Perhaps some of you know that my father, Howard Stark, demonstrated a car at the first EXPO, a... levitating car. Making the car take off was a problem that troubled human technology for a full year. Century long. Stark paused, changed direction, and spoke again: Now, it has been solved by Stark technology!

When the operating button was pressed backstage, the lifting platform on the stage rose up, and a sports car full of technology appeared. The main color was silver and white, and the purple streamline design was in the same style as the Void Armor.

Let me introduce to you! A cross-generational product - the void supercar! Precious fireworks were put into the sky just to announce the birth of the world's void supercar.

What? Sona was shocked by the word void. Is it a coincidence? Or is this sports car, as its name suggests, related to the void?

Using Stark Technology's latest void engine, the speed of 500 miles per hour is enough to defeat all sports cars today, even some airplanes can't match it! Tony used his mobile phone to control the void supercar to levitate in the air. With any jets and flames, just a purple light shining on the wheels, the supercar can take off. This is the power of void energy!

One void crystal stone can provide energy for five void supercars. Although it is a thing to maintain his own life, Tony also feels that it doesn't matter if he takes out one or two to change the world. Anyway, he can just go to S.H.I.E.L.D. to get it. , he didn't believe that SHIELD could use up all the void crystal stones.

More importantly, the size of a sports car and the functions of an airplane! The Void Supercar flew around the scene, and its starting speed was faster than Tony's steel armor.

The audience at the scene was already climaxing! Although most of them cannot afford such a sports car, this does not prevent them from cheering. Those with the ability have begun to contact each other and are preparing to snap up Stark Technology's void supercar. This is no longer just a status symbol. This is just like a larger steel armor. If you buy it and assemble it with weapons, how many times more powerful than the Raptor and Black Hawk fighter?

This place will be a venue for science and technology exhibitions throughout the next year. I welcome any person, organization, or institution to display their technology here. We should not only think about ourselves, but we should also think about the future! This should be it. It was the standard ending of Stark EXPO, but Tony suddenly added on a whim: Stark is the future!

Tony retreated to the backcourt in style, enjoying the flowers and praises, but found that Sona was already waiting for him in the backcourt, with an awkward expression. Was he shocked by Stark's skills? Tony thought this.

Does the reactor on your chest use void energy? Sona conveyed. She should have thought that there was a reason why Tony fell in love with purple. Maybe Sona was instinctively avoiding the question about the void at that time. So I didn’t think much about it.

Yeah, what's wrong? Tony generously opened the shirt in his suit, revealing the purple Ark reactor, which was as dazzling as amethyst, but made Sona very uncomfortable.

Look at that, how beautiful it is! Tony had never used the word beauty to describe the Ark Reactor on his chest. It was just a tool for saving his life. No matter how beautiful it was, it had to be practical first.

After receiving the expected answer, Sona's heart sank. She didn't know how long it would take for Tony to be infected by doing this, but it would be absolutely impossible to say that everything would be fine.

Tony, can you tell me about the Ark Reactor? The more details, the better. Sona didn't know why Tony put an energy source on his chest, but to solve the next problem, he should know as much detail as possible.

Although Sona's question was a bit abrupt, Tony still briefly described the previous attack in the desert. Bullet fragments were stuck in his chest. An electromagnet was needed to maintain life, and the power of the steel armor also came from the Ark reactor on the chest. , the previous Palladium Element Ark Reactor was eliminated and replaced with a new version of the ship powered by Void Crystal Stone.

So, this thing is not only your armor energy source, but also your life-sustaining device? The problem seemed to be more serious than she thought. Sona couldn't help but rub her temples. She thought that as long as the problem of void infection was solved, Unexpectedly, it was related to Tony's life.

If you continue to install the Void Reactor now, it will be equal to slow death. If you dismantle it and replace it with the original one, it will also be equal to slow death. If you dismantle it and don't use it, it will accelerate death. (Tony: It’s so hard for me.)

I didn't know how to explain this problem to Tony. Now that the cookies to solve the void infection have been used up, even replacing it with the original reactor can't solve this problem. However, Sona quickly thought of the Summoner Skills Book from before. The Encyclopedia and Purification Technique can also solve the void infection, but since the last time I took out the Healing Technique and Ghost Step, the book has stopped responding.

