Buddhist country.

Inside the inn.

Two taciturn men in black sat facing each other by the window.

One person's ID is [Tianyang], with a level as high as 61. He maintained an indifferent face throughout the whole process, covering half of his face with a hood, and his slanted bangs also covered the left side of his face, just like the younger brother.

One person's ID is [Tianlong], and his level is also as high as level 62. He is like a handsome young man, with a spring breeze smile on his face, and the corners of his mouth are unconsciously pulled up, showing a standard fake smile. He is so friendly that people unconsciously pull the corners of his mouth too. From now on, I can't help but start to imitate.

The two of them ignored the ghost meal on the table.

Instead, he looked out the window casually.

View from here.

You can just see the people watching melon-eating and the scene inside the temple not far away.

In the inn, many ghost customers also looked at this movement and sneered with ridicule and disdain.

Hehehehe, the Lin family has given birth to a good daughter. She takes care of the Buddha's son. This must be the hundredth time that she has been rejected after showing her love. How pitiful.

Indeed, the Lin family was originally just a four-star supernatural place selling Buddhist incense. It was like an ant in the Buddhist country. Anyone could step on it, but who made the Buddha fall in love with the young lady at first sight? , not only gave her fame, but also helped her develop business, and in a short period of time, she helped her family transform into a five-star supernatural place, and I’m afraid it’s not far away from a six-star one.”

Does Zhenfo Temple really have no objections? The Buddha from the Buddhist country has humbly licked the young lady for five years, and this is still the case even when the young lady showed disgust. I even suspect that the Buddha has been lowered. .”

Tsk, who told Buddha to be affectionate, hahahaha.


The inn burst into laughter.

So lively.

They had seen this kind of drama countless times in the past five years, and they had already lost their respect for this Buddhist man who was known as the Ultimate Dog Licker.

Looking at each other is like looking at a clown.

these remarks.

It also made [Tianlong] and [Tianyang] look at each other frequently.

Brother Tianyang released the ghost realm, isolated the sound, and said coldly: Are these players really useful? There is not much time left before the return of the True Buddha. We don't have much time.

Tianlong paused.

There was still a professional fake smile on his face, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. It's useful. Now we need to establish a good relationship with the real Buddhists. Although this group of players is mixed, they are already the top group in the world. , they have countless supernatural trump cards, and with their help, our ending can be rewritten.

Now, let's wait for the fake Buddha to spit out the classic dog-licking remarks to verify what we said. When the time comes, these players will naturally believe us.

Tianlong took a sip of tea.

at this time.

New content has appeared in the chat interface.

[Wang Quan: The fake Buddhist son you mentioned has broken off the engagement. 】


Tianlong took a sip of tea and spit it out.

It just happened to pour all over the little brother opposite.

Tianyang:? ? ?


Tianlong didn't seem to notice it at all, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

Broken off the engagement!?

He stood up suddenly, his voice becoming shrill.

He stared through the window.

Brother Tianyang was also stunned for a moment.

Then he reacted.

His expression changed.

Fake Buddhist, broke off the engagement?

What a joke.

The plot actually didn't match up.

This is impossible.

Brother Tianyang's mind was spinning fast, and he no longer cherished words like gold, but murmured: If my memory is correct, in the last life, at this time, the fake Buddha should have been rejected after showing love, and continued to kneel and lick. The eldest lady couldn't bear it anymore and chose to go out. Then she met a grassroots person and gradually became the protagonist of the ghost general of the Buddhist country. The two expressed their feelings to each other and joined forces to fight against the fake Buddha.

Due to the supernatural influence, the fake Buddha was soft-hearted and let the protagonist go, allowing the other party to grow stronger. When he realized that something was wrong and wanted to take action, the protagonist had grown enough to arm-wrestle with the fake Buddhist. Finally, in repeated confrontations, the protagonist The true Buddhist disciple’s identity was exposed and the fake Buddhist disciple was killed in one fell swoop.”

Tianlong's face was solemn and he nodded, It's not wrong, my memory is the same. The previous life was similar, except that the protagonist's identity became a little monk. It was the same in the previous life. The eldest lady was the anchor of the protagonist. coordinates, whoever has the closest relationship with her will most likely be a true Buddhist.

But now... the fake Buddhist son has actually broken off the engagement.

Finished this sentence.

Neither of them spoke.

They all saw the restlessness in each other's eyes.

Because once the plot goes awry, the ones who will be most affected are the players who are trying to survive in humble circumstances.

They want to know whether the plot of the 100th reincarnation has changed, or whether there is something wrong with the fake Buddha.

the other side.

Inside the temple.

The whole place was in an uproar.

