Chapter 203 Follow you and have a future

  The common people were turning over the ground, worrying at the same time, it doesn’t rain at all in the sky, watering is all up to people, it’s not exhausting.

  Everyone looked up at the sky, but the sky was still blue, without even a cloud.

  When Qiao Mai was free, he stood in the yard with his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky.

  There is still water in the river, and the drought is not very serious. Let these people suffer first. It is estimated that the suffering in the future will be worse than this.

  No way, the common people have to water the crops even if they carry water. They are afraid of drought. This year they all planted sweet potatoes and nothing else.

   Counting is easy to feed and take care of.

   Occasionally there was thunder in the sky, and it was not from Tianshui Town. Occasionally, there were dark clouds over the head, and they were blown away by a gust of wind. Anyway, there was no rain at all.

  The wells in Jixiangyuan are all deep water wells, and the water has never been cut off until now.

  But other villages can’t do it. With the drought, the water level continues to drop, and the water in the well is only strong enough for the villagers to drink. They can’t do anything else.

  The water in the river is also continuously evaporating with the heat, and now it is almost bottoming out, let alone flowing.

  Seeing that Tianshui Town will run out of water soon, Qiao Mai arranged for a family and went to the mountains in the northwest alone.

  She wants to find water for everyone, and try to bring a water source down from the mountain.

  Come to the foot of the mountain, looking at the surrounding trees, she sighed, people here only know how to cut down, no one cares about the forest, the large forest in front, now there are only stumps left.

  She took out a wooden stick from the space to open the way, observing the growth of trees along the way to judge the water source.

  The better the growth of trees and weeds, the closer to the water source.

   Unknowingly, he has entered the deep mountain.

  When she came to the place where those people were thrown last time, there were only rags and bones left, she kicked a human skull on the ground into the distance indifferently.

  Step over the bones and continue walking forward.

  When encountering some wild black fungus, white fungus, and various wild mushrooms, she will throw them into the space together with soil and rotten wood.

  Leave it to Xiaoqing. It is the spirit of space and knows how to raise these things.

  The further you go, the thicker the trees are, covering the sky and the sun, and grabbing the soil, it is very wet. According to her hearing, there is a water source not far away, and the sound of the drums and drums of the water echoes in her ears.

  She didn't want to hurt the creatures in the jungle, and she exuded a deterrent aura around her, and these sensitive little guys avoided her far away and dared not approach her.

  Xiaoqing is in the space, carrying Qiao Mai on her back, secretly capturing the creatures in the forest, because the space needs them too much to maintain the ecological balance.

  When she came to a Shentan, her face was a little ugly.

   This is probably the only water source for small animals. The water flows down from a rock, a very small stream.

  If she leads the water away, what will the creatures here drink?

  She sat beside Tan and sighed softly, took out the kettle and took a few sips, then screwed on the lid and was about to leave.

   Unexpectedly, she was surrounded. Birds, squirrels, and some beasts on the tree were all watching her from afar.

  Qiao Mai waved at them, "It's all gone, live here well, I'm just here to see, I won't do anything to you."

  She turned around and walked back, and the animals were right behind her. When she stopped and turned around, the animals stopped, which was really strange.

  In the sky, various birds circled above her head, as if she was the king of birds.

   "Xiaoqing, what are they trying to do?"

   "I don't know, maybe I think there is a future with you?"

   "Then you can take them in, let's talk about it first, you have to take care of the vegetable garden and orchard."

   "Um, you don't have to worry about this at all, those can never be eaten."

   "Okay, then you can take it."

  Qiao Mai didn't care, but she wondered if it was Xiaoqing's trick?

   But even if it was it, she didn't want to tear it apart, because she knew that Xiaoqing was doing it for the sake of space.

  Xiaoqing opened up a big gap in the space, and waved all the small animals around Qiao Mai into the space.

   Now it's finally quiet, and just about to lift his leg to leave, he feels as if his pants are being pulled by something.

