Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 105: Even if I die, I have to go first! Get out of the way!

Chapter 105 Even if I die, I have to go first! Get out of the way!

 At this time, no one dared to joke or play.

 This is a serious and urgent task!

In those villages besieged by floods, the villagers may be swept away by the floods at any time!

 Chinese soldiers exist to defend the country and protect the people!

 Now, people's lives and property are in danger. As soldiers, they must go to rescue at all costs!

 This is their mission!

 This is their duty as soldiers!

 Then, Wang Fei assigned tasks to the second platoon, third platoon, and fourth platoon one by one, and asked them to quickly collect the rescue equipment and set off immediately!

 In the big green truck, all the team members from each platoon were seated.

At and around their feet were piles of lifebuoys, life jackets, rubber boats, shovels, ropes and other rescue tools!

Each row has one vehicle, driving quickly towards their respective mission locations!



Outside the car, dark clouds were overwhelming, and there was lightning and thunder.

Lightning is like a ruthless sharp blade, tearing through the sky, and my heart is like a huge stone weighing on me, so heavy that I can't breathe.

Because there were so many things in the car, some of them could only be tied to the outside of the car. The dark green plastic sheet was not tightly covered, and rainwater kept drifting in. The practitioners sitting at the back of the car shivered from the raindrops.

 The cold wind kept blowing on them.

 Although it is a hot day in July and August, the temperature has already dropped due to the heavy rain for more than half a month.

The rain was cold, the wind was howling, and their clothes were soaked to the core.

Everyone was shivering with cold, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble slightly.

 But at this time, no one complained, no one cried out about coldness or bitterness.

 Those who have never been in the military will not understand.

 In this situation, no matter how difficult it is, they will never have any complaints in their hearts.

The oath of "serving the people" has been engraved in the bones from the moment you step into the gate of the military academy or put on the military uniform.

That faith is indestructible and cannot be erased or knocked down by anything!

It is this strong belief that makes Chinese soldiers rush to the front line without hesitation whenever disaster strikes, for the sake of the country and the people, regardless of anything!

Zhang Chuan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, saw that in the fields on both sides of the road, most farmers' crops had been ruined by wind and rain.

A small number of surviving crops can also see farmers in the heavy rain, trying to support the inverted crops with ropes and shelf, but they just fixed, and soon fell down again.

Zhang Chuan understood that all these efforts were in vain. The flood has just begun now, and what follows will only become more ferocious and terrifying.

 The devastating flood in 1998 lasted for nearly three months.

This is just the beginning. The crops have already fallen. When the flood peak comes, not to mention the crops, I am afraid that all the fields will turn into a vast ocean.

Looking at the farmers busy in the fields in the rain, Zhang Chuan felt mixed emotions.

In China that year, the national economy had not fully recovered, and most people relied on farming to support their families.

How is it like in the 21st century, when there are opportunities to work and make money everywhere?

 At that time, crops were the lifeblood of farmers!

 If the crops fall, their homes will also fall!

The village they were going to rescue was about 200 kilometers away from the military school station and was in a remote location.

The village is called Tonggu Village. It is located in the downstream area of ​​the city, close to the hillside, with a big river behind it.

 But now, the river has overflowed. The river water in the upper reaches has broken through the dam and flooded acres of farmland. The entire village has been swept away!

 The local rescue force was simply not enough to rescue the villagers, so they had to ask for help from the army.

 Three hours ago, 60% of the houses in Tonggu Village had been swallowed by floods.

 At that time, most of the houses were adobe houses. If they could not withstand the impact of floods, they would soon collapse!

Hundreds of villagers, some were swept away by the floods, while others hid on higher brick roofs or on higher hillsides, waiting for rescue.

 “Speed ​​up!”

 Zhang Chuan ordered to the officer driving the car. "yes!"

The driver looked solemn, controlled the steering wheel steadily, and accelerated the driving speed.

 Nearly three hours later, they arrived in the town.

 The road leading to Tonggu Village passes through a stone bridge.

By this time, the bridge had been washed away by floods and cars could not pass!

Looking at the fast-flowing river with a width of more than 20 meters, not even cars, let alone people, can cross it!

“Platoon leader, what should we do? The river is so fast and the bridge is broken. We can’t get across!”

 The squad leader of Class 10 shouted anxiously to Zhang Chuan.

“How far is it from Tonggu Village?” Zhang Chuan asked the driver in a deep voice.

 “There are still seven kilometers!” the driver replied.

 Zhang Chuan said: "There is no other way! Swim over! Get the rope ready!"

 “Swim over?!”

 Everyone in the platoon was shocked.

“Platoon leader, the river is so fast, how can we swim? We’ll be washed away as soon as we hit the water!”

Wu Cheng shouted.

"I come!"

 Zhang Chuan said in a deep voice: "Bring the rope!"

 The students in the platoon looked at each other, but still followed Zhang Chuan's instructions and took out the safety rope and the three-centimeter-thick rope, which were their rescue equipment.

 Zhang Chuan tied the rope around his waist.

The other end is fixed on the big truck. If someone is unable to withstand the flood and is washed away, he can be pulled back by the rope!

“Platoon leader, let me do it! I’m good at water!”

“Here I go! Platoon leader, I am the best swimmer in our company!”

"I come!"

 The students rushed to the front.

Zhang Chuan looked at them and felt warm in his heart.

 These silly boys!

 At a time when life and death are at stake, anyone wearing this military uniform will rush to take risks and rush forward.

 Aren't they afraid of death?

Of course I’m afraid!

 It's just that the spirit of sacrificing for the mission or comrades has long exceeded the limit of the word "fear".

 When others encounter danger, they avoid it.

Only we Chinese soldiers are a group of fools. When the people and comrades in arms are in danger, they will rush forward regardless of their own safety!

 You think, are these people stupid?

 How stupid!

 But they are so stupid, so stupid that it makes people feel bad!

Honestly enough to be respected!

 “Stop the quarrel!”

Zhang Chuan shouted: "I am the platoon leader. Even if I die, I have to go up first! Everyone, get out of the way!"

 (End of this chapter)

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