Why are you wearing Jane's clothes? Since you want to pursue excitement, you must follow through! Hello sao!

Jane on the side looked at Sol's eyes that were gradually dulling. She was about to get jealous and angry, but suddenly stopped. She realized that she seemed to be like this just now, maybe a little more infatuated than Sol... Jane was a little at a loss for a while. , the man I like has been staring at the woman I like. Does this mean we have the same taste and can get along with each other? Or are men just big pigs and should we break up? (Valentine's Day Soul Torture 2)

By the time Thor came to his senses, Sona was already gone.

When his eyes returned to Jane, Sol realized the seriousness of the problem. He was about to explain it, but he didn't expect that Jane himself had a guilty conscience, so he and Sol awkwardly brought the matter over.

Jane, I'm going back to Asgard now, but I swear, I will definitely come back! Thor said affectionately, looking at Jane in his arms.

Unexpectedly, Jane's heart felt like a mess at this moment. She didn't know how to face Saul, so she just nodded silently.

Thor gave Jane a kiss on the hand, then controlled the Bifrost Bridge that was suddenly able to open in reverse for some reason, and returned to Asgard, taking with him the basically scrapped Destroyer armor... ( There is no explanation for this part in the movie. I remember Heimdall was iced by Loki, and then Thor drew the sword by himself when he came back. Can anyone who understands explain it?)

(The number of clicks is almost as high as the number of words! Please save me, an unpopular author, and help me promote it!)

Volume 1: Chapter 45 Loki ran away from home

In Asgard's palace, Frigga looked at the sleeping Odin with a sad expression. Every thousand years, Odin would sleep to stabilize his divine power. However, the period of Odin's sleep is getting shorter and shorter, which shows that His powers began to wane, his end was near, and even the Father of the Gods could not achieve eternity.

But what Frigga is worried about is not that Odin's time is running out. Everyone will die, even gods. She has long passed the age of worrying about death. What she is worried about is that after Odin leaves, what will happen to Asgard? Who leads.

Thor? No, he is still too young and energetic, as if he is a child who will never grow up. Thinking of what Thor did in daily life, Frigga couldn't help but shake her head.

Loki? In terms of character, perhaps Loki is the best candidate. Whether it is governing the country or military diplomacy, Loki is very good at it. But what others may not know is that Frigga is very aware of Loki's recent thoughts. She was worried that the child seemed to be becoming somewhat resistant to Asgard and his family because of his identity.

In fact, no matter what Loki thinks, Frigga has always regarded him as his own child, and Odin also regards him as his own. If Thor is really not suitable to be the king, it doesn't matter if he gives it to Loki. It's a pity that the child Seems a little impatient. Even though he enjoys playing pranks, Asgardians don't really hate him.

Even though her two sons were thousands of years old, they still made her worry so much. Frigga felt that her education had failed.

There was originally another candidate for the king's position, but Frigga didn't really want to think of her name. It was the result of their unfortunate family background, a paranoid father and a rebellious daughter.

The surrounding air suddenly turned cold. With a thought, Frigga knew the reason. A rare sharp expression appeared on her face, and she stood up to get the silver sword hanging on the wall.

The frost giant Laufey appeared at the door of the palace, and in a few seconds he eliminated the guards at the door, and then strode into the place where Odin slept, with frost everywhere he went.

Frigga sneak-attacked Laufei from behind the door. The silver sword slashed down, but Laufei easily blocked it. The outcome of the melee battle between the mid-lane mage and the Troll King was often not good. Frigga was kicked away. , hit the wall.

Laufei raised a contemptuous smile on his lips and walked straight to Odin's bed. The golden protective shield was easily passed through by him, and ice spikes formed on his hands. He was about to complete the first kill of the father of the gods. Laufei even Somewhat excited, he started the first step of the villain's standard death method - speaking: Odin, I know you heard me, remember it. You must remember my name even in hell! King of Frost Giants - Laufei, the person who killed you!

And you will be killed by Odin's son, Loki! The sudden voice made Laufey tremble. He looked up and saw Loki pointing Odin's Eternal Spear at him with a very serious expression. Ice cold.

what's the situation? Laufey was a little confused. The next script was not about Loki rushing up to fight him with a lightsaber. He fought back with a lightsaber, then cut off Loki's hand, and said lamyourfather with a surprised and doubtful expression on his face. Is this the truth?

Wait, this seems to be the script of Star Wars Next Door! Before Laufei could react, he was beaten by Loki with the Eternal Spear, causing the golden legend to scatter on the ground.

