Are these magic potions? Jobs had just received a notice from Coulson that he was going to lead the troops to perform a mission in the suburbs of Old Bridge City. He was forced to stop by the words written on Sona's writing board.

Not only was he curious about magic, but Pierce was also eager for it. He repeatedly told Jobs that if he couldn't brainwash Sona, he should first get her magic.

Jobs thought this was an impossible task, but Sona sent it herself. He hurriedly asked his subordinates to send these things to SHIELD's laboratory for testing, so that they could be mass-produced.

Mass production is impossible, and it is impossible to mass produce it in this life. It is just for them to test and maintain their lives.

Sona still remembered Charles's words, and she had some knowledge of SHIELD these days. Although she didn't know what those magic potions did, it was impossible for SHIELD, which didn't master magic, to replicate these potions. , this is also the reason why Sona dares to hand it over with confidence.

Miss Sona, are you interested in other magic items? Just as she was about to go back, Sona stopped when she heard what Jobs said.

Just now, I was sure that SHIELD didn't master magic, so they were slapped in the face so quickly?

What magic item? Sona wrote quickly.

A hammer. Jobs seemed to smile triumphantly.


Major changes occurred in Asgard. First, Odin's son Thor took his teammates to Jotunheim to pay his respects. After being rescued by Odin, Thor felt aggrieved. He angrily criticized Odin and was punished on the spot, deprived of his divine power and weapons. , sent to Midgard to repent.

Then came the news that Odin fell into a deep sleep. Asgard could not live without a king for a day, and Loki temporarily took over the position of acting king.

At this moment, Loki is sitting on the throne where Odin originally sat, overlooking the scene in the distance, the magnificent Asgard, and the glorious Asgardians. They will not let a despicable outsider become an Asgardian. The king of virtue. Sleeping Odin thinks so, his brother Thor thinks so, and every Asgardian thinks so!

Loki knew this very well, so he couldn't let anyone know about it. Only by letting Odin sleep forever could he keep this secret.

But before that, he wanted his dear brother to stay in Midgard forever...


Many temporary buildings were built on the outskirts of Old Bridge City. SHIELD dismissed the irrelevant personnel as soon as they discovered the hammer.

When Sona landed on the Quinjet, she felt strong magic fluctuations. A certain source seemed to be pulling the magic energy in her body. She felt a little... restless? Why?

Following Jobs to the deep pit where the hammer fell, the restless feeling became more and more intense. Sona even couldn't control herself. This feeling reached its peak when she saw the hammer, as if there was something there. The voice was tempting her to hold the hammer!

After taking off the guqin, Sona played a few simple melodies, trying to wake herself up.

The energy of the runes is immense, and Odin's power cannot be underestimated. Both of them are currently in a state of being uncontrolled, and it is impossible for powerful energy sources to coexist peacefully.

The originally clear sky was suddenly filled with dark clouds, thunder and lightning mixed in the dark clouds, and SHIELD's energy detector data soared.

Unprecedented red magic energy suddenly surged from all over Sona's body. The aura of thunder and lightning surrounded her. The original blue pupils were covered by red light. A crimson dragon of thunder and lightning appeared, hovering above Sona's head, with an aura of destruction. The whole base is frightened.

Get out of here! In desperation, Sona used teleportation on Jobs and asked him to send everyone here first. She didn't know what would happen next, but the situation was no longer under her control, no matter it was The crimson energy, or the flashing thunder in the sky, were all so powerful that Sona had never seen before.

Odin, who was sleeping, moved his fingers, Gu Yi, who was drinking tea, stopped pouring tea, and Ryze, who was making up a spell, felt that something was wrong.

Between two powerful energy sources, Sona felt like a lone boat in the storm. If she was overturned or destroyed, the end would not be good.

The cornerstone of the domination rune, Dark Harvest awakened its consciousness. The proud and arrogant domination felt the aura and energy that could compete with it, so naturally it would not continue to be silent. The secret energy of thunder was mobilized, and the red thunder dragon leaped over It grew bigger and bigger, with its head pointing toward the sky, facing the white thunder in the sky, like a dragon fighting against heaven.

