Chapter 922 tarot cards (16) two more

Ye Haohua stunned.

The secretary looked at Ye Haohua's expression and sighed. "Miss, I have news in the industry this morning. Shen has already found a foreign project team. After all, your planning department has to make achievements. As a secretary, I don't want it." Too much to say, but Miss Xue’s project is about to be signed soon, and there is a shortage of people, so I will transfer people to her group. And those in your group, except Mei Jiamin, agree, but you also Don't give up, what if you succeed?"

Listening to what the secretary said, the expression on Ye Haohua's face gradually slowed down.

There was no expression of disappointment, just a faint look at the secretary, "I know."

The secretary also called Ye Haohua familiar. When he saw Ye Haohua, he couldn't help but pat her shoulder. "Nothing, Ye always said, this thing should be given to you."

Ye Haohua has no lost expression on his face.

"Missy." Mei Jiamin sat in front of the computer and saw her coming. She couldn't help but slap the chair and whispered.

Ye Haohua reached out and knocked on the table. In fact, although she did not tell the group of interns to the core content these days, she also taught them a lot.

"Do you know what reason they left?" Ye Haohua looked at Mei Jiamin.

Mei Jiamin tangled back, "They said that your planning ability is not good, and, Miss Xue..."

"Isn't planning ability?" Ye Haohua heard nothing here, just nodded and sent a document to Mei Jiamin's computer. "Tomorrow I will take you to see Shen family."

Mei Jiamin didn't know much about planning, and heard a word.

Ye Haohua still needs to find a lot of information. She remembers that she should have never studied before, but she does not know why, but she is very familiar with this process.

Xue Jinxin has now lived in Ye Family.

However, she generally does not care about Ye Haohua.

After knowing that everyone in the Ye Haohua group came to her group, she just smiled casually.

Now, in addition to Ye’s father and Ye’s father, Ye’s attitude towards Ye Haohua is very strange.

This evening, when Ye Haohua came back with the planning case, he saw a lot of people from Ye Jia.

When Ye Haohua went back, she saw Ye Jia Er Shu’s family sitting on the sofa, and Xue Jinxin sat opposite them, and the group was very happy.

Ye father sat on the other side, his face was very light.

Ye Ershu saw Ye's father like this, and he shook his head in secret.

His brother is really not going to be accounted for.

When Ye Haohua and Xue Jinxin did not burst out, he had no opinion on Ye Haohua.

But now the identity of that person has exploded, and Xue Jinxin is still following Master Ai Li.

Not to mention the identity of Xue Jinxin Tarot Master, it is Master Ai Li. If Xue Jinxin is well developed, he may be able to get in touch with Shen in the future. Who are they afraid of Ye Family in Beijing?

What can Ye Yehua do, if she had a relationship with Shen Jiasan, Ye Ershu would never dare to say anything.

But now it is clear

Can't you say his brother can't figure it out?

The biological daughter got back, and let the one who was not living in the master bedroom. Isn’t this the heart of Xue Jinxin?

"Yu Hua, Jin Xin's tarot card needs a quiet and quiet place, the side of her living is not very good..." Ye Ershu directly opened to Ye Haohua.

(End of this chapter)

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