Loki, who knew his biological father personally, still looked calm. He was unwilling to admit his true identity. Now as long as Jotunheim is destroyed, everything about his past will be forgotten.

Loki... Frigga seemed to have seen Loki's thoughts and wanted to stop him, but the words came to her lips but could not come out.

If destroying Jotunheim can really untie Loki's knot, Frigga seems to be willing for Loki to do it.

Mother, I have made up my mind. Please stop trying to persuade me. Loki knew that his little friends could not hide Frigga's secrets. He could only use actions to prove that he was qualified to become the king of Asgard.

Just as Loki was about to leave here, he bumped into Thor who was rushing back.

Loki? They said Odin's Sleep happened in advance. Is your father okay? Thor said as he walked. He already understood why his father was angry with him before, and Thor was here to admit his mistake now.

Loki originally wanted to deceive Thor on Earth. Odin died because of his recklessness and allowed Thor to stay on Earth forever. However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. The Earthlings who came out halfway disrupted everything. Loki was irritated at the moment.

Passing by Thor without a word, Loki now only thinks about using the power of the Bifrost to destroy Jotunheim.

Loki, stop it! Odin's voice made Loki stop, because Thor's previous unexpected stimulation on the earth caused Odin's sleep to end prematurely.

Destroying Jotunheim will only cause more gratuitous killings. No matter what your bloodline is, you are my son and you will always be an Asgardian! Odin regretted not confessing to Loki at the beginning. This belated revelation must have hurt him greatly.

Asgard is your home, Loki!

Father... Loki lowered his head and looked at his hands that were slowly turning blue. What Odin said to him kept echoing in his mind.

Loki, what's wrong with you? Thor saw that something was wrong with Loki and just wanted to hold him, but Loki's body disappeared when he touched him.

Loki didn't take the Spear of Eternity with him, no one knows where he went...


Walking in front of Kassadin and Banner, Charles was a little nervous pretending to be a void creature for the first time. He was wearing a void costume obtained by Kassadin. Charles also learned the language of the void from Kassadin through his mind. After learning, I didn’t let my flaws show off easily.

The creatures coming and going are all very strange, including beast-like creatures crawling on four legs, humanoid creatures standing on two legs, and even the appearance of ancient gods that are difficult to describe in words. Although Charles's expression did not change, the feeling in his heart was still there. The shock is self-evident. Void beetles have already posed a certain threat to the earth. These void creatures seem to be very difficult to deal with. If they all came to the earth...

Fortunately, Kassadin calmed Charles's frightened young mind in time and explained that not all void creatures would participate in the world invasion. They also had military establishments. What Charles saw were just civilians.

Wait, this seems like a threat, right?

Register, state your name, and state your purpose. A void creature with a purple octopus on its head stopped Charles. He was a guard at the War College and was responsible for registering everyone entering and leaving.

Charles, you are here to study. These two are my slave attendants. This is what Kassadin told Charles. The purpose of Vel'Koz's establishment of the War College is to spread knowledge in the void and allow void creatures to learn more deeply. To the extent that they have evolved, the Zhan Zhan Academy is often filled with pioneers who have evolved wisdom but are relatively weak in their own strength.

Sensing that Charles' aura was okay and he wasn't a wanted criminal, the guards let him in.

Isn't Kassadin a wanted criminal? What's so hard about this? Once the mask is taken off, who can still see his original Dingri face?


Patricide League

Loki: Why does a mere biological father matter? Who can be more ruthless than me?




(Thank you for the big boss who is willing to promote each other with me!) The book title is I am a hero in the League of Legends and the author is Don Quixote of the Six Sets Room.

The writing is superb! ! ! It’s about the descendants of Overwatch’s Genji Shimada who traveled to the continent of Valoran! I had a blast playing both games, and I think people who follow League of Legends books will be interested in this one! World

Thank you again for being willing to py with me! I am a hero in the League of Legends is also known as My ancestor is Genji and I am a Biasor sword.