Obviously, Ryze, who had just used the Enlightenment Rune, had no way to prevent this accident. He could only hope that Sona would be safe. He didn't know how integrated the rune cornerstone was with Sona, but the Father of the Gods Odin's power is close to that of Marvel's gods. This is a bet with Sona's life, but both sides lose.

If you win, everything may be discovered by the Marvel Gods, if you lose, everything will be lost...

Sona didn't know the story chain after this. She could only mobilize the magical energy she controlled with all her strength to form the shield of Aria of Perseverance. This was really a cruel electrocution, and it would have cracked if it had been anyone else.

Not far away, Thor, who was sitting in Jane's RV and chatting and laughing with Jane, saw such a change in the world and couldn't help but feel nervous. He had never seen Mjolnir emit such great power, not even him. You can't do it yourself.

The eager Sol asked Jane to speed up the car. As an astronomer, Jane was also very interested in this phenomenon of heaven and earth, so she drove the RV at the speed of a racing car.

Even though he had withdrawn more than 500 meters, Coulson still felt unsafe and took out the special weapon he brought. It was an energy shield powered by void crystal stones. The weapon was still very unstable and there was a risk of overload explosion. But there's no time to think about it that much now.

Feeling the sound of a car behind him, Coulson hurriedly turned around and saw a RV driving at high speed not far away. He quickly directed his men to stop the car.

The road is blocked by them? How do we get there? Thor looked at the whirlpool in the sky, with a little excitement in his eyes.

A group of unreasonable agents, just rush over! All her life's research information was violently snatched away by SHIELD people. How could Jane spare a hand for these bandits? She stepped on the accelerator and wanted to rush over.

Hahaha, I like your personality! Sol smiled very boldly, and he also liked being so reckless.

Agent Patton, do you have a way to stop them? Colson frowned. He didn't expect that at this time, there were still people who wanted to rush into the center of the storm to seek death. Their life and death didn't matter. If Na had an accident because of this, Colson would have no good juice to eat.

If you want, I can shoot the person in the cab directly. Patton had already put the arrow on the bowstring.

Even if the person in the cab dies, the inertia will still cause the RV to rush in. This method was rejected by Coulson.

Let all the SHIELD agents drive the jeeps into the middle of the road, hoping that these can block the impact of the RV and prevent it from rushing in.

Thor, get ready to jump out of the car! Jane shouted and asked Sol to open the car door. When the car hit, Sol held Jane and jumped out of the RV. Even with a mortal body, Sol was still very hard and at high speed. The friction on the ground only broke the skin a little.

Jane, are you okay? Saul said worriedly, looking at Jane with her eyes closed in his arms.

Cough...cough. After a cough, Jane regained consciousness. She grabbed Thor's strong arm and said, Quick! Go get what you want! Aren't you the god of thunder and lightning!

These words inspired Thor. He hugged Jane and ran resolutely towards the center of the storm.

(I originally wrote a chapter last night. I was a bit of a loser, so I deleted it because I thought it wasn’t well written. I’ll add more today. I’m sorry.)

Volume 1: Chapter 43 The Tempered Mjolnir

As long as you can pick up Mjolnir, you can gain the full power of the God of Thunder. This is the spell Odin put on the hammer after throwing Mjolnir. Mjolnir is a very terrifying weapon. Not only does Odin The hammer raised and lowered the restriction, and also injected part of his own divine power into it. However, because Odin accidentally fell into a deep sleep, there was something wrong with the source of the divine power, and the restriction was not as strong as before.

Even if it is only one-tenth fused with Sona, the Dominator Rune Cornerstone still has the confidence to conquer Mjolnir. It wants the hammer to surrender and feel fear. It must pay the price for its previous behavior that it regarded as provocative!

The crimson thunder dragon roared, and the dragon's roar resounded across the sky. The storm above Mjolnir was not to be outdone, and the condensed dark clouds became thicker. White thunder and lightning intertwined with each other in the sky, forming a thunder column in the sky as big as a sea-fixing needle. , a heaven-destroying momentum hit the ground.

The body of the Thunder Dragon was submerged in the silver-white lightning, and Sona was among them. Coulson's heart froze when he saw this scene in the distance. I am afraid no one can withstand such a terrifying thunder.

Thor ran all the way and finally saw where Mjolnir was. Just as he was about to go up and pick it up, the thunder pillar in the sky struck down. Thor, who knew that he was a mortal, did not dare to step forward rashly and hesitated. At that moment, he saw a figure in the lightning.

