Chapter 202 I will carry you around

  Qin Yide was worried. Ruyi didn't want to go back to her mother's house, nor did she want to go back to her in-law's house. Even if she had a girl and mother-in-law, Qin Yide didn't feel at ease living alone in the school.

  So Qiao Mai took her to live in his yard, and now he feels at ease guarding her.

  She is in the yard every day, doing embroidery in the sun, or walking back and forth, going to the backyard to look at the vegetable fields and poultry, and sometimes going to the playground to watch the children play for a while.

  It is more comfortable than her in-laws' and her mother's family, and she is guarding Qiao Mai. She has not been wronged in eating.

  Every day is a table of snacks, you can eat whatever you want, and it is good for her and the baby.

   She didn't tell Lu Sanniang or her in-laws about her pregnancy.

  I want to wait until the month is older. She feels that she lives in Jixiangyuan, and she doesn't want Master to be disturbed all the time.

  When Qin Yide comes back, her fetus will be more stable. When she returns to school, it will be convenient for her mother and mother-in-law to visit her again.

  Qiao Mai chose ten sets of baby clothes on the platform, and also bought small quilts and mattresses, all of which are printed with pure cotton, and the graphics on them are very kawaii.

  In addition, she also bought several toilet paper, several facial tissues, and aunt's towels, all of which were prepared for Ruyi when she gave birth.

  She also taught her how to use it, Ruyi loves everything very much.

   Especially toilet paper, facial tissue, and aunt's towels, which she has never seen before, and they are much more convenient and practical than the ones she uses.

  This is also a gift from her as a master to her apprentices and children.

   Speaking of this, Qiao Mai suddenly thought that since she came here, she hadn't been to her aunt.

  My body is normal, and I have washed my marrow and cut off my veins. Why doesn't this thing come?

  The original owner has never had this thing, and she gave birth to Linger, my God, what a strange thing.

  However, as long as there is no problem with her health, she won't come if she doesn't come. She doesn't plan to have children in the future. She is content with these babies.

  Qiao Mai is over 20 years old. In modern times, she is still a little girl.

  The Yuan family is three years older than her, and twenty-four years have passed.

  Feng'er, Yun'er was seven years old when she came here, and now four years later, she is already eleven years old. With her delicious food and drink, both children are 1.6 meters tall.

   Chuaner is eight years old, and he is 1.3 meters tall. He and Linger are both premature babies.

   Linger is also five years old, and she just celebrated her fourth birthday.

   In a few years, as soon as these children grow up, a matchmaker will visit Jixiangyuan. Thinking that she is only in her twenties and will be a mother-in-law, she laughs out loud.

  However, thinking of the Tian family, her face was full of gloom.

  Back to the backyard, she called Yuehong and Yuexia.

   "In the future, Linger will go out again, you must protect her well, and when you meet the Tian family, you will show the momentum of a tigress, understand?"

   "The Tian family? Is that the old couple who quarreled with you today?"

   "Yes, they thought Linger was their granddaughter, so they wanted to **** her away,"

  Yuehong and Yuexia were unhappy when they heard that, Linger was brought up by the two of them, and no one is qualified to do so except the master, and the two immediately puffed up their chests.

   "Master, don't worry, even if we try our best, we won't let her get close to the little master"

   "Shall I teach you how to do it?"

"We will, just like the shrews in the village. If she dares to come up, one of us will protect Ling'er, and the other will fight when we go up. We will dig, scratch, and pull their hair. We can't beat me. Just call people to fight together."

  Qiao Mai burst out laughing, "Yes, that's it, as long as you don't kill them, I'll take care of you if something goes wrong, or let the guards do it."

   "Well, master, don't worry, we will definitely take good care of the little master."

   Flash forward to mid-April, Yuan Jiaqi and Qin Yide had been rushing to take the exam for a month, and Ruyi was chatting with Qiao Mai in the courtyard when footsteps could be heard at the courtyard gate.