Is there any problem with the Void Reactor? Tony quickly guessed the reason why Sona asked these questions. His test only showed that the Void Crystal Stone contained a trace amount of nuclear radiation, and there was no other obvious harm to the human body. At that time, he was eager to solve it. Regarding palladium poisoning, the risks were not considered.

However, since using the Void Reactor, his waist no longer aches, his legs no longer hurt, and he can climb thirty floors without breaking a sweat. Tony doesn't think there is any problem.

Tony, you must stop using the Void Reactor now. Sona's message was the same as Jarvis' previous reminder, asking Tony to stop using the reactor.

World-weary novel group

Why? Tony's first reaction was to refuse, but he had never seen Sona with such a serious expression. He was obviously aware of the seriousness of the problem, but at the same time, a feeling called vigilance grew in his heart, and he felt a little He suspected that Sona was sent by S.H.I.E.L.D., and that Nick Fury's black-hearted bald man was wary of him. Iron Man... no, the Iron Armor obviously poses a certain threat to the world.

I can't let it go just yet. Tony also put away his previous smile, did not respond to Sona, and walked quickly outside the venue.

The reporters outside the court were like sharks that smelled blood. They were already waiting at the door, and Happy couldn't stop them at all.

Under the interception of Happy and the on-site security, a lane was barely opened, and Tony walked in it with a straight face. He didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't even answer the hot beauty's phone number.

Mr. Stark, can Iron Man really be responsible for the security of the world? Despite his death, a microphone was handed to Tony. The person holding the microphone was Simon, who had just taken office.

I said yes, then I must! Tony pushed Simon away a little irritably, unable to control his strength, and forced everyone behind Simon to fall over.

No one knew why Tony, who was smiling before, suddenly became so cold and irritable, and no one noticed that Tony's eyes were slightly purple under his sunglasses.

Volume 1: Chapter 48 Mercury Ribbon

The fourteenth test is over. Sir, your blood, bones, muscles, and internal organs all show normal data, and your physical fitness is still growing. Tony walked out of the testing room naked, and Jarvis reported all the data listed on the display.

Originally, Tony's muscles were just normal, but now they have become close to the best shape for his body type, and his streamlined body perfectly restored the golden ratio. Since installing the void reactor, his physical fitness has been getting stronger. Tony originally thought this was a normal reaction to using void energy. After all, no instrument can detect the negative impact of void energy on him. This kind of enhancement is simply Like whoring for free.

Sona's reminder made Tony start to re-examine void energy. This kind of free whoring... No, this kind of enhancement is indeed too dangerous. He has broken the car steering wheel many times due to improper control of strength, but he was asked to give up the void reaction. It is absolutely impossible until the Void Reactor is found to be harmful to the human body.

Sir, you have already undergone three full-body tests today. It is recommended to stop, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable and easily catch a cold. Jarvis commented objectively. Disgusted

While getting dressed, Tony said, Jarvis, is there nothing wrong with my brain? He heard from SHIELD that agents infected by void energy would suffer from auditory hallucinations and other problems, but He had never been in that situation before, and he was even in better spirits than usual. World

According to calculations, you may be suffering from a strong... Jarvis paused emotionally: Anxiety disorder.

What? Anxiety disorder? Tony felt a little incredible. Palladium poisoning? Nothing, a sequelae of technology; infected by void energy? It is also acceptable that biotechnology is imperfect; but anxiety disorder? Why? Does he look like someone who suffers from anxiety? Specialize

I think you should relax. Can I book a place for you in the Moroccan Formula One racing competition? Jarvis said. Drag racing is one of Tony's hobbies, and Tony himself is a registered racing player. abandoned

Sounds like a good decision. Tony rubbed his temples. After three full-body checks, he still felt very uncomfortable. He also suspended the release of the Void Supercar. If Sona thought it was true, void energy is harmful. I guess I have to find a substitute for void energy like before...

I'm really a little anxious...but Tony won't admit it. temple

Sona immediately returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. and dug out the Summoner Skills Collection from under the closet, trying to find information about the purification technique. Maybe she couldn't solve the problem of bullet fragments in Tony's body, but void infection was a top priority.

