Chapter 920 tarot cards (14) three more

The scene taken by the photographer is quite exciting.

The scene of the car accident was terrible, especially the driver's seat and the passenger's seat had been destroyed to a certain extent.

When everyone sees this scene, it is natural to imagine that the people sitting in the car must be fierce.

The most important thing is the change in the tarot card of the wheel of fortune.

Without the card of the Wheel of Fortune, the wheel of fortune above is still spinning.

But now, the wheel of fortune is spinning, what does this mean?

The owner of the card gives this card the unique ability.

Is this even a domestic card master can't do?

Which level card master can do this? No one can imagine this.

None of the people who saw this scene on the scene dared to speak.

Just looking at Ye Haohua's gaze became awe.

Xue Jinhong has been worried. After seeing this scene, he finally returned to God and looked at Ye Haohua slyly. "You... are you really going to count Tarot cards?"

Ye Haohua glanced at him. "Do you think that I am nonsense? Isn't it what I said?"

After hearing Ye Haohua, Xue Jinhong did not refute this.

Just took out the jade that Ye Haohua handed him from his pocket and hung it directly to his neck.

I don't know if it is a psychological reason. After Yu Pei hangs on her neck, Xue Jinhong seems to feel that her body is twice as light.

The mood is not so irritating.

His expression changes are also very obvious, and everyone noticed it.

The recording of this program is undoubtedly very successful.

Everyone on the scene will not be graciously called Ye Haohua Yuhua, but like Yanmu, they called Master Ye.

Ye Haohua does not have makeup, naturally does not need to remove makeup, Xue Jinhong hastily let the makeup artist help him remove makeup, ready to keep up with Ye Haohua.

It was at this time that Xu Xingyu, a second-line star on the stage, found Xue Jinhong.

"I have no choice. I have recently felt that somebody is talking and my nerves are weak. Can you help me find your sister?" Xu Xingyu whispered to Xue Jinhong. "You know that I can't see those cards at all." Master, I really..."

Xue Jinhong looked at Xu Xingzhen.

He remembers that when Ye Haohua said that he had to calculate, Xu Xingyu was the most powerful one to go back.

These people in the entertainment industry are also very realistic.

Like Xu Xingyu, it is not very hot. She can only follow the camera behind Fenghua. If Ye Haohua has no mirror, she will not spend more time, so when Ye Haohua wants to measure, except for him and Yan Lang, Did not go forward.

So Xue Jinhong is really thankful to Yan Lang.

Now Ye Haohua is really divining, and the program group will definitely release it all the time. The artist who has not yet divined has missed the free divination of the Tarot Master and regretted his death.

Now even the lens is gone, my heart is afraid that the intestines are all green.

"You just listened to my sister. She only gave two people divination today. There is no quota." Xue Jinhong did not look at Xu Xingyu.

Xu Xingyu’s voice is crying. “I beg you Jinhong. You know that I was just away from your sister on the stage. I didn’t have time...”

"Do you believe this sentence?" Xue Jinhong did not understand euphemism. His reputation in the circle has always been not very good. He has always been poisonous. "You have just been away from my sister on the stage recently? Why, now regret it? I tell you ,impossible!"

After unloading the makeup, Xue Jinhong simply ignored Xu Xingyu and ran straight to find Ye Haohua.

When Xu Xingyu behind him heard Xue Jinhong’s words, he couldn’t return to God for a long time, regret it?

When she regrets, she can't wait for the time to go back for two hours. When Ye Haohua helps people to divination, she will be the first to rush.

Not only her, almost every artist on the scene regrets very much, knowing that today's show Ye Haohua must take a lot of shots, they are not willing to take a shot with Ye Haohua.

In this episode, there are not many opportunities for them to show their faces.

Ye Haohua was in the parking lot and Xue Jinhong, Xue Jinhong had not waited yet, but she saw another person.

The other side stood by her car for a while, was smoking, and could see a pile of ashes at his feet.

"Miss Yeh." It seemed that she felt her gaze, and the other turned her head and looked at her very quietly.

The eyes are far-reaching and unpredictable.

Ye Yuhua found him out of his memory, Shen Jiasan, and Shen Yun.

Thinking of him and Fenghua, Ye Haohua took an alienated expression and nodded at each other, "Mr. Shen."

“Mr. Shen?” Shen Yunyun smothered half of the smoke. “Did you not call me my third brother?”

Ye Haohua did not look through the memory of the original master so carefully. Some of the original owners themselves could not remember. Where did she know what the original Lord had called Shen Yunyun, but she cautiously said: "The situation is different."

However, when she heard her saying that she was only looking at her, she suddenly smiled. "I just got a little confused. You used to call me three."

"Yes?" Ye Yuhua screwed his brow and felt that this cloud was a bit strange.

After she saw Xue Jinhong, she immediately waved at the other side and asked him to come over.

Did not pay attention to sinking clouds.

Shen Shenyun did not say anything, but after Xue Jinhong came back, he sat back in his own car.

After going to Xue Jinhong’s residence and helping him solve the feng shui problem in his residence, Ye Haohua went to Ye.

Ye father does not let her resign, she can only stay in Ye.

However, when she went to the office today, she found a table opposite, which is the table of Xue Jinxin.

"Gold planning, what was the planning book yesterday?" Since he was going to stay in Yeh, and before Ye's father, Ye Haohua couldn't do anything indifferent and continue to get mixed, so he went to find the plan for the plan.

Kim planning faceless expression, "I submitted the planning book to Ye Zong."

Ye Haohua paused, "Go."

She went to pour a cup of coffee. After mixing for two hours, she saw the planning book on the table of Xue Jinxin. It was the plan that the gold plan had handed over to Mr. Ye who could not show her.

Xue Jinxin has not come yet, and the planning book and other documents are placed on her desk.

It is enough to see how much people in the office are convinced by Xue Jinxin.

However, Ye Haohua can understand that a tarot master, the people in the office believe that Xue Jinxin is understandable.

Ye Haohua removed his gaze from the planning book and sat down on his chair. He smiled slightly, but it was a little cold.

"Miss, don't blame the gold plan for not showing you, this plan is very important to him." An intern in the office whispered in Ye Haohua's ear, "And they all passed on... I have to leave Yeh."

It is very important that the planning book relates to whether gold planning can be promoted. He does not believe in Ye Haohua's ability, and certainly will not see Ye Haohua.

(End of this chapter)

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