Is he a mortal from Midgard? Thor felt bad. Even the Asgardians might not be able to withstand such a thunderous attack.

When he became the God of Thunder, Thor swore to protect everyone protected by Asgard, and the glory belonging to the Asgardians condemned his hesitant behavior.

No, Thor! You are the God of Thunder! Thor roared to himself. The thunder pillar was right in front of him. The violent storm made his long hair dance in the wind. Mjolnir was only one step away. The possible way to save that mortal is to rush into the thunder pillar and pick up Mjolnir!

But with the current mortal body, it is not impossible to rush in and even be wiped out.

Come on! Thor! You can do it! Justdoit! Thor repeated the words of encouragement to himself several times, his eyes became extremely determined, and there seemed to be thunder shining in his eyes. In one step, he jumped into the thunder pillar. middle.

Thor, who was originally a mortal, was rising in momentum, and his divine power was slowly recovering. The damage caused to him by thunder gradually became less and less. The silver-white armor belonging to the God of Thunder also gradually emerged, attached to Thor's body, and the red The cloak was blown wildly by the wind, but it looked extremely dazzling in the silver-white thunder pillar.

This is a test left by Odin to Thor. Only when Thor can save others regardless of his life can he understand the meaning of protection and restore the power of Thor.

Holding Mjolnir in his right hand, Thor wanted to pull it out of the ground, but what should have happened did not happen. Mjolnir did not move at all. Even Thor, who had recovered the power of the God of Thunder, could not pick it up. hammer!

Mjolnir is out of control! Thor gritted his teeth and used all his strength to lift Mjolnir. The ground beneath his feet collapsed, but Mjolnir still could not be lifted by him.

Mjolnir is also one of the most powerful weapons in Asgard made from the divine metal Uru and part of the World Tree. It has its own temper! Being so provoked by other energy sources, how can you bear this tone?

The thunder in the sky increased in intensity, and Thor and Sona were in great pain when they were in the thunder.

The Rune Foundation Master never thought about being suppressed. It only considered energy issues, but did not consider where this place was, the Marvel Universe! There is power in the dark to help Mjolnir.

The crimson thunder dragon struggled and roared in the thunder column, its body was constantly being cut by the white thunder, and the dragon's head was upward, like a fish trying desperately to swim upstream in a rushing river.

The dark sky flashed with golden light, and the halo of light appeared and disappeared. Gu Yi's figure stayed in the sky, calm and calm in the storm, and the color of the water did not change. Gu Yi's state of mind has passed the test of time.

Odin, the father of the gods, you owe me this favor... A smile appeared on his solemn and solemn expression. Ancient One cast his magic, and the storm suddenly stopped, and everything in the world turned into a flash of lightning. Become eternity, time stops at this moment.

Whether it was an eternity or an instant, everything turned stillness into movement. However, the catastrophic thunder pillar and the crimson thunder dragon that exuded the aura of destruction disappeared, leaving only the destroyed earth as traces of their past existence.

So, who are you? Miss Sona... whispered to himself, Gu Yi looked into the distance, his melodious eyes seemed to be looking at the scenery on the horizon, or looking at someone.

Gu Yi did not take the initiative to contact Sona. The gears of fate would turn on their own, and the people who should be met would always meet.

Ryze, who was in the fourth dimension, breathed a sigh of relief and also looked at Ancient One. He knew that Ancient One could not detect the fourth dimension, and there was no evidence to prove that Sona was from other universes, but Ryze knew that Ancient One You can probably guess that if you have been familiar with magic for a long time, you will naturally feel this way.

Odin, who was lying on the bed in the secret room, stopped trembling slightly and fell into sleep again...