Not understanding the OW background does not affect reading! brick

Volume One: Chapter 46: Void Evolution Theory Group

Why did Vel'Koz create the War College? He said that it was for void creatures to evolve to a higher level. The evolution of the physical body can no longer satisfy some pioneers. Only knowledge is the best energy! rise

Many Vanguards do not understand Vel'Koz's philosophy, but he has the support of the Void Emperor behind him, so there are many Vanguards who go to the War College, but most of them are void creatures arranged by Vel'Koz. suspect

If void creatures want to possess wisdom and consciousness, they can only become pioneers through continuous evolution. Before that, everything they do is just an advanced neural reflex. No matter how smart and cunning the beasts are, they still cannot become intelligent creatures. Sis

Vel'Koz's purpose is to allow these void creatures to overcome the conditions for becoming pioneers and gain wisdom even when the void energy is insufficient. This is a revolution. If his idea succeeds, then the entire void will evolve. Evolve towards a higher level of life! Si

But for now, the academic style of the War College is a bit strange. After all, you can't see it in other schools. If you want to fully understand your classmates, just dismember them! This concept was how Vel'Koz evolved in the beginning. At that time, I was not a pioneer but I had self-awareness. stop

However, it is only for research and study, and consumption is not allowed. Otherwise, what is the difference between this and the wild? stroll

In addition to this, the Zhan Zhan Academy still has traditional teaching based on books. Expect

Having witnessed several cases of special courses with his own eyes, Charles was a little queasy. Only biologists and forensic doctors could bear to see biological dismemberment at close range. start

Cassadine, are you almost here? Charles said telepathically to Kassadine. Mausoleum

Go forward, then turn left. Kassa was at the War College. Kassadin could feel that the location was getting closer to the library of the War College, and he became more and more cautious.

That was Vel'Koz's favorite place to stay. If he discovered anything unusual, none of the three of them would be able to escape. Kassadin couldn't guarantee whether Vel'Koz could recognize him through other means.

The more you fear something, the more likely it is to happen.

Murphy's Law is actually established because fear of things that have happened is more profound than fear of things that have not happened.

But now was obviously not the time to do this. Vel'Koz had already appeared in front of them. Although he looked like he was passing by, Kassadin still tried his best to control his aura not to be exposed.

Huh? Vel'Koz made a confused sound, suddenly stopped, his huge eyes scanned below, and finally locked on Charles and his party.

Kassadin sighed inwardly, the thing he was most worried about happened.

Vel'Koz landed slowly, and Kassadin was ready to fight. Just when the void energy hidden in his body was about to explode, Vel'Koz spoke: Are you the Forerunner? He said to Charles. .

No...no. Charles was very nervous at the moment. He had personal experience of the spiritual power of the void creature in front of him, and it could make him lose consciousness in just a moment.

That's strange. Vel'Koz did not doubt the authenticity of this answer, because his senses also told him that Charles was not the Forerunner, but void creatures without intelligence cannot speak, let alone pass through the Forerunner. Clothes that I know how to wear. Can my suspicion be confirmed? Can void creatures possess intelligence without evolving into a vanguard?

Thinking of this, Vel'Koz's eyes flashed purple.

Are you saying that Vel'Koz doesn't wear any clothes himself? See clearly! This guy isn't Vel'Koz! Glasses, hats and dresses, everything is available!

Follow me. Vel'Koz said in a commanding tone. He wanted to study Charles.

Realizing that this matter seemed to be turning around, Kassadin hid the void energy again and thought in his mind: You go with him first, we will split up, and I will go find you later. He knew Charles could read this.

Charles was unwilling to do so. Who knew whose head would be divided if they split up? But rejecting Vel'Koz face to face was obviously an unwise choice. He pretended to order Kassadin to buy something and asked Banner to follow him. Vel'Koz didn't care about the two human slaves.

After Kassadin walked to a place invisible to the field of vision, he used Void Walking and walked through the wall to the inside of a huge spiral structure, with Ka'Sa inside.

What should a father say when he sees his daughter again for the first time after being missing for many years? urgent! Waiting online!

Kassadin doesn't have time to search for the answer to this question now. Kassa hasn't recovered his memory yet, so he can only knock him out and take it back.

Who are you? The sudden voice behind Kassadin made him tremble, and the Void Blade lit up directly.

How can it be! when? The person who appeared behind him was Kasha. Kassadin didn't expect Kasha to discover him in advance. Apparently, he ignored the problem that the induction was mutual.

If he had known earlier, he would have spent some time to go to Baidu. Kassadin, who didn't know how to speak, had mixed feelings in his heart. It's not that he has no feelings for his daughter, but if these feelings were expressed in words, a thick book could be written.

Looking at the vicissitudes of the man's face in front of her, something seemed to flash through Kasha's mind.

Inexplicable connections, flashing images, these bizarre things made Kaisha more curious about the identity of the man in front of her. Maybe he knows about her past?

I am your father. Kassadin put away the Void Blade. He tried to awaken Kasha's memory. Even if it was in vain, it was worth it.

... Kasha was stunned for a moment, her eyes twitching, and then she said: You ****, I ****, ****!

