Chapter 921 tarot cards (15) one more

"I have to rumor that I have to leave Yeh?" Ye Haohua took a hand and looked at the intern next to him. "What is your name?"

The other party stunned and said, "B major intern Mei Jiamin."

This intern is Mei Jiamin, a senior intern who is arranged by B.

The major is the Department of Architecture. This year's interns are assigned to the office of Ye Haohua.

Mei Jiamin is considered to be a gold planner, but Jin planning does not believe in Ye Haohua, how can he believe that Mei Jiamin?

Most of what she does in the office is the matter of pouring tea.

"I know," Ye Haohua nodded, then turned on the computer and knocked out a document to print it out. "You can take it back and read it. I will report it tomorrow, I will find a gold plan to bring you over."

Ye Haohua went to find a gold plan before leaving in the afternoon.

At this time, Xue Jinxin had just arrived, and a circle of people around the office was Xue Jinxin.

The arrival of Ye Haohua did not attract anyone’s attention.

"You want Mei Jiamin?" Hearing Ye Haohua's words, Jin planning thought for a long time before he thought about who Mei Jiamin was. He was anxious to find Xue Jinxin. He didn't think much about Mei Jiamin. The group in which it is located.

After Ye Haohua informed Mei Jiamin of this incident, he went straight upstairs to find Ye Father.

"Do you want to pick up the project? Well, I let the assistant handle it for you." Ye father didn't think about it and should come down directly.

Ye Yihua did not leave, but sat on the sofa on one side and poured himself a cup of tea.

After ten seconds, I suddenly reacted and looked at Ye Haohua: "Wait, what do you say?!"

"I said, I want to do a construction project myself." Ye Haohua drank a glass of water and smiled at Ye.

Ye father only reacted this time. He waved his hand and let the secretary go out. "Do a project? Are you doing it with Kim?"

"They didn't take me to play," Ye Haohua put the quilt on the table and spoke directly. "Dad, do you agree that you can't promise?"

Ye father also feels strange.

Ye Xiaohua didn't ask for something from them since he was a child. He has always been embarrassed, but because he is too well-behaved, he is not put in the heart.

This is her first time opening.

Ye’s father felt novel and thought for a while. “There is still a construction cooperation case, which is Shen’s side, but it has been stranded for half a year.”

"Well, let's do this."

Seeing that Ye Haohua agreed, Ye father dialed the internal telephone number, and people took the information of this cooperation case.

The secretary also felt very strange at the beginning. Ye Father actually let Ye Haohua handle this important cooperation case alone.

After seeing the contents of the cooperation case, he did not say anything.

Regarding the construction cooperation between Shenjia and the state, many companies have received it, but there is no plan to satisfy them, and they all know that Shen has begun to look for foreign groups.

So this plan is for Missy, I am afraid that it will only let Missy play.

Ye Haohua took the information and said a thank you to the secretary before going downstairs.

The people who convened the office, the people in the office heard that Ye Haohua had a project in his hand and felt very strange.

Kim planning was also very surprised, but when I heard about the project in Ye Xihua’s hands, there was no concern.

He just went to the side of Ye Haohua and continued to talk with Xue Jinxin about the project.

Xue Jinxin is being helped to divination.

However, Xue Jinxin did not look at Ye Haohua, but pointed to a tarot card on the table and said, "Gold planning, you are in the right direction, take me to see you tomorrow. Site, I can predict more accurately."

The two men said it and smiled very happily.

Mei Jiamin has received a notice from Ye Haohua, "Most of the engineers in the office are in the group that Kim plans, do we have to find a gold plan to discuss?"

This group of gold planners assigned to Ye Haohua is an intern.

"You don't have to discuss, what people are used to give us." Ye Haohua thought back to the information he had just found, and he already had some clues.


the other side.

Huaguo Tarot Association.

"Master Airy, my demon fighting Tarot card spirit is not working now." A young man walked into the association very depressed, and put the tarot cards around him on the table to watch Master Airy.

Master Airy is not only a Shen family, but also the president of the Hua Tarot Association.

This young man is a good seed in this generation of cards. Hearing his voice, Master Airy is a bit surprised. "Is it wrong? Show me."

I took a look at the tarot cards in the hands of young people.

It is easy to see that the color of the demon card is much lighter.

Even after seeing the traces of the wheel of life above, after reading it, Master Airy directly stunned. "This is... This is the spirit of the wheel of life? In addition to the eight-star card god, there are others. Can people reach eight stars?"

Master Airy directly confiscated the cards of young people. "I will take this card to Shen Lao!"

The young man stared at the departure of Master Airy.


Ye Haohua did not know what happened to the Tarot Association.

She still lives in Ye Family. In addition to contacting Xue Jinhong, she is doing the project that Ye Father gave her.

Her group is a newcomer, but apart from Mei Jiamin, she rarely gives the production to other people in the group.

At about the same time, Ye Haohua came directly to the company.

But he was stopped by Ye’s assistant.

"The people in your project group are all transferred to Miss Xue."

(End of this chapter)

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