Fozi actually wants to break off his engagement with the eldest lady of the Lin family?

Everyone was shocked.

I suspect I heard something wrong.

The licking dog that has been licking without a bottom line for five years is about to wake up today?

real or fake.

Or is this some kind of hard-to-get trick?

What else did Shen Jian plan to say.

The scarlet panel has already emerged first.

[Side mission has been triggered. 】

[Side mission: Maintain the initial identity of the character and let the plot continue normally. 】

[Note: The current side tasks are in the same system as the main task. If you reject this task, the main task will automatically fail. 】

[Note: Players are asked to complete their own plot. 】

Shen Jian glanced at it.

A sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Threaten him with mission failure?

After all, it is more of a thriller game based on Buddhism. Once it is discovered that the plot is going wrong, human intervention will be made to fix it to ensure that the plot points are as expected.

This means that there was no intervention from the Buddhist kingdom. He used Ksitigarbha's head as a racket on the spot.

Think about it.

Shen Jian looked at his second privilege as the ultimate heir to the thriller game.

[Second privilege: The main line and side tasks can be modified, and random tasks can be released for players to complete at will. 】


Shen Jian directly used his privileges.

Modified side quests.

[Side mission: Break off the engagement (revised)]

[Content: I am no longer a licker. I want to be a wolf warrior. 】

[Reward: The initial favorability of people around Buddha will be +20. 】


Shen Jian was still a little dissatisfied.

Because he originally planned to change the mission reward to Buddha Kingdom's initial favorability + max, but he didn't expect that he couldn't change it, and could only fluctuate up or down based on the original reward.

And at the same time.

A line of scarlet text suddenly appeared in front of the 34 players headed by Wang Quan.

[Random mission has been activated. 】

[Random mission: Correct the plot. 】

[Content: Interrupt the drama of breaking off the engagement and ask Fozi to take back the order. 】

[Note: Due to special circumstances, the reward has been displayed. 】

[Reward: The Buddha's light is strong and you can join any Buddhist temple. 】

See this.

All the players took a deep breath.

Damn it!

Let Fozi take back the order to cancel the engagement?

You are making trouble on horseback.

If we had such ability, why would we be here to take advantage of it?

Your uncle’s thriller game, aren’t you looking too high on us?

When I thought about rushing forward, I would probably be stared at by the unhappy Buddha. Their soles of their feet would feel like they were rooted to the ground, and they would not dare to move at all.

Not to mention that the reward is not attractive enough, even if they were directly promised to clear the dungeon by completing this task, they would not dare.

This thriller game is so bad.

Whoever wants to go can go, but they won’t go anyway.


Shen Jian withdrew his gaze.

Looking at Lin Yanxi, the female ghost in the red dress who seemed to have not yet recovered from her trance, her eyes were full of teasing, but she didn't show it at all. She said calmly: What? Didn't you hear clearly? I will come to you in person later to relieve you. This is a joke engagement.

And declare in the Buddhist Kingdom that we no longer have any relationship with your Lin family.

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone inside and outside the temple was shocked again.

This doesn't seem like a joke.

Once Fozi really breaks off the engagement and no longer has anything to do with the Lin family, the Lin family, a quasi-six-star supernatural place that has risen rapidly relying on Fozi's name and connections, will become a hot topic and be used by a large number of ghosts and gods above. coveted by existence.

Nothing else.

The Lin family is too fat.

In the past five years, Fozi has given away countless rare and supernatural objects, and also unconditionally given part of the property under the Zhenfo Temple as betrothal gifts to the Lin family. The Lin family has made a lot of money.

Not to mention one or two ghosts and gods, even if ten or twenty ghosts and gods divide it up, they will still be full of oil.

One can imagine.

How prodigal is Fozi, and how rich are the Lin family's supernatural resources?

at this time.

Many people on the field already had some ideas.

Hehe laughed.

Only Lin Yanxi, the female ghost in the red dress, didn't care about this at all. She only knew that Fuzi agreed to break off the engagement.

She could finally stay with her Bai Yueguang forever.


She seemed to be afraid that Shen Jian would regret it.

He took out the marriage certificate from his body.

The names of Lin Yanxi and Buddha are written on them respectively.

This is a blessing and a curse at the same time.

Once the name signed in the marriage book comes into close contact with other people of the opposite sex, or even engages in sexual intercourse, the supernatural curse will break out, causing the ghost who violates the rules to die on the spot.

You agreed, then please ask Buddha to relieve this curse.

Shen Jian did not hesitate.

He tore up the marriage certificate immediately.

The joking look on his face became more intense: Okay, I'll tell you the Lin family when I get back later. Remember to hand over the money you took from my True Buddhist Temple.

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