Mjolnir and the Rune Keystone Lord fell into silence at the same time, and the owners of the two items also woke up. Disgusted

Sona remained conscious during the thunder, but her body was so electrocuted that she could not move. After the storm was over, she lay stiffly on the ground. What was even more terrible was that the fiber cloth clothes issued to her by SHIELD were in the thunder column. It was turned into ashes. If Thor wakes up, she will be seen! World

It is more urgent than ever! Sona desperately used magic energy to alleviate the impact of the thunder, but the effect was very little. As the God of Thunder, Thor would naturally not be stunned (no wonder, the stun gun can stun you!), he has already He's about to get up babbling! dawn

There's no other way! Sona used magic to control the guqin, and faced Sol, who was about to get up, with a 100% final dance. The golden note energy exploded from the strings, and the sound waves directly covered Sol.朔

Don't love me! It won't work! Unless you turn me around! A dynamic electronic music DJ song suddenly burst out in Sol's mind, and his body began to shake uncontrollably, with both hands holding Miao Er in the other hand. Neil cast the Weapon Master's counterattack storm. q

The palm of his hand turned faster and faster, and Mjolnir seemed to have turned into the propeller of a helicopter at this moment. The speed was so fast that afterimages appeared, and Thor took off! He's flying! He flew away! This wasn't the first time Thor had flown, but this time he screamed loudly. q

Fortunately, all of this was done with his back to Sona, so Thor couldn't see anything even if he opened his eyes.

Sona, who had just solved the crisis, was at a loss again. If she could not regain her mobility, someone would come sooner or later. liquor

Thor! Where are you going? Are you going back to Asgard! The shouting voice irritated Sona's nerves, but she realized it was a female voice. Jane, who had just arrived at the scene, saw Thor spinning flowers His hand flew away, and he couldn't help shouting to the sky, Private

I don't know! I can't stop! Sol replied to Jane while still controlling his mouth. Bar

Jane originally wanted to see if there was anything around that could help Thor, but when she turned her head, she saw Sona lying on the ground. Her delicate and jade-like skin was like the twin peaks of Kilimanjaro covered with white snow and the tops of which were reddish. Her slender feet were She was still scratching invisibly. In such an erotic scene, as a woman, Jane's blood surged up unsatisfactorily, and her nosebleeds... scattered.

The guqin made harsh syllables, bringing Jane back to reality from her imagination. She didn't expect that this woman would actually have a nosebleed just looking at her naked body. Sona was really ashamed and angry. Ear

Are you...are you okay? Wiping away the nosebleed with her hands, Jane quickly stepped forward, first took off her coat and put it on Sona to prevent her brain from overloading and dying of excessive blood loss. However, she said I don't think this is embarrassing. Any normal human being, regardless of gender, would have a nosebleed when seeing what he just saw. It was simply the body of an, a devil! Full of temptation! gas

Unable to speak and not wanting to send memories to her, Sona could only blink at Jane constantly, hoping that she could understand her meaning. She couldn't move now, she was very angry, very angry, and she wanted a pair of pants or a skirt. Bar

Seeing this cute and charming movement in Jane's eyes, she felt like her heart was being pointed at Gatlin by Cupid, and he said to her, Sir, times have changed. It was like a sudden burst of fire and blue fire. Ling

When lilies are first born, they look exactly like weeds. However, it knows in its heart that it is not a weed. Deep in its heart, there is a pure thought: I am a lily, not a weed. The only way to prove that I am a lily is to bloom beautiful flowers! Ling

(I have reached my limit!!)

Volume 1: Chapter 44 Destroyer: I got up, and then died, what is there to say?

In the end, Sona had no choice but to use teleportation on Jane, telling her that she couldn't move now and needed clothes.

Jane, who had accepted the god coming to her, naturally accepted the idea that Sona could do magic. She hurried to the RV where she had fallen in the sand to get the clothes she had worn for Sona, and also reminded the god. Shield now went back to Sona after being blinded.

Do you help your goddess dress? (Valentine's Day soul torture!) Jane put on Sona's clothes and pants from the inside out. She felt that she would never wash her hands again in this life. The fragrant smell of Sona's body still lingered in her nose. Jane's whole body Everyone is in a trance, as if they are wandering in heaven, dancing in the clouds.

If she could move Sona, she would definitely give Jane a fatal blow on the head! Fortunately, among the misfortunes, Jane is a woman. Although she is very irregular, she is at least a little bit better than Thor, just a little bit!

After getting the news from Jane, the people from SHIELD approached, collecting data when it was time to collect data, and being vigilant when it was time to be vigilant.

Coulson originally wanted to arrange for Sona to be treated in the emergency ambulance, but Sona refused, and she was about to recover.