But whether she was injecting magic power into the book to charge the magic book, or injecting magic power into the pupils to try to discover the hidden words, Sona found nothing. sulfur

But when Sona injected magic power into her pupils, she suddenly felt something around her reacting. Looking through the light, she saw a stick with an emerald on the top and small wings on the side standing in the cabinet. She was holding the book. I conveniently placed it in the cabinet at that time. It was the same batch of sticks with unknown functions that fell last time. wife

? Sona signaled that the enemy was gone. She felt as if another perspective appeared in her head, and there was her own figure in it. This feeling was very strange. Observing herself from the perspective of God, it was like... playing Same as the game? That

Are these True Sight Guards? Sona said to herself in her mind. These green sticks are very similar to common props in MOBA games, and are also referred to as eyes. Ling

After the magic energy faded from her eyes, Sona inserted another green eye into the room with the mentality of giving it a try. It was a certain distance away from the one in the closet. The green eye disappeared out of thin air a few seconds after it was put down.

The God's perspective in my mind lit up again, and now the entire room was under Sona's surveillance.

I wanted to pull out my eyes, but the invisible True Sight Guard seemed to have really disappeared and was out of reach.

Sona was just about to try to see if she could pull out the True Sight Guard after injecting magic into her pupils. Suddenly she thought that there were more important things to do. She patted her head and continued to study the Summoner's Skill Collection. If she didn't find the Purification Technique as soon as possible, Help Tony get rid of the void infection. It will be even more troublesome after Tony loses his self-awareness and falls into the void.

Wait! Suddenly, Sona suddenly raised her head, looked at the True Vision guards piled aside, and then remembered the batch of potions she tested for Jobs last time. Eye sockets, potions, what else are sold in the battle shop in MOBA games? Equip props! Now that she has the True Sight Guard and the potion, all she needs is equipment!

This wasn't because Sona suddenly became addicted to the Internet. It was these things that reminded her of a prop that only existed in Valoran - mercury ribbons!

I still remember that there was a special curse plague in Demacia at that time. In order to repay Sona for helping him collect rune fragments, Ryze taught her how to make mercury ribbons. Mercury ribbons can effectively remove most curses, and The effect of purification is similar! Maybe it can also solve the problem of void infection!

Although I don’t know if Ancient Shurima has tried mercury belts to solve the problem of void infection, this is the only way to try it now.

But...where can I find the anti-magic cloak? The lack of materials brought Sona back to reality. Demacia has many anti-magic cloaks, and their main raw material is the powder of the forbidden magic stone, but this is not Demacia. Marcia and Sona don't even know that magic doesn't exist on earth!

Sona has not forgotten the last hammer incident. It was definitely magic, but SHIELD said that the other party was from Asgard and not a local. Do we have to go to Asgard to find the anti-magic cloak? The first thing Sona hates is the void, and the second thing she hates is the hammer. She hates the house and the bird. She will never go to Asgard.

In just ten minutes, Sona's emotions were like riding a roller coaster, from anxiety to confusion to sudden inspiration to being at a loss.

I'm torn!! She was going crazy! It's a pity that Sona can't shout out her voice to relieve her stress.

Perhaps you should ask SHIELD... There is no other way. Last time, SHIELD researchers studied void energy with her. Maybe they will make some new progress?

(Serpent Shield: Yes, our research on void weapons is progressing very quickly!)

After closing the summoner's skill book and cleaning up everything in the room, Sona walked out of the room and went to SHIELD's scientific research department.

Not long after she left, a man with long black hair suddenly appeared outside the door of the room. It was the second princess who disappeared from Asgard.

That day, the Destroyer was teleported from Asgard to Earth through the Rainbow Bridge. It was him who remotely controlled it from Asgard. His original intention was to kill Thor, but when he landed, he was turned into a box by Sona.

Loki is a very vengeful person, and he will not easily let go of those who ruin his plans. But he would not dare to go to Sona alone for a solo. The Destroyer had already been defeated, and Sona's magic level must be ridiculously high.

Deceptive magic can work against his stupid Onii-chan, but in front of a real magician, it's just a trick.

But don't forget, Loki also has a name in Asgard, although he doesn't particularly like it - the God of Mischief. Thor was once transformed into a frog by him with magic and was almost eaten.

Loki has already thought of a hundred pranks to play on Sona! Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise, and he smiled evilly.

Ancient One, who was sorting out the magic collection in the New York Sanctuary, also suddenly laughed. She didn't know what to say to the two silly sons of the Odin family. Compared with their eldest sister, they were not even a bit worse.

