Chapter 201 You are bullying others!

   Ran to Tian's house in a hurry again. This old couple was afraid that Qiao's life would be good, so they always wanted to find something for them.

   "I said Tian's, don't believe what I say, you'll know it when you see that girl."

   "What do you mean by telling us? Isn't it just a girl's film?"

"That little girl looks so good, you don't want to get her back? You have to know that she is the heart of that girl. With her, you can hold her as you like. When the time comes to rub her, she will be right, rub her If she is round, she will be round? Besides, if you have this child, you will have a relationship with your acquaintance, and when the time comes, you will definitely have a share of her money."

  The old couple of the Tian family were said to be moved. To be honest, they had long wanted to find an excuse to scrape some oil on Qiao Mai, but they never had a chance. If it was what Qiao Lu said, then

  Thinking about it made me excited, so they made an appointment to meet at the door of Qiao's house every day.

  The children of Qiao's family didn't come out every day. After waiting for two days without seeing them, the old couple of Tian's family retreated a little and wanted to go home.

Being dragged by Qiao's family, Ling'er was riding a pony, neatly dressed and well-dressed, Yuehong supported her, Yuexia led the horse, and walked away came out, followed by three ponies, and finally by two guards, on large horses.

  The Tian family looked at Linger's face and said excitedly:

   "Like, true, look at this little appearance, this is San Zhuang's baby. When I see her, I think of my family San Zhuang."

   "Is he coming back soon?"

   "Next year, the child will not write a letter, so it should be safe."

   "That's good, let him come back and compete with her for this baby. As long as this baby is in your hands, your family's life will definitely be easier."

   "Don't worry, as long as my family's life is better, we will never forget you."

   "When the time comes, it's fifty-five?"

   "Cut, I haven't got any benefits yet, let's talk about it when I get it."

  Tian's family gave Qiao's family a blank look, and seeing their money-lovers, they knew why that **** surnamed Qiao didn't want his parents.

  It’s easy to catch them. The Tian family will not attack their own blood, unlike the Qiao family, who take their daughters instead of their daughters as animals.

  So the couple of the Tian family stopped doing anything, and gathered opposite Jixiangyuan every day, staying for a whole day.

  Because of the arrival of the Tian family, the old couple of the Yuan family no longer invited the Qiao family. They had nothing to do to eat a bowl of Liangpi, and occasionally taste the taste of instant noodles. They shared a bowl.

   This made the Tian family and the Qiao family extremely jealous. These two families were reluctant to eat such expensive things.

  Sitting across from each other every day, the smell is really delicious, just smelling it is quite satisfying.

  Qiao Mai didn't know about it at first, but later he wandered out with his hands behind his back, and found them when he was inspecting the shop.

  She sat in front of Liu Hai's shop, ordered a bowl of Liangpi, and looked at the Tian family across the way.

   There is a murderous look in the eyes, does this mean that Linger looks like Tian Sanzhuang? Came to monitor?

  She ate casually, the Tian family finally found an excuse, saw her couple walking towards her together, sitting opposite her, watching Liangpi swallowing saliva non-stop.

   "Be honest, is the girl you picked up the child you gave birth to?"

"Is it because you don't know? Or the people in the village don't know? When I buried her, they all saw it, and when I left, they saw it empty-handed, and I stayed in the town for more than half a year alone. , everyone knows that someone testified for me the day I picked up my daughter."

   "Maybe you hid it in advance."

   "I was about to die at the time, you tell me where I hid the child? Who raised it for me?"

   "Hmph, why does Ling'er look so much like San Zhuang?" The Tian family couple still didn't believe what she said.

   "Because she looks like my dead child, I adopted her, otherwise what do you think?"

   "Hmph, if you dare to let us know"

  Qiao Mai stared, and swept towards Tian Shi with a murderous look, Tian Shi was so frightened that he trembled all over.

   "Do you still have the face to say this in front of me? If you hadn't kicked my child away, I would have adopted someone else? You are a murderer, an executioner, dreaming back at midnight, did the child ask you for his life?"