Wow!! Thor's scream came from the air. He was falling quickly towards the ground. He flew to the exosphere before his muscles were frozen by the ice at high altitude and he was forced to fall.

With no intention of picking up Thor, Sona estimated that he would not fall to death, so she let Thor fall at high speed.

Boom! Dust rose on the sand, and Thor made a hole in the ground.

Thor! Only then did she remember that she seemed to like men, Jane, and hurriedly ran to the place where Sol fell.

Ah, woman. For some reason, Sona suddenly thought of this sentence.

Saul, are you... okay? Saul was motionless in the pit, and Jane was also a little anxious.

Thor, who was pretending to be dead, didn't hold back his laughter for long, and he thought he was very humorous and said: Jane! Look! I said I was the God of Thunder! I didn't lie to you!

Something that wasn't very funny at first, but Sol's straightforward performance made Jane laugh out loud.

Such a classic ending of a movie, where the hero and heroine meet and embrace again after the disaster. Although it is cliché but very practical, some people can't stand it anymore. Why do you hug your brother while giving him shit on Valentine's Day? How could he tolerate this gay girl? He directly struck the scepter and sent the Destroyer guarding the treasure house into the Rainbow Bridge and teleported to Midgard.

The light pillar of the Rainbow Bridge suddenly appeared, and Sona, who was sensitive, thought that the thunder pillar was back again, and was startled.

The light disappeared, and the silver giant armor appeared, standing on the sand, giving people an invisible sense of pressure.

The wave just subsided and then started to rise again. Coulson felt that this was really bald. He walked forward slowly, took out the SHIELD ID from his arms, and shouted loudly: You are using it without registration. An advanced high-tech weapon! Please hand it over as soon as possible... No, please disarm you as soon as possible! Coulson wiped his sweat after almost telling his true purpose.

The Destroyer put down the armor on his head. Coulson thought he had compromised. The sudden light up of the armor's head made Coulson realize the seriousness of the problem. He quickly ordered the SHIELD agent: Get out of here!

The blazing rays drew lines on the ground, and the high temperature could directly melt the jeeps it touched. The Destroyer was like a god coming down to earth to clean up the minions, sending SHIELD agents fleeing in all directions.

Thor stood up immediately. He knew that the mortals of Midgard could not compete with the great weapons of Asgard, although he did not know why the Destroyer appeared on the earth.

Sona, who was holding back her anger, had no place to vent her anger. An enemy happened to fall from the sky. Her big evil (crossed out) Daqin was already hungry and thirsty!

Come on! The string moves! EW Saved Energy and Chord Light Speed ​​QA launched a set of unexplained combos. The blue magic energy formed a beam and hit the Destroyer's steel body, directly punching a hole. The lava energy in the Destroyer's body flowed from the hole, as if flowing out. of blood.

Tell you to kill me for no reason! Tell you to make me electrocuted so that I can’t move! I told you to let me be seen by others!

Sona seemed to vent all the anger she had just received on the Destroyer. She unleashed countless skills like an old sow wearing a bra, one after another. Even though it was a Noble Phantasm with a certain degree of recovery, the Destroyer Armor also He was beaten to pieces and was in pieces. He lost his ability to heal and fell to the ground.

Odin's beard! Thor shouted. He was stunned. Just now he thought that the Midgardians had no ability to fight against the Destroyer, but the Destroyer was instantly defeated. Is there such a slap in the face?

Destroyer: I got up, and then died. What is there to say?

As if she had vented all her dissatisfaction, Sona let out a long breath. She had not been so happy for a long time.

Seeing the Destroyer turned into a pile of scrap metal, Thor's eyes twitched wildly. This was not only the guard of the treasure house of Asgard, but also the favorite armor of his father Odin. To be beaten into scrap metal like this, his father would definitely Be so angry that your beard stands on end!

no! This murderer must be captured and brought back to Asgard! Sol turned to look at Sona, and his eyes immediately straightened at this sight. There was no twin tails restrained by hair boards, and the blue hair was scattered around her neck and shoulders. Sona was more feminine at the moment. She Her eyes are more charming than any stars, gems, or any woman Thor has ever seen, and her exquisite facial features will even make those light elves who are proud of their appearance feel ashamed and jealous! Moreover, he was still wearing Jane's clothes, which made many strange lines suddenly appear in Sol's mind.

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