Odin, Odin, I really don't know how you prepare for Ragnarok... Ancient One shook her head helplessly. She could see some things in the future, but she couldn't telepathically sense other people's thoughts.

And Sona... she's coming in a few days, so we need to make some preparations...

Volume 1: Chapter 49 Prank (×) Seeking Death (√) Little Expert Loki

Loki easily walked into Sona's room using the wall hanging, strolling leisurely, carefully observing the various corners of the room, thinking about where to place his prank props, and the light was shining. Then, a steady stream of props appeared in Loki's hands.

These are the treasures he has collected in Odin's treasure house since he was a child. I don't know if Odin doesn't know, or if he doesn't care about Loki because he is doting on him, the accumulation of thousands of years in the Asgard is not something that can be easily imagined, but these are Even if the treasures are added together, they are not as good as the unique collections of Frost Treasure Box and Eternal Fire.

Panzhi fruit! You won't be able to make any sound for a month after eating it! Loki didn't know whether he was introducing it to someone or something. He held up a fruit with three fingers and put it to his nose to smell it intoxicatedly. Smell it, the banana fruit has a deadly aroma, and people who pick it for the first time are often easily infected.

Casting a camouflage spell, Loki turned the cinnabar fruit into an apple. Loki placed it in the most conspicuous position on the fruit plate and often picked it up casually. Only his mother Frigga could undo the effect of the pimento fruit. , Loki did not believe that Sona's sorcery could rival the wisest minds in Asgard.

After leaving the kitchen, Loki came to the wardrobe. The prop in his hand kept changing, and finally turned into a scroll filled with weird spells.

Scroll of All Transformations. When activated, the person it touches will turn into an animal. The animal is random.

He used this to turn his brother Thor into a frog, and he was almost eaten by a griffon. This also made Thor a little resistant to frogs and griffons, and he even stopped riding his own griffon. Pass.

However, there is a disadvantage of the Ten Thousand Transformations Scroll, that is, for a magician, the magical aura it emits is too obvious, and it must be placed in a place where it is unprepared for the magician to be attacked.

Loki believed that a woman was least alert when she opened the closet, so he chose this place and opened the closet. All he saw were SHIELD uniforms. This made Loki a little confused. Could it be? Don’t women on earth have any sense of beauty? Are there still so many ugly clothes like this? Or is it just Sona?

(Sona: If I could use my skin, would I still wear this? Doesn’t Longqin smell good? Isn’t the Qin Girl’s House healthy?)

Without thinking any more, Loki stuck the Scroll of Ten Thousand Transformations on the inner door of the closet, and cast a self-aiming magic to make the scroll have the effect of tracking enemies, and then closed the closet with satisfaction.

Next is...Tears of the Siren! A silver box was taken out from the space by Loki. The box contained crystal blue powder. These were powders ground from the Siren Stone. The effect was that People shed tears constantly, and even Odin who inhaled it couldn't stop it. Loki tested it himself!

Who are you? What are you doing!

Just as he opened the box, Loki was startled by the sudden sound in his mind. His hands trembled and the box was thrown out without holding it firmly.

After Loki entered Sona's room for a while, Sona discovered in her mind that a stranger had entered the room through the vision provided by the True Vision Guard, and he could also cast space magic! Could it be that the Earth's mage sensed something and came here to steal the magic book? Having a premonition that the summoner's skills and magic potions might be in danger, Sona directly used Ghost to rush back. This is why Loki didn't notice at all.

The box that escaped her hands flew towards Sona. Sona thought it was some kind of attack method, so she quickly plucked the strings with her fingers, released the heroic hymn, and hit the silver box.

The box was fragile, and was shattered into pieces by the blue energy beam. The Siren's Tears immediately scattered and filled the room.

Loki had already reacted and put on a special mask with his backhand, which effectively blocked the droplets... No, it was dust. Sona didn't know that the box was powder. She wanted to stop inhaling it but it was already too late. The dust was inhaled into her body.

Sona had no choice but to use the magic energy in her body to defend herself. She believed that these were magic dust, something like alchemical poison, which should not be able to break through the magic energy in her body and cause harm to her.

