The soldiers in the fourth row were all panicked!

Although Zhang Chuan thought their queue was not long,

 But they already regard Zhang Chuan as a benchmark and leader.

Over the past few months, Zhang Chuan has taught them various training techniques without any selfish intentions.

This kind of friendship goes beyond ordinary comrades-in-arms, and they regard Zhang Chuan as a brother.

 Get out of the way!

 Zhang Chuan shouted: “When it comes to swimming, who can be better than me?”

 He glared at everyone, glanced around, and quickly rushed towards a large rock weighing about 200 kilograms.

Hold both sides of the stone tightly with both hands, and with a roar, he picked up the big stone forcefully!

"Listen, don't pull me up unless you see the rope on me slipping down quickly!"

 Zhang Chuan gave orders to his companions.


 The team members nodded seriously.

They knew that Zhang Chuan was holding the stone to increase his weight so as not to be swept away by the rapids.

 But they didn’t know that Zhang Chuan actually didn’t intend to swim directly there.

The river is rushing, and no matter how good your swimming skills are, you can't stop the huge impact.

 He only needed to use the weight of the stone to quickly sink to the bottom of the river!

Only when he reaches the bottom of the river can he use Spider-Man’s climbing skills to stick his body tightly to the river bed!

Of course, he was not sure whether his climbing skills could withstand the impact of water flow, so he needed stones to gain weight.

Zhang Chuan looked at the turbulent river, took a deep breath, and jumped into the water with a stone weighing more than 200 kilograms.

As soon as he fell into the water, he was submerged by the turbid rapids.

 The students in the fourth row only saw that the two ropes connecting Zhang Chuan were being pulled into the water quickly!

“No! The platoon leader is going to be washed away! Quick, drag him back!”

Seeing this scene, the students in the fourth row were horrified.

 But at this moment, the rope suddenly stopped!


 The squad leader of Class 10 shouted, "The rope is not moving! The platoon leader is fine! He must have sunk to the bottom of the river!"

At this time, at the bottom of the river about ten meters deep, Zhang Chuan used his climbing skills to cling to the rocks at the bottom of the river with both hands and feet.

 Due to the strong waves, all the sediment that was originally deposited was washed away, leaving only solid rocks!

 This gave Zhang Chuan a strong adsorption force!

Even so, his body was still beaten hard by the turbulent water.

 After stabilizing his body, Zhang Chuan quickly climbed to the other side!

The four rows of players above also saw the rope descending slowly and slowly.

 They were all shocked!

They realized that this was Zhang Chuan climbing to the other side!

If it was really washed away, the rope would never slide down so slowly!

“Oh my god! The platoon leader actually swam under the water! It’s amazing! The undercurrent under the water is much more powerful than the surface surge!”

Just when they were shocked, a head suddenly emerged from the water more than ten meters away and quickly climbed onto the shore.

 “The platoon leader is here! Great!”

 The people in the fourth row were happy to see Zhang Chuan safely ashore.

 Zhang Chuan took a breath and shouted to the other side: "Hurry up and pull the rope!"


 Having said that, both sides quickly tightened the rope.

Zhang Chuan also tied the rope on his side firmly to the tree behind, and the ropes on both sides were quickly pulled straight.

Zhao Long, the leader of Class 10, said to the team members: "Be sure to tie the safety rope tightly! Once it falls off, it will be swept away by the river! By then it will be too late to save!"


The students **** their own rescue equipment and hooked the thick rope pulled by Zhang Chuan, and started crossing the river in pairs!

 With the guidance of the rope, no matter how strong the river is, it cannot wash them away.

After waiting for a few people to pass by, Zhang Chuan said to Zhao Long: "Squad Leader 10, you organize them here to quickly cross the river. I will lead the people to run to Tonggu Village first!" "Yes!"

"be safe!"


 After saying that, Zhang Chuan led eight people, carrying some rescue equipment, and rushed towards Tonggu Village!

 The heavy rain continues.

The road to Tonggu Village is constantly being eroded by floods, and the trees on both sides are crumbling and may be blown down by strong winds at any time!

Zhang Chuan and his party led eight people to run with all their strength in the heavy rain.

 They dare not slack off at all.

Every minute of delay is an additional risk for the villagers of Tonggu Village!

 They must arrive at the scene as soon as possible!

 Same as ancient village.

This village is neither big nor small.

 Some young people have gone out to work, leaving only elderly parents, women and young children at home.

 Under such circumstances, when the flood struck, they were unable to move quickly and could not escape quickly!

 They are facing great danger!

 Now, most of the houses in Tonggu Village have collapsed!

 Some were directly swallowed by floods.

Only a few sturdier two-story adobe houses are still exposed above the water.

 The problem is that Tonggu Village is located low, and the floodwaters from the upper reaches are rushing downwards, and the water level is rising!

If this continues, if we don’t evacuate to higher ground quickly, the entire village will be in trouble!

Some people in the village were waiting impatiently on the hillside, while others were hiding on the roofs of the two-story adobe houses.

“What’s going on? Why hasn’t anyone come to save us yet?”

On the roof, dozens of villagers looked frightened and were trembling.

The biting cold wind and the icy rain kept hitting the body, and coupled with the panic and fear in the heart, everyone's face turned pale from the cold and they were trembling.

 Many children and the elderly have started to have fever!

“Village Chief! Didn’t you say that the People’s Liberation Army will come to rescue us? Why don’t we even see anyone! If we don’t come, we will either be washed away by the water or freeze to death here!”

“Village chief, it’s been several hours! My baby can’t hold on any longer! Where are our soldiers?”

The village chief was a middle-aged man in his fifties. He was still calm at this time. He shouted to the villagers: "Don't worry, everyone! Our superiors said that the People's Liberation Army is coming to rescue us, and they will definitely come! We have to trust our country. Trust our army! They will never leave us alone!”

“They must be on the way, we have to hold on! As soon as they arrive, we will be saved!”

 This is just the tip of the iceberg.

 Dozens of people gathered in several places around. Everyone was trapped on the rooftops or on the hills in the highlands.

The water rose higher and higher, and the flood force became more and more fierce. The house was crumbling and was about to collapse.

 Most of them are old people, children and women, and few can swim.

If anyone accidentally falls into the water, the hope of survival is slim.

 The downpour continued, and everything from upstream was washed down - wooden boards, plastics, furniture and so on.

 The floodwaters were turbid and whirlpools formed in many places.

The sky was frighteningly overcast, and it looked like the end of the world from a distance.

 It is not unreasonable for the villagers to be afraid!

After dragging for another half an hour, the water level rose again and the current became stronger.

At this moment, the roofs of only a few houses with people still standing were exposed, and the figures on them could be seen.

All other houses were flooded, and only the tip of the electric pole was exposed.

The cries of children were everywhere, women had tears streaming down their faces, and even the eyes of the elders were filled with fear.

 The water is almost up to their waists!

The place where a dozen people were staying on the hillside was also surrounded by floods, leaving only about ten flat areas under their feet. A wave could sweep them all away!

 “It’s over! There’s no hope!”

 “I don’t want to die! Someone come and save us!”

 (End of this chapter)

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