  She looked down and smiled, and reached out to pick it up from the ground.

   "It turned out to be a kitten exposed to the net."

   It looks like a cat, but it must be the cub of some kind of cat to survive in such a deep mountain and old forest.

   threw it into the space casually, "Xiaoqing, take good care of it and raise it in my yard."

   "Yes, Master!"

  When I got home, it was already dark, but Qiaoji Snack Shop and Liuji Liangpi Shop were still lit with lanterns.

  People were eating, drinking and chatting in front of the two shops, especially like the food stalls in a modern bustling city.

   When she came to Liuji snack shop, Liu Hai rushed over.

   "Cousin, are you back?"

   "Well, give me a bowl of Liangpi"

   "Good class, just wait a moment"

  He ran in, and the clerk at Qiaoji's snack shop saw the master, and rushed to bring her a large glass of cold fruit juice.

  The people all knew her, so they asked, "Miss Qiao, where have you been?"

   "Go to the mountains in the northwest to have a look."

   "Hey, is that place dangerous?"

   "Don't be afraid, I know martial arts, just be careful and you'll be fine."

   "Are you going to go hunting?"

   "No, it's to see if there is any water source, go find it."

  Hearing what she said, the people's food suddenly tasted bad, and some people felt embarrassed.

   "If we use our words, we don't know martial arts and hunting, and digging a ditch is no problem."

   "Don't worry, I will definitely not be polite when I use everyone."

  Everyone felt better. As soon as the Liangpi came, she picked up the chopsticks and began to eat. She felt that there was a person sitting opposite, so she raised her head to look.

   "Ms. Qiao, hey!"

   "The patriarch of the Yuan clan, so it was you. You have fought and failed repeatedly, and I am embarrassed to say you. Did you say that you would never come to my house again?"

"I was angry at the time, and I was fine if I got angry. I couldn't help it. Jiaqi was admitted to Juren. His surname is Yuan, and he is from our Yuan clan. I can't just watch our Yuan clan get nothing. "

   "Then go to court"

   "Aren't you joking? We are at fault in the first place, and we can't win the lawsuit. If I can, I will fight."

  Qiao Mai frowned, eating Liangpi, and drinking fruit juice when it was spicy, while Patriarch Yuan swallowed.

"What do you want?"

   "I don't want to do anything else. If he doesn't recognize his parents, he won't recognize him, as long as he recognizes his ancestors."

   "He is the son-in-law of my Qiao family. When he dies in the future, he will be buried on the ancestral grave of my Qiao family with the tablet of Qiao Yuan."

   "As long as he recognizes it."

  Qiao Mai sneered, the patriarch Yuan in front of him was no longer as domineering as before.

  It seems that without their family, nothing can be done. When his Yuan family first settled here, there were only a few members of the family. Now that it has grown and grown, it has become arrogant.

  No matter how arrogant you are, you are still a farmer. Compared with others who are rich and powerful, they are far behind.

  When Yuan Jiaqi was at home before, they didn't help him. Now that he is promising, everyone is eager to let him go. It's really annoying.

   "I don't care about this matter, I still say that, as long as he admits, I will not stop him."

   "Ai, ai, as long as you have this sentence."

   Patriarch Yuan got up and gave her a hand, then left happily.

  Qiao Mai raised his eyebrows. Seeing his posture, could it be that the Yuan family has spit out? If that's the case, she really looks down on him a bit.

   After eating and drinking, I went home, went into the house, changed my clothes, sat in the yard, and rested while fanning with a fan in my hand.

  The Yuan family got up, and he took a bench and sat opposite her.

   "Patriarch Yuan is looking for you?"

   "Well, I happen to be eating Liangpi at Liu's."

   "He also came to me, but I rejected him."

   "You can settle your affairs yourself, I don't want to take care of your and the Yuan family's affairs."

   "You were not at home today, but he brought a whole family of people here and knelt in front of me, begging me to go back."

  (end of this chapter)

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