  The two looked back at the same time, only to see Yuan Jiaqi and Qin Yide walking in with happy faces.

  The two saw them shouting at the same time, "Lady!"

  Qiao Mai and Ruyi stood up, "Looking at you like this, you probably passed the exam, right?"

   "Haha, Shigong took the top spot again, still number one in the country, and I'm far behind, only thirty-sixth."

   "Not bad, not bad, I guess you haven't come home yet?"

   "Well, I'll come to you to pick up Ruyi when I get back."

   "Then quickly bring Ruyi back to announce the good news,"


  As soon as the young couple left, Yuan Jiaqi looked at Qiao Mai affectionately, "My lady, I've been hit again!"

   "That's right, keep working hard, my goal is Jinshi."

   "I will work hard. When I find time, put the land in my family in my name, so that the government will not use our family to collect taxes."

   "I'll give you the title deed later, and you go to the county government to hang it yourself."


  Maybe because he felt that the hero finally had a place to play, Yuan Jiaqi was so happy that he wanted to jump up when he walked.

  He didn't care about being shy, and took Qiao Mai's hand, "Come with me to announce the good news to your husband?"

  Qiao Mai glanced at his hands and nodded, "OK"

  Mr. and the old lady have already received a report from the servants, saying that the uncle has returned to the mansion, and they are waiting in the courtyard.

  The couple entered the courtyard, and the Yuan family got up and walked a few steps to the husband, kneeling on both knees.

   "Fortunately, Jia Qi did not disgrace his teacher's order and won the first place. This is an official document from the government. Your husband has read it."

  The old gentleman nodded happily, took the official document and read it carefully.

   "Don't be proud, strive for next year, let's bring back the champion in one go."

"Yes, sir!"

   "Haha, how about that kid from the Qin family?"

   "The ranking is also good, thirty-sixth. The two of us have learned from each other along the way, and the students have benefited a lot."

   "Well, everyone has different cognition and understanding of things, and they will have their own opinions. You can't be right or wrong. You have to learn from it and use it for you."


   "Girl, your husband took the first place in the exam again, do you want to celebrate?"

Qiao Mai smiled and said, "Let's just sit and sit with our own family. The year is not good. I don't know if the drought will continue. I will sit at a table in person and have a little fun. The money we save can be used to help the people. How about accumulating virtue for the family?"

   "Okay, well said, it's up to you!"

  The Qin family was very happy to see Qin Yide, and when they heard that they had won the exam, they wanted to beat gongs and drums to celebrate.

   Later they found out that the Yuan family won the first place and did not celebrate, so they rested their minds.

  However, the two won the election, and everyone in the town had their own ideas.

  After the members of the Yuan clan heard this, they were both happy and sad. They were happy because although they didn't recognize them, they were the blood of the Yuan family, and they were also the seeds of the Yuan family if they had a future.

  After Qiao's family heard about it, they felt really bad. Only now did they really regret it. They regretted it. It would be nice if they treated their daughter better and kept kissing each other.

The Tian family was so angry that they wanted to vomit blood. Why, why did the Qiao family not only earn money and become a rich man, but she even became Mrs. Juren? She is a servant of the Tian family. ah.

  How could this happen, God is so unfair, why should such a lowly thing have such a life now, why?

  Old man Tian became more and more angry when he thought about it, and a mouthful of old blood really spewed out, so scared that Tian hurriedly asked his sons to call a doctor.

  After hearing this, Mr. Lin became even more ill, and almost died.

  No matter what others think, Qiao Mai has always been very low-key here, how to live or how to live.

  After Qin Yide came back, he rested at home for two days, then opened the door of the school and continued teaching.

   It's May in a blink of an eye. Although it hasn't rained, the drought is not very serious at this time, and the wheat harvest can be regarded as a bumper harvest.

  As the weather is getting hotter and hotter, the sun is scorching the earth, and the water is continuously evaporating. At this time, the drought is just beginning to emerge.

  (end of this chapter)

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