! ! ! What a beautiful Zu’an dialect! Who taught Kaisha! Kassadin definitely wanted to add some decoration to his head, and actually taught his daughter to learn Zu An dialect!

I'm really your father! Seeing that Kasha would become like this, he, a father, was filled with self-blame.

Kai'Sa didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore. The adaptive helmet and Void Wings appeared at the same time, Icathia rain poured out, and Kai'Sa also entered the invisible state.

With his heart aching, Kassadin mobilized the void energy. Should he still knock Kasha unconscious first and take him back? no solution anymore...


What species are you? Vel'Koz was a little confused. He had seen humanoid void creatures, but their breath and structure were different from Charles's. Could it be a new species of the void?

I...I don't know either. Charles originally wanted to say Void Ape, but who knows if there is a real Void Ape, so he just pretended to have amnesia.

I am an orphan. I grew up on my own, and then I participated in the plane invasion, so I have the wisdom... Charles could only make nonsense based on his superficial understanding of the void. It depends on his luck.

Interesting, really interesting. There seemed to be a lot of question marks in Vel'Koz's eyes. He liked problems and even more liked solving them. Could it be that there were some rare treasures in that plane that made Charles awaken to his wisdom?

Volume 1: Chapter 47 Stark Technology Industry Expo

Snowy Moscow is not without tears as the lyrics suggest. It is a paradise of ice and snow for the rich, and an extremely cold hell for the poor. You cannot survive in the Moscow slums with vodka and shouting Ula.

Ivan Vanko grew up in Moscow. In addition to basic survival skills, he also learned from his father the techniques that former Soviet scientists dreamed of. Even when fighting, Ivan could use that physics knowledge.

Playing on the old TV is one of Tony Stark's recent press conferences, where he admitted his identity as Iron Man.

Iamironman When this sentence was uttered, the frail old man in front of the TV suddenly became excited, opened his mouth with difficulty, and called Ivan.

That... was... your... glory... With every word Anton said, his breath became weaker: I'm sorry... Son, all I can give you is... .My knowledge... He could have let his son live a life like Stark, but now he can only live in the slums.

No...Father...you have given me enough... Ivan has never hated his father. He has been very sensible since he was a child and obeys his father's instructions. He feels the temperature coming from the palm of his hand getting lower and lower. Ivan, a rough guy with a stubble on his face, burst into tears.

Anton died on the bed, in Ivan's arms.

And all of this is because of him - Tony Stark, Iron Man, the Vanke family and the Stark family can be said to be feuding. What his father failed to avenge, Ivan will try his best to do it! Isn't it the Ark Reactor? Without Anton Vanke, Howard wouldn't be able to do it alone! Tony Stark is nothing but a thief!

With this realization, he left several planets behind from the Patricide Alliance next door.


Good evening to the viewers in front of the TV, it's now live broadcast from Bugle News. We are now at the Stark Technology Industry Expo. You can see that the guests on the scene are very excited. We are now waiting for Tony Stark. This is where Iron Man descends from the sky! The person speaking in front of the camera was Simon. Ever since he provided high-definition photos of the Hulk and the Void Beetle during the last battle in New York, he was directly promoted from an unknown reporter to a live broadcast reporter. It can be said that everything is rising. , reach the sky in one step.

The camera pointed at the sky and focused quickly. A purple figure was jumping from the transport plane, falling at a speed that was difficult for the camera to capture. Only purple light could be seen with the naked eye. It was as gorgeous as Halley's Comet and as fast as a meteor.

The world-weary Xin Zhong wrote Jiu Si's postscript ベλku e ne

Sona was also present. Although she was not interested in the expo, but since Tony invited her, there was no need to refuse. Anyway, she was idle at SHIELD, and she would get tired of staying at home and playing games every day.

(Nick Fury: Why is Sona so idle lately? Are you agents not working hard enough?)

Landing steadily on the designated platform, Tony made a coquettish pose. Many mechanical arms appeared around him and dismantled the void armor. Tony was wearing a sexy purple suit under the armor, which coincided with the popular villain next door.

I don’t know why, but a long time has passed, and Sona’s purple allergy has not been completely cured. The issue of void cannot be underestimated at any time. The last time was New York, where will it be next time? Not only Sona, but Nick Fury is also worried about this.

Welcome to the future! Many years ago, Howard Stark also used these opening words to start the first Stark Technology Industry Expo. Tony's first one followed his father's style.

With a bunch of irrelevant lines saved, Tony finally gets to introduce the highlight of the night.

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