"you you!"

  As soon as Old Man Tian slapped the table, he was about to take out the airs of his elders again, Liu Hai ran over with a stick in his hand.


   The Tian family couple got up and ran away in fright, Liu Hai pinched his waist and cursed loudly.

"Shameless thing, you still have the nerve to find my cousin, and dare to put on airs, what kind of onion are you, don't forget, she has nothing to do with your family, my cousin doesn't welcome you, if you dare to come to me Come to your shop, I will break your legs."

   "You, you bully others!"

  Qiao Mai raised his head and looked at the pair of angry veterans opposite him.

   "The child is not Tian Sanzhuang's. If you don't believe it, you can confess your relationship with blood when he comes back. I, Qiao Mai, are not afraid. Don't use the child's excuse to trouble me."

  She said it so lightly that the Tian family became suspicious.

   Could it be that this child really looks like his own son? Or is it that Qiao Mai can't forget San Zhuang, and deliberately adopted a daughter who is compatible with San Zhuang?

   I have to say that the dreams of the Tian family are so beautiful, and their thinking is too simple.

  However, they were not in a hurry, it was only a year away, and everything would be easy to talk about when their son came back.

   When the time comes, ask Mrs. Qiao to kneel on the ground to admit her mistakes, and they will not forgive her if they don't hand over all the family property to the Tian family.

  If you let Qiao Mai know that they think so, you will have to laugh angrily.

   Linger was riding a pony and came back from the south.

   "Mother, mother"

  She was dismounted by Yue Hong, and flew into Qiao Mai's arms like a little fairy.

  Qiao Mai took a cold noodle and fed it to her mouth, "Is it spicy?"

   "Not spicy, delicious"

The Tian family looked at Ling'er from the opposite side, and looked at the clothes. They might have sold the money to feed the Tian family for several years. Look at the hair accessories on her head. If they were sold, the Tian family could build a blue brick building. The tile house is gone.

  You said that such an older child, what to do with such good clothes, is really a waste of good things.

  The gazes of the two invaded Ling'er nakedly, and Qiao Mai glanced over. The Tian family, the Qiao family, and the Yuan family, the three old couples almost peed their pants.

   It's too scary. After getting rich, this Qiao Mai also becomes more imposing.

   Ordinary people like them can really not offend her. I heard that she has the support of the magistrate behind her.

  Three pairs of veterans had fierce eyes, sizing up the ordinary-looking, but snow-like Qiao Mai, not sure if she was selling herself for glory.

   Phew, what!

  Slutty, slutty, unscrupulous, when San Zhuang comes back, she must not be spared lightly.

  They didn't know, just when they were thinking wildly, Qiao Mai peeled them alive in his mind several times.

   Until now, these people still haven't given up.

To be honest, I am enough for the Holy Mother, I didn't kill them, the children of the Tian family, the Qiao family, and the Yuan family are still in her school, she pretends not to see it, doesn't care about it, just treat it as the children of ordinary people .

  They are actually stained with their own light, and they are still calculating themselves.

  In the beginning, the Qiao family and the Yuan family were sitting at the door, but now there is another Tian family, someone must have gone to his house to stir up trouble.

  Dogs, if you dare to plot against me again, don’t blame me for taking care of you.


   In mid-March, Jixiang School will be on holiday for one month.

  Qin Yide and the Yuan family went to the capital to rush for the exam together. The old man sent three guards, one to drive a car and two to **** them on horseback.

  Ruyi brought five hundred taels of silver to Xianggong, and Qiao Mai brought one thousand taels of silver to Yuan Jiaqi.

   Just go there to buy what you need, and the place where you live is in Bichunyuan, which is what the old lady ordered them to do.

   When leaving, the whole family sent to the official road and watched them leave.

   During Qin Yide's absence, Qiao Mai let Ruyi live in Jixiangyuan and arranged her in his yard.

   The main reason is that Ruyi is pregnant, and it has been three months, because she is petite, and she can't tell from the appearance at all.

  (end of this chapter)

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