But if Siren's Tears were a magical product, they wouldn't work on Odin at all. Its principle is actually to stimulate the human body's tear glands through chemical reactions, causing them to continuously secrete tears, which will make people cry all the time.

Loki didn't know the truth, and Asgardians generally had poor physical and chemical skills, so he regarded the Siren Stone as some kind of cursed stone that would make people cry constantly, so its powder was also called Siren's Tears. .

Feeling as if there was liquid flowing out of the corner of her eyes, Sona's first reaction was blood. Is this medicine so toxic? The magic energy has no effect and she has started to bleed from all her orifices?

Sona became nervous for a moment, and released the Aria of Perseverance and the Last Dance at the same time. If her healing energy was ineffective, she would at least keep the magician to ask for the antidote, or so she thought.

Loki did not escape the golden sound waves, and danced under the influence of irresistible magic. He was dancing wildly!

But the expression under the mask is very shameful and resistant, dancing selflessly in front of mortals. Is the prince of Asgard really so informal? If people from other countries saw it, they would definitely record it and show it off everywhere.

Look! The prince of Asgard dances for me! To be able to say this is to die without regrets.

Feeling that the healing energy was not working on her, Sona became even more anxious. She was even more anxious than ADC who was walking alone in the jungle when the poodle logo suddenly lit up on her head. There was more and more liquid in the corners of her eyes, and some of it was dripping. On the floor, but no blood-red flowers bloomed.

Is this? Tears?? Sona realized then that the liquid in the corner of her eyes was not blood, but tears. Apparently it had lost control and was pouring out like an open reservoir.

This is no longer not about driving irregularly and causing relatives to burst into tears. This is simply Zu An's inability to stop saying that his relatives are looking at Lushan Mountain! The tears in the corners of Sona's eyes were like a waterfall that flowed down three thousand feet and couldn't stop.

What did you do to me! Although she didn't know why she was crying, the situation obviously couldn't get any worse, and Sona had to ask Loki for the antidote.

Loki didn't reply. He was also wondering why he was dancing. Isn't it embarrassing? leave! But it’s so cool! The brainwashing melody BGM that he has never heard before is playing repeatedly in his brain. No matter what, he can't remember who he is!

Just like that, the atmosphere in the room became scary and weird. A long-haired man in green clothes was dancing wildly, and a girl sitting on the ground next to her covered her face and cried, but she cried silently.

In the end, it was Loki who stopped first. Like the seniors who had been hit before, he collapsed on the floor from exhaustion, like a puddle of soft mud.

Sona's tears were still pouring out, and the clothes on her chest were wetted by the tears, which was very uncomfortable. I think everyone knows why her chest was wetted instead of the floor.

The magician in front of her has fainted, and she shouldn't be able to ask anything for the time being. Sona wants to change her clothes first.

She walked to the closet and quickly opened the closet door. Sona, who was only thinking about getting clothes, didn't notice anything else. She picked up a SHIELD uniform and walked towards the bathroom.

It wasn't that Loki's self-aiming magic failed, but just when the Scroll of All Transformations was about to stick to Sona, a blue-purple ball suddenly appeared behind Sona, and even Sona herself didn't notice it.

The rune fragments of the witchcraft runes and the sphere of nullification made Sona successfully immune to the magical effects of the Scroll of All Transformations.

But Loki's self-aiming magic was not immune, and he responsibly started looking for targets nearby...

After changing clothes in the bathroom, Sona looked at herself in the mirror. There were two obvious tears on her fair and tender face. Her intoxicating blue eyes were now very beautiful due to the red eyes from crying. Fortunately, Sona didn't have the habit of wearing makeup. There was no such thing as makeup for crying. She felt like she was almost dehydrated from crying.

No man in the world can refuse these four things, lolita acting like a spoiled child, girls crying, royal sisters seducing them, and cool sports cars that can turn into Autobots (if you are a man, just do Transformers!)

Still squeezing tears from her eyes, Sona clenched her fists, and even a piece of the tile on the sink was broken off. She was going to let Loki know today that only sad stories can make a lady cry. How sad, how sad!


The editor slapped the author on the face and said viciously: Why are you pestering the readers?

Author: Because I like him!

Editor: Fart! Do you mean you like it? You are just coveting other people's monthly tickets and recommendation votes! You are despicable!

Volume 1: Chapter 50 It’s your own fault

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